Apr 22 2015

Hampton Field and Tennis Courts Concerns Expressed to Recreation Commission

Piedmont High School students report on the April 15, 2015 Recreation Commission Meeting

Marley Bratman reports:

On April 15th at 7:30 p.m, the Piedmont Recreation Commission kicked off their monthly meeting by honoring Terry London, a long time Commission member who is retiring. The Recreation Commission has the job of advising the City Council concerning the renovation or creation of recreation facilities as well as making decisions regarding Piedmont field use allocations. 

Shortly after the celebration for London, the Commission moved onto their first topic, the renovation of Hampton Field.  Mark Feldkamp, a member of the staff, discussed the changes Hampton Field will face in the month of June regarding the new and improved drainage, tennis courts, basketball courts, and turf fields. Currently, there are not enough drains to dry the fields quickly, the basketball and tennis courts are cracked, and Hampton Field is the only field in Piedmont with out an artificial turfed field.

Due to expenses on the Hampton Field renovation being high, Feldkamp proposed a two-stage process. The first stage would cost over $507,000, focusing on the hardscape areas while the second stage would cost around $700,000 to $800,000, focusing on the field, benches, and entry areas.

Piedmont High School student and private tennis instructor, Daniel Lin, included his input on the public forum concerning the central Piedmont tennis courts. Lin said that the lights do not illuminate the courts enough once it gets dark and the area around the courts is not large enough.  Recreation Director Sara Lillevand responded to Lin’s concerns saying that she and her staff members are completely aware of these problems and the Piedmont courts are up next to be resurfaced and fixed.

Next up on the public forum, Piedmont High student and track and field member, Gates Zheng, spoke about his issues regarding the nets put up around the turf at Witter Field. Zheng said he thinks the nets are not high enough and do not keep lacrosse and soccer balls from hitting people running along the track. I am a lacrosse player and I agree that these nets are not high enough because our team loses too many balls when we have practice and games. Higher nets around the turf would fix this problem for both track teams and lacrosse teams.

Once the public forum came to a close, Commissioner Betsy Andersen addressed a CIP update, which stands for capital improvement projects. Currently there are several projects related to the Piedmont Community Hall. There is a request for a renovation of the plaza where many large events are held in addition to installing terraces for indoor/outdoor space. There is also a request to renovate the amphitheater, which is located on the other side of the Community Hall.

The last topic the Recreation Commission covered was who to honor with the Betty C Howard Award, which honors outstanding contributions to Piedmont recreation. The Commission decided on Ray Deranger, an eight-year event employee, who always pleases everyone’s requests. The second person they decided should win the award was retiring Commissioner Terry London because of all the hard work he has dedicated to the Recreation Commission.

After the meeting was adjourned, I spoke with Chair Stephen Mills. Mills used to be a commisioner on the Piedmont Park Commission, but recently became a part of the Recreation Commission. Mills stated, “I love Piedmont and enjoy working with the community.” He is pleased that he can help fix the concerns and problems addressed by his fellow Piedmont citizens. Mills was fascinated by the Dracena Park project when he was apart of the Park Commission and is now looking forward to the Hampton Project being put forth.

April 15th Recreation Commission Meeting report by Piedmont High School Student Daniel Lin:

On April 15th, 2015, I attended a Recreation Commission meeting at the City Hall in Piedmont. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss upcoming recreational changes that the city would undergo. The Commission meets at least once per month.

Some of the major issues discussed at the meeting involved updating Hampton Field, acquiring money to fund new projects such as renovating the Community Hall Plaza, renovating the amphitheater on the other side of the hall, building terraces behind the community hall, adding lights and making Coaches Field bigger, potentially adding a beach volleyball court next to Beach Field, and improvement of the aquatics center.

While I was listening to the meeting, I found that nobody on the Commission or in the audience spoke out against any of these issues that were discussed. Instead, everyone on the Commission spoke in favor of them. One of the major issues that was discussed was the renovation of Hampton Field.

I personally am in favor of the Hampton Field renovation. Although a total of approximately $1.3 million will be put forth in order to complete this renovation, I still feel that it should be done. When I was still in elementary school, I often played tennis and baseball at Hampton Field. And often times, I would slip and fall in the mud on rainy days. In addition, the cracks on the tennis courts made my playing experience not very good. Therefore, I am in favor of the renovation of Hampton Field where all natural turf will be added and the tennis courts will finally be resurfaced.

After the meeting, I interviewed Kim Hebert, one of the Recreation Commissioners. She is on the commission because she wants to “improve the recreation facilities.” Her next steps in order to reach this goal will be to raise money and funding in order to improve all of the facilities that are currently in use.

During the meeting, I spoke out during the public forum and discussed some of the changes I would like to see happen to the tennis courts within Piedmont. I talked about how the lights at the high school courts were not powerful enough at night and hindered play, how the courts at Beach School should be resurfaced and renovated as there are many hazards surrounding them, and how the tennis courts at Hampton Field should be resurfaced as they have not been for many years now.


April 15 Recreation Commission Meeting report by Max Atchison:

On April 15, 2015 the colorful and fast paced Piedmont Recreation Commission held a meeting in the Piedmont City Hall. This meeting was held to catch up on some small issues the commission had recently addressed, suggest improvements to the center of town, to honor a retiring Recreation Commission member, and primarily to discuss the update of Hampton Field that is to be renovated soon.

The meeting began with all of the department members thanking their colleague Terry London for six years of great work.  The meeting then proceeded by introducing Terry’s replacement, Steve Roland and electing a new chair and vice chair for the commission, Stephen Mills as the Chair and Betsy Anderson as the Vice Chair.

Then the bulk of the meeting was came up and the Commission began discussing their new project of updating Hampton Field. They discussed the financing as well as the timing and exactly what was being done.

After hearing the group discuss the updated drainage system, turf field, and updates to the tennis and basketball courts, it was at this point when I spoke to the board in supporting the movement to update Hampton Field, letting them know that as a child who played on Piedmont Baseball and Soccer teams at that field I knew that not only was the drainage a significant issue but also that the baseball field and surrounding courts are all in dire need of an update. I was thanked for my contribution.

Some of my classmates spoke on issues at Witter Field, regarding the safety of the track team from foul balls being hit from the baseball field, and on how the lighting as well as court quality at many tennis courts in the city also call for renovations. After these statements, the Recreation Commission said that they were aware of all of these issues and are trying their best to update as many facilities in the city as possible.

The meeting then concluded with the Commission members discussing changes that they believe should be made to the center of town to increase recreational activities.

The meeting then concluded at which point I approached Recreation Director Sara Lillevand for an interview. She seemed to want to keep the interview short and sweet and told me that she was there simply as the director of the meeting and that her responsibility in that position is to help create the Commission’s agenda and that everything that happens in the meeting is something she is concerned with.

Editors’ Note: Opinions expressed are those of the authors.
Sep 27 2014

Hampton Field, WW Funds, Linda Kingston Triangle October 1

Park Commission Meeting – Wednesday, October 1, 5:30 p.m. City Hall, 120 Vista Avenue.  The meeting will be live streamed on the City website and broadcast on Channel 27.  This public meeting will be recorded and minutes will be produced.

The Park Commission will receive an update on Measure WW funding based on Council action.  Linda-Kingston Triangle landscaping plans will be updated.  A drought update on EBMUD’s revised water restrictions will be provided.

The status of Hampton Field construction drawings will be considered.

At the September 15 City Council meeting, it was indicated by staff that work on plans for Blair Park has continued and there are some cost estimate revisions.  This item is not on the Park Commission’s October agenda.

Sep 20 2014

Council Moves Forward to Spend $507,325 on Hampton Field Courts and Drainage

No longer under consideration are a senior facility, Piedmont Aquatic Center, Blair Park, expansion of Coaches Field and numerous other projects.  

At the September 15, 2014 City Council meeting, three of the City Council members voted to accept the limited list of 5 projects proposed for use of $507,325 in voter approved WW East Bay Regional Park bond money. This Piedmont entitlement is annually paid for by each property owner in the amount of $10 per $100,000 appraised value.

The Council singled out one project, hardscape and partial drainage control at Hampton Field, specifically for the tennis and basketball courts.  The area has been in need of safety improvements for years.

IMG_8249 Hampton Tennis Courts cracks 4/11

Various speakers addressed transparency and selection criteria by the Capital Improvement Projects Review Committee (CIP).  Some noted they had been present at the meetings and found them transparent. The meetings were open to the public, however only those present at the meetings had the advantage of knowing how decisions were reached, as there are no recordings of the meetings, minutes, or broadcasts of the proceedings.

The  screening criteria chosen by the CIP Committee was:

 Is the project “shovel ready”?  

Two projects met this criteria. Hampton Field and Blair Park; however, Blair Park improvements were not on the list because it was determined by the Committee to be too controversial.  Construction plans are available for Blair and Hampton.

 Does the project require an extensive CEQA review process?

Both Hampton Field and Blair Park have met CEQA requirements. The projects are not considered a change of use.

 Has the project been fully vetted and likely to be supported by Piedmont residents?

Hampton Field has long been on the list of projects.  Blair Park continues to fester in the community according to committee members and others who want the park to be used for purposes other than the Council approved Phase I Maintenance plan.

 Does the project enhance revenue generation for the City of Piedmont?

Measure WW is being paid for by taxpayers making some question the criteria of commercializing recreation and park projects as a money source.

 Are there possibilities for a public/private partnership that the City has used so successfully in the past?

This criteria appears to apply to all proposals.

 Is it possible to phase the project?

This criteria could apply to most proposals.

Tim Rood was the only Council member to vote against proceeding until further information had been developed.  He disagreed with use of WW funds in a manner designed to produce income as not in keeping with original bond language and wanted the process to be more transparent.

Old wounds continue with Blair Park.  Controversy was used as a reason not to improve the park. 

CIP Chair John Wilson stated that Blair Park was eliminated from the list because of controversy in the community.  This was further emphasized by Vice Mayor Jeff Wieler, who did not want the money spent there, despite prior Council approval of a Phase I Maintenance project.  He noted that according to those opposed to the failed Sports Complex Proposal, there was no safe way to get pedestrians to the park when crossing Moraga Avenue.

Former Councilmember Garrett Keating spoke to the list and noted that Blair Park was not found on the list despite Council approval of a Phase I Maintenance project to improve the park.  He stated controversy was not a specified criteria.  Later in the meeting, Rood described prior Council action including resolution numbers prescribing actions to fund and improve Blair Park.

No public input.

Without benefit of public comment on the elimination of projects, the Council moved ahead to remove projects from the CIP Committee list.

A new entrance to Dracena Park was the first to fall, with comments such as: the public had not been involved; and there was no Master Plan.  This idea had come from staff member Mark Feldkamp.  Next, went renovation of the Recreation Department and adjacent play structure.  Again, there was no Master Plan for the projects and some thought any changes should await improvements suggested for the Aquatic Center/ Piedmont Pool.

Improvements to the Court Yard next to the Community Center was met with ideas of fundraising, rather than using WW funds.

The last project standing was Hampton Field.

All Council members present approved moving ahead with Hampton Field. The thought was to focus on “one signature project” that could be proposed to the East Bay Regional Park District in early 2015 (the next submittal opportunity) for approval, constructed in 2016 or 2017, and receipt of WW funds prior to the entitlement deadline at the end of 2018.

The Hampton tennis courts have been in dangerous disrepair for years and are in need of drainage work to correct design flaws.   This will require retaining wall work, drainage and improved hardscape areas.  A play structure used regularly by the Piedmont Play School was questioned as too expensive and not essential. Regular maintenance of Hampton Field is provided by Cleary Brothers at a cost of approximately $24,000 per year with additional cost incurred during rainy weather when water runs uncontrolled to inappropriate areas.

The softball outfield, known to turn into a marsh during wet weather, is not part of the Hampton Field proposed project. Fundraising may support improvements in the outfield area.

The City has CIP Fund reserves in the amount of approximately $400,000.  This unrestricted source of funding can be used to cover the cost of other projects including maintenance and construction drawings.

There was no mention of opening up the process to a public hearing. Councilmember Bob McBain was absent at the September 15 meeting.

Jun 23 2014

Hampton Field, Tennis Courts, Blair Park, Senior Center ? for Use of $575,000 WW Bond Fund

Transparency once more a question in Piedmont, as meetings are not broadcast and are held in small venues. – 

June 26, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. in the small Council Conference Room in City Hall, a Capital Improvement Projects Review Committee (CIP) meeting will discuss how to spend $507,325 WW Bond money. The meeting is running partially concurrent with a Planning Commission “Town Hall” meeting held in the Police Department Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Both meetings are important to future Piedmont decisions. There will be no broadcast of either meeting. Beginning at 5:30 p.m. the Public Safety Committee will be meeting in the Council Chamber with a long agenda.

The CIP Committee has learned how tight the schedule is to identify, qualify, and complete construction of a project or projects to use Piedmont’s entitlement of $575,000 WW East Bay Regional Park District Ballot measure funds. Piedmont is the only city in the District that has not received its money as no Piedmont project has been put forward. The City staff and CIP Review Committee and City Council are eager to meet the strict deadlines, allowing Piedmont to receive funding without forfeiture of the money.

Projects associated with school uses do not qualify, nor do median strips. “The District requires that the Grantee have authority to use the property for public recreation for at least 25 years of land tenure from the date of Application.”  Read the grant application required documents.

Prior CIP funds have been primarily used for sports facilities – Havens Playground, Coaches Field, Moraga/Blair Park sports complex proposal, and others.  Read the 2011 CIP report.

The City has announced another “regular meeting” of the:

CIP Review Committee

Thursday, June 26, 2014

7:30 p.m.

City Hall Conference Room, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA

The agenda includes:

1. Selection of the Committee Chairperson

2. Discussion of Possible Projects Eligible for Measure WW Funding

Various projects have been mentioned in recent years as ways to spend $575,000 in WW Funds.  Some would not qualify; others might receive approval by the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) Board.

  • Improvements to Blair Park per recently approved plans
  • Improvements to Hampton Field to correct drainage
  • Senior Center, possibly in the 801 Magnolia Ave. – Arts Center extra room
  • Expansion of Coaches Field
  • Bocci Ball court
  • Croquet lawn
  • Correction of tennis court problems at Hampton Field
  • Correction of drainage issues at Dracena Park’s former quarry area

Those with other projects to suggest should attend the meeting. Read a list of ineligible project categories provided to the Committee at the June 19 meeting.

Mar 26 2020

Hampton Park and Sports Field CLOSED Due to Gatherings in Violation of Orders

Effective March 26, 2020, the City of Piedmont has closed Hampton Park (Piedmont Sports Field) until further notice due to community members continuing to gather in violation of both the letter and the spirit of the shelter-in-place orders which have been issued by the county and state.

In order to protect yourselves and the community as a whole, community members must stay home except for absolutely essential needs. While fresh air and exercise are necessary for mental and physical health, please undertake these activities in a way that complies with the spirit of the orders.

John Tulloch, City Clerk, 510-420-3040 

Mar 2 2017

Hampton Park, Aquatics Center, Beach Playfield, Extension of Lights on Oakland Avenue Bridge

    On February 15th, 2017, the Piedmont Recreation Commission held its monthly meeting to discuss the updates and planning for construction projects around the city of Piedmont. The meeting covered construction of Hampton Field, the plan for the Piedmont Pool, Linda Beach Playfield restrictions, and various other proposed projects to improve Piedmont.

    The meeting was called to order and it was announced that the memorial service for Wildwood Elementary School teacher, Andy Weidcamp, would be held on March 8th. Shortly after announcements, a report was given about the Piedmont Community Pool by Aquatics Coordinator Tyler Waespi. The report involved details of activities the pool will be offering throughout the coming year. The medium pool will soon be opening and the Piedmont High School Swim Team will start practice beginning early March, marking the beginning of the pool’s spring season. Additionally, over Spring Break lifeguard training will be held to recruit lifeguards in preparation for the busyness of the pool over summer. Activities such as water polo, water aerobics, and swim lessons will be offered as summer approaches.

    Next, Recreation Director Sara Lillevand brought to discussion the Linda Beach Playfield restrictions, which set limits on when the field could be used by the public. These restrictions were made to allow time for sports programs to use the field that previously used Hampton Field which is currently under construction. It was proposed that public use of the Beach Playfield on Sundays be made permanent and that an additional four hour block of time for public use would also be allowed. Given that there have been no complaints about these changes to the Playfield access, the proposal was passed unanimously by the commissioners.

    The meeting next moved on to an update on Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) given by Commissioner Betsy Smegal Anderson. The CIP is a committee that residents can send ideas to about projects to better the city. It was suggested that the lights along the Piedmont Bridge along Oakland Avenue over Beach Playfield be extended. This project is currently being funded by the CIP and will soon undergo installation.

    Lastly, Director Lillevand gave an update on the construction of Hampton Park and the Aquatics Master Plan Concept. Four to five trees came down behind the basketball courts at Hampton Park during several storms and will delay the target opening date by one week. Hampton Park is set to have its grand opening on March 25th and all are welcome to attend the celebration. The Aquatics Master Plan requires a cost-operative test before a budget can be submitted to the City Council for their consideration.

    After the meeting had come to a close, Recreation Director Sara Lillevand was kind enough to share some of her thoughts about the meeting. She enjoys being a part of these meetings and being able to influence projects that bring positive changes to the city. Having discussed the Hampton Park project on several occasions, she is very excited for its completion and looks forward to the grand opening.

By Ian Dickson, Piedmont High School Senior

Apr 19 2016

Hampton Park, Beach Playfield, Aquatics Master Plan

The Piedmont Recreation Commission will meet on Wednesday, April 20, 2016, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue. Members of the audience to speak to items on and off of the agenda.  The meeting will be broadcast on Cable Channel 27 and live streamed on the City website under “videos.”


  1. Welcome – New Recreation Commissioners: Glyn Burge, Jeff Dorman, Vincent Fisher
  2. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
  3. Approval of Recreation Commission Minutes – February 24, 2016
  4. Review of Recreation Commission Duties and Powers – Piedmont City Code Sec. 25.7
  5. Update – Hampton Park Master Plan
  6. Update – Potential Temporary Changes to Beach Playfield Use Restrictions during Hampton Construction
  7. Update – Aquatics Master Plan
  8. CIP Update
  9. Consideration of Betty C. Howard Awards

Recreation Commission Packet  including draft minutes of February 24, 2016 meeting.

Jan 15 2019

Coaches Field Lights and Pickleball

Recreation Commission Agenda
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
7:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA

Regular Agenda

  1. Approval of Minutes
    a. Joint Park Commission and Recreation Commission Meeting – November 7, 2018
    b. Recreation Commission Meeting – December 19, 2018
  2. Chair’s Report
  3. Consideration of a Report from the Subcommittee on Tennis Court Use and Pickleball Regarding
    a Pickleball Trial at Hampton and Linda Beach Tennis Courts
  4. Presentation of a Conceptual Master Plan for Improvements at Coaches Field by Callander
Jan 9 2019

Pickleball Sharing of Tennis Courts, Lights at Coaches Field

The Recreation Commission will hold their public meeting scheduled on

Wednesday, January 16, 2019, 7:30 p.m., City Hall, 120 Vista Avenue,

at which time the Commission will consider two items for recommendations to the City Council.  See the attachments linked below.

Numerous meetings have been held to discuss and consider ways to provide facilities for the ever growing popularity of Pickleball.  The game has been well received by seniors in Piedmont. Long term future plans for Pickleball were mentioned by a recent speaker as a possibility for Dracena Park or Blair Park.

Plans to improve Coaches Field are proposed to make the recreation space more useful.  The proposal includes the installation of night lighting, pedestrian access, and parking.

Within each public notice below are City contact addresses.


–          Recreation Commission to consider Pickleball Trial at Linda Beach and Hampton Tennis Courts –

1-16-19 RC Public Notice Pickelball Trial

–          Recreation Commission to discuss Conceptual Plan for Improvements at Coaches Field

1-16-19 RC Public Notice Coaches Field Improvements

The City will also host a meeting for Coaches Field neighbors on Wednesday, January 23, 2019, 7:00 p.m. in the Police Department Emergency Operations Center to display and explain the proposals.

May 2 2018

TOUR: Coaches Field Turf and Lights, Linda Beach Park, Veterans Hall: Capital Improvement Projects Tour Saturday May 5

City of Piedmont CIP Review Committee 

Crocker Park, St. James Lanterns, Wildwood Intersection Improvement, Linda Beach Park, Lower Grand Triangle, Coaches Field Turf and Lights, and Veterans Hall are on the tour.   Comparisons will be made by the Committee amongst the various proposals.  


Saturday, May 5, 2018 8:30 a.m. City Hall, 120 Vista Ave. Piedmont, CA

A 10 minute Public Forum will precede the meeting tour.  

Regular Agenda

1. Tour of Sites to be Considered by the CIP Review Committee

8:30 – Tour will meet at City Hall, 120 Vista Ave.

8:40 – 8:55  – Crocker Park Path Improvements (Corner of Crocker Ave. & Hampton Rd.)

9:05 – 9:20 – St. James Lanterns (Corner of La Salle Ave. and St. James Dr.)

9:30 – 9:45 – Wildwood, Winsor, Warfield, and Wallace Aves. Intersection Improvements

9:55 -10:20 – Linda Beach Tot Lot and Park Improvements (Linda Beach Playfield)

10:30-10:45 – Lower Grand Landscape Triangle (Corner of Grand Ave. and Lower Grand Ave.)

10:55-11:10 – Coaches Field Turf and Lighting Improvements (898 Red Rock Rd.)

11:20-11:30 – Veterans Hall (401 Highland Ave.)

(Times are approximate. Map and project descriptions will be available at all tour stops.)  

CIP Review Committee Tour Map_5.5.18

2. Working Lunch at Piedmont City Hall will follow the tour. 

> Citizen Proposals 2018 (1)

coachesfieldmasterplan staff report

READ 2018 Proposal spread sheet DRAFT

“Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the CIP Review Committee are available for public inspection in the Public Works Department during normal business hours.”

According to Nancy Kent, Parks and Project Manager, there is no staff report summarizing the various proposed projects. Information will be provided during the tour for each site.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at (510) 420-3040. Notification at least two business days preceding the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. [28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II]

For additional information, contact Nancy Kent nkent@piedmont.ca.gov – (W) 420-3064

—— Committee Roster ——

Council Liaison: Robert McBain – rmcbain@piedmont.ca.gov – (VM) 420-3048
Staff Liaisons: Chester Nakahara – cnakahara@piedmont.ca.gov – (W) 420-3061 & Nancy Kent – nkent@piedmont.ca.gov – (W) 420-3064

Michael Henn

Susan Herrick

Bobbe Stehr

Jeffrey St. Claire

Piedmont Beautification Foundation Representative – Nancy McHugh

Park Commission Representative – Jim Horner

Recreation Commission Representative – To Be Determined