Dec 15 2022

Housing Element Sent to State Nov. 18, 2022

Draft Housing Element

Submitted to State HCD

On November 15, 2022, the City Council authorized staff to finalize the draft sites inventory and submit the Draft Piedmont 6th Cycle Housing Element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). On November 18, 2022, City staff sent the Draft Housing Element to HCD for its 90-day review. The Draft Housing Element sent to HCD is posted to the homepages of the City website and

After each city submits a Draft Housing Element for review, HCD has up to 90 days to return comments with requested revisions. HCD has until February 16, 2023, to return comments on the Draft Piedmont 6th Cycle Housing Element.

The official State deadline for cities to adopt a compliant Housing Element is January 31, 2023. Working actively to minimize any period of non-compliance, Planning & Building staff are in regular communication with HCD reviewers. The City is optimistic that Piedmont’s Draft Housing Element will move through the review process swiftly.

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