Apr 14 2013

Crime Report on Council Agenda

Burglaries, Robberies and Car Thefts

At the City Council meeting on Monday, April 15, 2013, 7:30 p.m., in City Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue, Police Chief Rikki Goede will give a quarterly report on crime in Piedmont. Click to see the report.  Crime climbed during the first 3 months of 2013 compared to 2012.

In closed session, the Council will consider initiating litigation in two cases.

In the public session, the Council will consider adding to the April 1, 2013 minutes, comments made by the City Administrator in response to a question by Rick Schiller during discussion of Piedmont’s Risk Management Policy development.

Also on the Agenda:

  • Presentation from the Center for Elders Independence
  • Presentation from Eden I&R, the Manager and Operator of the County’s 211 Information Line for health and human services.  Report
  • Receipt of the 1st Quarter Crime Report from the Police Chief
  • Consideration of a Position on Whether the Alameda County Waste Management Authority’s Benchmark Service Fee Should Be a Separate Line Item on City of Piedmont Waste Bills – Report
  •  Information Update on ABAG and MTC “Plan Bay Area”

All reports can be viewed here.

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