May 1 2016

Chair and Vice Chair Elected, Minutes will be Timely by May, Hampton Park construction starts in June with completion by mid-October ‘16 or as late as mid-February ‘17

April 20th Piedmont Recreation Commission – 

I sat in on the City of Piedmont Recreation Commission Agenda on April 20, 2016.  The Recreation Commission is a group that meets monthly to discuss the issues pertaining to the Recreation Department of the City of Piedmont.

In this particular meeting the issues addressed were: the election of Chair and Vice Chair, the approval of Recreation Commission Minutes, the Review of Recreation Commission Duties and Powers, an update on the Hampton Park Master Plan, an update about potential temporary changes to Beach Playfield use during Hampton construction, an update to the Aquatics Master Plan, a CIP update, and a consideration of Betty C. Howard Awards.

For the election of Chair, Betsy Andersen was nominated by herself and was supported by the rest of the Commission. As for the Vice Chair, Andersen nominated Brian Cain who was unanimously supported.

For the approval of Recreation Commission Minutes, the Commission seemed to be a month late in terms of having their minutes under control, but Director Sara Lillevand assured the Commission that they would be back on track by next month.

The next order of duty was to review the Recreation Commission Duties and Powers to remind all who are present about the function and role of this commission in our city. Director Lillevand explained that some of the roles were to: consider/recommend programs and facilities for the Recreation Department, and to take care of pertinent matters along with advising the Council on recreational matters.

The update on the Hampton Park Master Plan went as follows: the construction is planned to start in June and is completed in a single phase. Many of the decisions about the rehabilitation have come from the community and general public. Some huge private donations have made the project able to be completed in a single phase. The project is targeted to be completed by mid-October ‘16, but could go as late as mid-February ‘17. At this time, A student named David Monical asked a question about the upkeep of the tennis facilities at Hampton throughout the future to which Director Lillevand responded by saying there will be stricter upkeep of the courts in the future after the project.

The update on the Beach Playfield pertains to how the playfield will be used as overflow space while Hampton is under construction. The Commission was talking about having Beach field open to scheduling on Sundays to alleviate the demand for field space during the construction period. It was at this time that Calvin Polvorosa asked a question about how the construction at Hampton might increase the use of tennis courts around the City and how that was going to be addressed, to which Director Lillevand stated that the Commission had not looked into the issue, but will explore options about that issue in the future as the project progresses.

The Aquatic Master Plan update went over the recent changes to the plans for the pool area and how that was going to go. It was at this time that a student by the name of Liam Bonacum asked what the main issues were concerning the aquatic center right now, to which Lillevand responded by stating that pool space and time were the limiting factors for the present setup.

For the CIP Update, Director Lillevand listed some of the issues that were being addressed, including: an update to coaches playfield, Howard entrance to Beach field, sand volleyball setup below the bridge at Beach, an update, and addition of lights at Dracena Park, and an update to the Community Hall Master Plan.

The next order of business was the nomination of the Betty C. Howard awardS. This award is given to recognize the dedicated staff and volunteers who performed outstandingly over the previous year(s). This year’s employee nominee was Katrina Morris, a Schoolmates employee at Havens Elementary. The Commission unanimously agreed she should be honored based on the recommendation by Director Lillevand. John Morrison, former Piedmont Middle School Principal, was honored for his volunteer contributions.

After the meeting concluded, I spoke with Jeremy Flake from the audience to discuss his involvement with the issues at hand. He said that he was there to see if the update to Hampton would include the basketball courts. Since Director Lillevand stated that the courts will be replaced and/or refurbished, Flake had no need to address with the Commission.

By Calvin Polvorosa, Piedmont High School Senior

Editors’ Note:  Opinions expressed are those of the author.
May 1 2016

City of Piedmont Recreation Commission Meeting,  April 20, 2016

 The City of Piedmont’s Recreation Commission meets once a month to discuss, dispute and hear from the public on anything related to recreation in the City of Piedmont. The meeting began with a ten minute Public Forum. This public forum allows anyone in the audience to bring up a subject they would like to discuss that is not on the meeting agenda. Given the audience was limited to four other Piedmont High School Civics students, a former member of the Recreation Commission and myself, no one chose to speak during the Public Forum.

 The first item on the agenda was the welcoming of the three new Recreation Commissioners: Glyn Burge, Jeff Dorman and Vincent Fisher. After the meeting, I asked Vincent Fisher why he chose to join the Commission and how long he planned to stay. He had just recently moved to Piedmont and was very active in the City Council of his previous town, so he wanted to get involved. He was appointed to a three year term as a Recreation Commissioner and is very excited for what the future held.

 The second agenda item was the vote for the new Chair and Vice Chair of the Recreation Commission, the Chair going to Betsy Andersen and the Vice Chair going to Brian Cain.

 After a few more short agenda items that seemed to be more due diligence than anything, the meeting arrived at its biggest agenda item, an update on the Hampton Park Master Plan. This update was led greatly by the Recreation Director, Sara Lillevand, with a few clarifying questions asked by members of the Commission and audience members like myself.

 The Hampton Park Plan has been a massive work in progress for about ten years and is just now beginning to come to fruition. My older brother actually attended a meeting six years ago that included discussion about the project for this same assignment. The construction is planned to begin in June of this year and be completed in a single phase. The project is hoped to be wrapped up by mid October but could continue as late as mid February. The Hampton Field Renovation is the result of a massive community push for better field space in Piedmont, and has been funded partially by donations.

 The following agenda item pertained to potential changes to the Beach Playfield usage restrictions.  Starting this summer these changes, if made, would be entirely temporary and solely for the purpose of not displacing the users of Hampton Field while it is under construction.

 Agenda item number seven brought up future changes to Piedmont’s Aquatics. No plans have been drafted as of yet, but the Recreation  Commission recognizes the Piedmont Community Pool is where they need to shift their attention next. This seems to be the start of yet another ten year process just like the Hampton Field Project.

 Although it was not seen at this meeting, there is a lot of public disagreement when plans like the Hampton Field or Piedmont Aquatics are brought up. While it is important for the public to shape their community, in my opinion it would be much better for the public to let the City Council make decisions in a timely manner. This way things would get done much quicker and lead to a better Piedmont.

by Rhys Daniel, Piedmont High School Senior

Editors’ Note:  Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Apr 19 2016

The Piedmont Recreation Commission will meet on Wednesday, April 20, 2016, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue. Members of the audience to speak to items on and off of the agenda.  The meeting will be broadcast on Cable Channel 27 and live streamed on the City website under “videos.”


  1. Welcome – New Recreation Commissioners: Glyn Burge, Jeff Dorman, Vincent Fisher
  2. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
  3. Approval of Recreation Commission Minutes – February 24, 2016
  4. Review of Recreation Commission Duties and Powers – Piedmont City Code Sec. 25.7
  5. Update – Hampton Park Master Plan
  6. Update – Potential Temporary Changes to Beach Playfield Use Restrictions during Hampton Construction
  7. Update – Aquatics Master Plan
  8. CIP Update
  9. Consideration of Betty C. Howard Awards

Recreation Commission Packet  including draft minutes of February 24, 2016 meeting.

Mar 17 2016

Do you have a project for Piedmont?

CIP Committee Seeks Resident Proposals and Participation

Deadline for proposals: March. 25th – 5:00 p.m. City Hall

The Capital Improvement Projects Review Committee (CIP) is soliciting proposals for new city projects which would enhance our community. Ideas submitted by individuals, community organizations and City Staff are all considered. If you have a great idea, the committee would like to hear from you. Projects can range from sidewalk improvements to plantings to facility renovations or additions to undergrounding of utilities to parks.  

Download the > Proposal Form. Proposals are due no later than March 25th at 5:00 p.m. City Hall, 120 Vista Avenue.

All applicants/residents that have submitted proposals will be personally invited to attend the CIP Meeting to be scheduled in April. The meeting is open to the public.  This meeting will not be broadcast nor recorded. At this meeting, applicants will be asked to briefly describe their projects to the CIP Committee. The CIP Committee will then determine which projects will require a site visit.

The CIP Site Visit Tour will be scheduled for a Saturday in April. The tour will commence at City Hall at 9:00 am and then will proceed to CIP tour stops located throughout the City. At each of the tour stops, the CIP Committee will see the locations for proposed projects first hand.

At the undetermined date, a noon working lunch will be provided at City Hall for Committee members, city staff, and interested citizens.

At this working lunch the CIP Review Committee will attempt to compose their list of 2016-2017 CIP projects that they recommend as a part of this year’s budget process. The CIP chair in conjunction with CIP Review Committee members will be asked to prepare a list of recommended projects and narrative that will be forwarded to the City Council for consideration in the budget process.

Completed forms should be returned to the Department of Public Works, 120 Vista Avenue. If you have questions regarding the CIP process, please contact Nancy Kent Parks & Project Manager, at (510) 420-3064.

Mar 17 2016

160 Piedmont residents signed support of ratifying the policy for climate change –

March 7th City Council Meeting Report –

    At 7:00 pm on March 7th, 2016, Mayor of Piedmont, Margaret Fujioka, called the City Council meeting to order. Twice a month, on the first and third Mondays of the month, the Council comes together in a meeting to address current issues of Piedmont and the possible resolutions to those problems at City Hall Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue.

    This meeting was not the regular first and third Monday of the month type of meeting, the main purpose of the meeting was for Mayor Fujioka to give her second State of the City Address since her election. The meeting started the way they always do, with a call to order, pledge of allegiance, and approval of the council meeting minutes for February 16th, 2016.

    Ten minutes were then granted to the public to speak about issues they see in Piedmont. These ten minutes were divided equally among all of those who wanted speak in the audience. Eight people filled out speaking cards, so each person got a minute and fifteen seconds. The majority of those speaking in front of the City Council were speaking to the subject of climate change and solutions to the problem that the city of Piedmont can help with. The majority of those who spoke out about climate change, including Julie Walsh who collected 160 names of Piedmont residents in support of ratifying the current policy for climate change, gave information and reasoning on why CalPERS should move away from fossil fuels for environmental as well as financial reasons. I agree with what was stated in the meeting about climate change being a pressing issue the City of Piedmont needs to address. The benefits to green fuels are better than those of fossil fuels. Chris Seybold spoke out about the issues of Oakland Ave and the unsafety of its crosswalks, proposing to calm traffic at the crosswalks. I spoke along with Hannah Castle about student parking. So many people drive to school and with that, parking is already very limited. There are a variety of people who drive to school where they can walk instead. We proposed that students who live within a 20 minute walk not be issued a permit, and therefore students who live farther than that be granted a student permit. The only issue I encountered in this idea was where the permitted parking would be placed as most of the areas students park are within residential areas.

    After the ten minutes of Public Forum ended, the Council moved on to Mayor Fujioka’s second State of the City Address. The address started with an acknowledgment to the renovated City Hall entry way by thanking Piedmont Beautification Foundation as well as the employees of the city for their cooperation. Mayor Fujioka then brought up the four issues she brought up in her first address; improving public safety, maintaining fiscal health, embracing technology, and addressing aging infrastructure. Public safety has been a big priority for Piedmont, and with the help of Police Chief Rikki Goede and Fire Chief Bud McLaren, Piedmont is safer than it was just a year ago with crime rates down and an increase of disaster preparedness.

Throughout the last few years, Piedmont has remained fiscally healthy with cost-saving measures which also will help generate revenue for the city and to continue embracing technology, a five-year Information Technology Strategic Plan was adopted in October 2015 and the next step for the plan is to employ IT staff for support. To address the aging infrastructure, Mayor Fujioka brought up the parcel tax and commended its support of Piedmont residents and discussed the increase of the tax on the June ballot. Mayor Fujioka ended the address with stating the strong connection the City has with PUSD. She promised to continue to keep the four initiatives listed above as her priorities moving forward in her term.

    I spoke with Paisley Strellis after the meeting about her role in the audience. She said that she attends every City Council meeting and then writes the summary of the meetings for The Piedmont Post in order to keep all of Piedmont up to date on the happenings of each meeting.

By Megan Deutsche, Piedmont High School senior

 Editors’ Note:  Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Feb 6 2016

Meeting on City capital expenditures

CIP Review Committee Agenda for Monday, February 8, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Conference Room, 120 Vista Avenue

How the City spends its available capital dollars is considered by the CIP Review Committee composed of:

Ryan Gilbert – Term Expires 6/16

Susan Herrick – Term Expires 6/18

Bobbe Stehr – Term Expires 6/17

Jamie Totsubo – Term Expires 6/17

President of the Piedmont Beautification Foundation (PBF) Deborah Van Nest

Park Commission Chair Patty Siskind

Recreation Commission Chair Stephen Mills


  • 1. Introduction of Committee Members and Election of Chair
  • 2. Presentation by Councilmember Bob McBain on the Current and Future Direction of the CIP Review Committee
  • 3. Review of Proposed Work Schedule for the CIP Review Committee for Fiscal Year 2016-2017
  • 4. Review of Solicitation Methods for Public Input on Potential CIP Projects
  • 5. Presentation on Current CIP Projects and CIP Wish List

The meeting is open to the public for participation.  No broadcast or recording of the meeting will be available.  Meeting materials can be obtained at the meeting or potentially prior to the meeting by contacting the City.

Jan 13 2016

Piedmont Community Pool closed for improvements and repairs.

The Piedmont Community Pool will remain closed until it reopens on Monday, January 25th. Maintenance work is proceeding on the pool filter system. The flooring in the locker room will also be replaced.  Improvements and repairs will cost $66,000.

More information on the pool bulletin, the filter system, and the locker room floor available here.

City Council staff report.

Jan 3 2016

City Council Meeting – January 4, 2016 –

To Fill a Planning Commission vacancy, a Special Meeting will be convened at 6 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room.


A Special Meeting will be convened at 6 p.m. in open session in the City Hall Conference Room to consider filling the vacancy on the Planning Commission. The opening is a result of the recent resignation of Commissioner Phillip Chase.  No staff report on the vacancy or public notification soliciting applicants is available. The Special Meeting will not be broadcast nor recorded, however, it is open to the public.  Piedmont’s City Charter states that Special Meetings may be called by the Mayor or three or more members of the Council with 24 hours notice.

The regular meeting will be convened at 6:30 p.m. with a Closed Session, also in the City Hall Conference Room on two subjects: performance evaluation of the City Administrator and litigation with Harris & Associates.

At 7:30 p.m. the City Council will take up its regular agenda in Open Session in the Council Chambers, Monday, January 4, 2016. The meeting is open to the public, broadcast live and a copy of the meeting will be retained in the city’s archives.

Read the full agenda.


Available staff reports follow:

01/04/16 – Award of Contracts for Aquatics Center Maintenance as follows:

a. Replacement of Locker Room Floors to MC Construction Services

b. Replacement of the Main Pool Filter to Aquatic Commercial Industries

01/04/16 – Award of Contract to Cleary Brothers Landscape, Inc in the Amount of $12,250 for Blair Park Tree Removal

01/04/16 – Consideration of Acceptance of the 100% Complete Construction Documents and Specifications; Authorization to Solicit Bids for the Hampton Field Renovation Project; and the Phasing of the Project

01/04/16 – Consideration of Direction to Staff Regarding the Placement of a Municipal Services Special Tax Measure on the June 7, 2016 Presidential Primary Election Ballot

01/04/16 – Consideration of Ord. 720 N.S. Amending Chapter 17 of the City Code to Preserve Local Control by Prohibiting the Cultivation, Delivery and Dispensing of Marijuana

01/04/16 – Consideration of Authorization for the City to Join the ICLEI Compact of Mayors

01/04/16 – Introduction of the Concept of Building Energy Savings Regulations and Direction to Staff on Further Steps

Read previous article on marijuana issue in Piedmont.

Read previous articles on Piedmont Municipal Services Special Tax.

Read previous articles on Hampton Field.


Dec 15 2015

On Wednesday, December 16 the Recreation Commission will receive updates on Recreation Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) and other repair and renovation projects at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber.

Following the Commission Chair’s report and the Recreation Director’s report there will be updates on:

CIP Projects

Aquatics Master Plan

Hampton Field Master Plan

Recreation Department building

Other Projects

Aquatics facility Repairs and Renovations

Community Hall Renovations

Future Projects

Read June, 2015 CIP suggestions for projects here.

The meeting is open for public participation and will be broadcast live via Channel 27 KCOM and the city’s website.

Aug 23 2015

District Facilities Master Planning Process, District Assistance with Litter in Main Park, Civic Center Parking Issues, City Facilities Planning – Space Analysis for the Recreation Building and Study of Options for Possible New Aquatic Facility,  Police Department Training “Response to Mass Casualty,” Holiday Book Drive, and Landscaping Issues are on the agenda for discussion. 

The School Board/City Council Liaison meeting will be held Tuesday, August 25, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Conference Room.  The meeting is open to the public for participation and comments. Because of construction work, participants must enter City Hall through the entrance to the Fire Department.  The meeting will not be broadcast.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015  4:00 p.m. 

City Hall Conference Room, City Hall,

120 Vista Avenue,

The agenda is below.

Open Forum: Public participants may speak to items not on the agenda – overall time limit – 10 minutes.

Public participants may address the following items as they come up on the agenda.

1. Briefing by District on Progress with the Facilities Master Planning Process

2. Discussion of Littering in Main Park and Opportunities for District to Assist with Control

3. Discussion of Civic Center Parking Issues

4. Discussion on City Facilities Planning:

(a) Space Analysis for the Recreation Building

(b) Study of Options for Possible New Aquatic Facility

5. Briefing on Police Department “Response to Mass Casualty” Training

6. Discussion of Landscaping Issues

7. Discussion of the Annual City/School Holiday Book Drive

8. Schedule of Future Meetings

(a) November, 17, 2015

(b) February 9, 2016

(c) April 26, 2016