Oct 5 2010

Piedmont’s 2010-2014 General Plan Housing Element

Piedmont was assigned the goal of 40 new housing units by 2014: 13 for very low income residents, 10 for low income residents, 11 for moderate income residents and 6 for above moderate income residents. > Click to read more…

Oct 4 2010

Opinion: The Cost of Building and Maintaining Piedmont Sports Fields By Ralph Catalano and Randolph Wedding

How much should Piedmont city taxpayers subsidize the cost of building and maintaining sports fields used primarily by private sports clubs?

By Ralph Catalano and Randolph Wedding, Piedmont residents.
(The following expresses the personal opinions of the authors.  All statements made therein are the opinion of the authors and not necessarily those of the Piedmont Civic Association.)

Americans value universal K-12 education so highly that we rarely impose fees on students or their families to recoup the cost of building and maintaining local schools. Most communities also encourage young people to exercise by providing public parks without charge for unscheduled play. More controversy arises, however, when communities decide how much to subsidize private, organized sports clubs, which generally take priority over non-organized use or casual impromptu activities. > Click to read more…

Sep 21 2010

Piedmont Avenue Library in a Trailer?

Oakland Public LibraryEither the Branch Library of the Oakland Public Library on Piedmont Avenue will be eliminated or it will move into a trailer. > Click to read more…

Sep 17 2010

Piedmont Celebrates New Havens Elementary School

Update: A dedication ceremony honoring Mark Becker and Andrew Ball will be held on Sunday, October 17th. Details on location and time will be available shortly.

A century after Piedmont’s first school was dedicated on the site donated by Frank C. Havens, the community came to see the handsome new version.  The 2010 design by Mark Becker echos the original Albert Farr architecture in its vocabulary of tile roofs, ironwork, large arched windows, lanterns, murals and even a square tower above the administration offices.
> Click to read more…

Sep 12 2010

Library Access: New Options

The City of Piedmont now has an opportunity to consider how library service funds of up to $350,000 can be best utilized.  > Click to read more…

Sep 1 2010

The ABC’s of Undergrounding

What mechanisms and funding sources are available to Piedmont for undergrounding its utilities?

Undergrounding may be accomplished in a number of ways – through a city-wide undergrounding program using various sources of funding, or through three different types of undergrounding districts funded by homeowners privately and/or PG&E monies. > Click to read more…

Aug 24 2010

Commentary on recent closings of pools at PSC

Commentary by Jon Sakol, Piedmont resident, on the recent closing of  the pools at the Piedmont Swim Club with his Letter to the Editor in response to Josh Bernstein’s recently published comments — as submitted to PCA, The Piedmonter and Piedmont Post. > Click to read more…