Aug 5 2011

Controversy Continues For and Against Moraga Canyon Projects

Since the City Council in March approved the the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for development of Blair Park for sports fields and Coaches Field for lighting and artificial turf, controversy over Piedmont’s Moraga Canyon Sport Fields proposal has not abated. 

Between March and August, no public hearings have been held by the Council on the project. But Council members have said informally they expect to hold a public hearing on the revised final project plans in September.  Meanwhile, the Council may have met in closed session to discuss potential litigation on the project, but the Brown Act does not require public disclosure of the nature of potential litigation discussed. > Click to read more…

Jul 15 2011

PRFO Submits More Blair Park Plans, But No Cost Estimates

In response to a public records request made on June 25th, the City provided the final master plans and traffic calming measures for the proposed Blair Park sports complex, which were submitted to the City by project architect Clarence Mamuyac three months ago, on April 1. Additional information was submitted by Mamuyac on April 7 and May 10.  To date, the City has not officially released any of the final plans to the general public; nor has the City Council set a date for a “final” public hearing on the proposed development.

Cost estimates for the construction, operation and maintenance of the project, which the Council requested in March, have not yet been provided by Piedmont Recreational Facilities Organization  (PRFO), the project proponent.

> Click to read more…

Jul 3 2011

Will the City Council Require any Specific Library Services?

On June 28 and 30 Oakland’s City Council approved a budget for the 2011-2013 fiscal years that reportedly keeps all Oakland Public branch libraries open during that time period.  But does that really include the Piedmont Avenue library? > Click to read more…

Jun 16 2011

School Board News! June 8, 2011

  • Lease-Lease Back Agreement approved for Beach Elementary School
  • New appointments to Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, PHS Principal, PHS Assistant Principal, and PMS Assistant Principal
  • PowerPoint Presentation on Teacher Evaluation Process Recommendations

    And more – read the full report from June Monach > Click to read more…

    Jun 6 2011

    Sacramento Demands More Low to Very-Low Income Housing Units in Piedmont

    On Monday, June 6, at 7:30 pm, the Piedmont City Council is expected to accept staff recommendations to change the City’s General Plan Housing Element. The proposed changes include increasing housing density in areas of Piedmont zoned for multi-family housing (Zone C) and commercial (Zone D).

    The language submitted for approval will require the Council to review an annual report from the Piedmont Planning Department analyzing the number of units added to Piedmont’s housing stock and the number for low-income or very low-income occupants.  If the City Council does not find a sufficient number have been built, the Council commits to reduce requirements for Zones C (multi-family) and D (commercial) or ask the Piedmont voters to amend the City Charter to approve zoning changes to permit more housing units in Piedmont.

    Barry Miller, Piedmont’s Housing Element consultant reports, “HCD suggested the City create additional incentives for multi-family development, such as prohibiting single family homes in the multi-family zoning district and raising the maximum lot coverage standard in the multi-family zone.” > Click to read more…

    Jun 3 2011

    Opinion – “No Need to Cross Moraga Avenue?”

    A resident’s response to Piedmont Soccer Club President Mark Landheer’s letter in the Piedmont Post:

    Piedmont Post Editor,

    I am relieved by PSC President Mark Landheer’s May 25 Post letter stating, Kids at Blair Park will not cross Moraga Avenue.” The unsafe traffic mitigation proposed by ELS will no longer be necessary. > Click to read more…

    May 31 2011

    $1.1 Million More Proposed for Kids’ Sports Field

    Capital Improvement Projects Recommendation Highlights:

    • $1.1 million for artificial turf and lights at Coaches Playfield (85% of available funding)
    • $200,000 split among 4 other projects.
    • Public input on use of remaining half of church building – 801 Magnolia

    > Click to read more…

    May 24 2011

    Piedmont Budget Workshop Highlights

    The following provides highlights from the May 21,2011 Piedmont City Council Budget Workshop (not intended to be a complete summary).  Due to a shortage of time at the workshop, the Administrative/KCOM budget was not presented and will be discussed on June 6th at the regular City Council meeting. All statements refer to Fiscal Year 2011-12, unless otherwise noted.

    The FY 11-12 Proposed Budget will receive further Council consideration and provide an opportunity for the public to participate on June 6. Final approval is expected on June 20, 2011.


    Piedmont’s Property Tax and Parcel Tax revenue will continue to remain relatively constant, as has been the case throughout recent difficult years, generating approximately $9 million and $1.5 million, respectively.

    After dropping in FY 08-09 and 09-10, the Real Property Transfer Tax has recovered in FY 10-11.  It is expected to remain steady at $2.5 million.

    The total proposed budget is $21.6 million.  Proposed expenditures exceed revenues by $142,000. > Click to read more…

    May 19 2011

    Opinion: Gift Costs Piedmont $300,000 – So Far

    Comment during Open Forum at the Recreation Commission meeting of May 18, 2011:

    The Recreation Commission’s contribution is so vital to Piedmont. Our town’s excellent recreational facilities are a testament to the job you do. I have lived in Piedmont for a very long time and there have seen so many additional sports facilities brought on line.  The downside of this expansion is the loss of mixed-use facilities, such as Linda Beach.   Family and passive recreational opportunities have been entirely superseded by organized sports clubs. > Click to read more…

    May 19 2011

    Hazard Mitigation Plan Draws Detailed Comment

    A letter to the Fire Department requests additions to Piedmont’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan prior to approval and submission to FEMA > Click to read more…