Jan 9 2012

City Council Candidates Discuss Issue 1: Spending Priorities

The PCA posed a series of 10  questions to candidates for the Piedmont City Council in the upcoming election on February 7.   Following are the candidates’ entire responses to question #1:

 If the Council concluded it was necessary to cut $1 million in annual expense from the 2012-13 budget, how would you advocate achieving this? > Click to read more…

Jan 9 2012

City Council Candidates Discuss Issue 10: $500,000 in Park Bond Funds

The PCA posed a series of 10  questions to candidates for the Piedmont City Council in the upcoming election on February 7.   Following are the candidates’ entire responses to question #10:

The City of Piedmont is eligible for approximately $500,000 in East Bay Regional Park WW bond funds.  How would you like to see this money spent?  (Identify up to 3 projects of priority.) > Click to read more…

Jan 6 2012

Opinion: Criticizing the Person or the Policy?

Piedmont Resident Objects to Letter in Piedmont Post

Dear Editor:

I have just read the letter by Guy Saperstein in the 12/21/11 edition of the Piedmont Post and find it to be inaccurate, misguided and mean spirited.  It requires a response. Why does Mr. Saperstein feel the need to make personal attacks on someone who is willing to give his time, expertise, and energy to improve the fiscal and civic health of our city? > Click to read more…

Dec 22 2011

Protest at Home of Piedmont resident

Demonstrators Oppose Development on Land in Clear Lake –

On Saturday, December 17, a peaceful protest was directed against a Piedmont resident. Approximately 35-45 supporters of the Elem tribe walked from Lakeview Branch Library to Piedmont Park and then up to the home of the Piedmont resident.   According to another local resident, the protest, which included supporters from Occupy Oakland, was an attempt to stop the approved development of a home on Rattlesnake Island in Clear Lake on land owned by the Indians approximately 140 years ago.  

The tribe was supported by Oakland Occupy, which announced the protest on its website as follows:  “Saturday 12 noon:  Demonstration – meet at the Grand Lake Theater and march to Piedmont to (resident’s)  home to protest vacation homes being built on sacred land at Rattlesnake Island.”   Although Occupy Oakland describes the land as “sacred” in its announcement, archeological studies determined there were no historical items on the site and it was not a burial site.

In forum discussion on the Occupy Oakland website, some individuals have urged more generalized marches on Piedmont.  See here. Protests at homes in Piedmont have occurred occasionally in the past.  The narrow streets and residential nature of most areas in Piedmont have once more raised the potential for an ordinance limiting protests to the commercial center of town.

See related article.

Dec 19 2011

New Sewer Tax Surcharge: Arguments For and Against

Surcharge Would Raise Sewer Tax 50 percent –

A proposed Measure A tax surcharge will raise Piedmont residents’ total annual sewer tax from a range of $471 – $849 up to a range of $707 – $1,274, depending on residential lot size.  (See chart below.) 

The official voter guide arguments for and against Measure A are shown below.  The “pro” argument states that additional funds are needed to maintain, monitor, and complete the rehabilitation of the City’s sewer system. It notes passage of the surcharge was unanimously recommended by the Municipal Tax Review Committee.  The “con” argument states that the surcharge is unnecessary because it merely speeds up completion of sewer rehabilitation (to 2018 rather than 2023) and the city can comply with EPA requirements with existing sewer revenues. It further asserts that the sewer parcel tax is not tax deductible. > Click to read more…

Dec 19 2011

Historic Headstones Damaged at Mountain View Cemetery

Oakland Heritage Alliance Complains to Cemetery Management –

A copy of the following letter to Jeff Lindeman, Director of Mountain View Cemetery, dated December 14, 2011, was sent to the Piedmont City Council.   > Click to read more…

Dec 7 2011

Council Approves Blair Park Project 4 to 1

The proponents, Piedmont Recreational Facilities Organization (PRFO), made a polished presentation at the December 5 Council meeting resulting in a 4-1 vote for approving a new sports complex at Blair Park.  Council Member Keating voted against the project, while Council Members Barbieri, Chiang, Fujioka, and Wieler voted in favor.

> Click to read more…

Dec 5 2011

Opinion: Rolling the Dice on Blair Park

The following is a letter sent to the Piedmont City Council by a Piedmont resident –

Moving forward with Blair Park amounts to rolling the dice.  What is gained by the gamble is clear.  The organized soccer teams will get a large, artificial turf playing field that will allow them more practice time.  > Click to read more…

Dec 3 2011

New Correspondence and City Administrator Grote’s Recommendations on Moraga/Blair

City Administrator Weighs In:  Thumbs Up for Moraga/Blair Park and Thumbs Down for Coaches Turf/Lights –

Numerous letters have been submitted in anticipation of the upcoming December 5 hearing on the Piedmont Recreation Facilities Organization (PRFO) proposal to develop Blair Park into a youth recreation play field.   The pro correspondence focuses on a desire for local grassy play facilities alleviating the need for travel.  The con correspondence points out pedestrian and vehicular safety issues and taxpayer impacts.  Many neighboring residents voiced specific concerns.  LINK:  all Moraga/Blair Park materials

The City Administrator, Geoffrey Grote, recommends approval of the Blair Park construction if adequate mechanisms for funding and protection from legal liabilities are in place.  He recommends denial of public funding of $650,000 for artificial turf and lighting for Coaches field at the current time due to substantial unfunded costs associated with water runoff and the City’s overall financial uncertainties. Read the full report . . . > Click to read more…

Dec 1 2011

Opinion: Candidate’s Stance on Blair Park

An Open Letter from Candidate Tim Rood Regarding His Position on Blair Park –

A recent letter to the Piedmont Post  inaccurately characterized my position regarding the proposed sports complex at Blair Park. I’d like to take this opportunity to set the record straight.

As a longtime soccer parent (as well as baseball and softball) I am completely sympathetic to the desire for additional field space in town and understand that the lease for the fields currently > Click to read more…