Donation and Naming Policy for City Facilities
Selling desirable naming opportunities has been an important fund-raising tool prior to the current stampede to remove donor’s names.
The current incentive to investigate the individual donor and ancestors to uncover impurity has led to a rash of donors’ un-naming. Do people really want their lives examined in such punitive ways today? Giving anonymously has a new appeal for some who don’t want to be publicly shamed for the unknown misdeeds of great-grandparents.
The usual practice was to produce a price list of the donation required to brand a building, plaza, walkway, or other feature with the donor’s name or company.
In light of the substantial costs of the Piedmont Community pools complex, the City Council is eager to encourage donations. To this end a policy on donations and naming for the pools or other local improvements. On April 4, 2022, the Council directed staff to develop a policy. See the policy prepared by the City Attorney’s office here.
Among other points, it authorizes the City Administrator to accept
donations valued (in the case of in-kind donations) of up to $75,000 with the authority for larger donations reserved to the City Council. The naming requests for facility or capital project must be reviewed by the City Council.
- 1. Amenity: An improvement located on City property, including, but not limited to a wall,
a plaza in front of a City building, a trail located along City property, room or rooms in a
City building, gazebos, archways, paths, decks, patios, athletic facilities, playing fields,
aquatic facilities, picnic areas, play structures, hard courts, and trail segments. - 2. Donation: A person or entity providing the City with financial support or property of a
value exceeding the City’s payment for such item. Furthermore, a donor typically does
not expect to receive a substantial return or recognition from the City in return for the
donation. A donation may consist of an amenity, cash, real property (land), in-kind
donation, or work of art. Donations may be unrestricted or restricted by the donor. - 3. Donor: A company, organization, or individual, who provides the City a donation without expectation of significant return or recognition.
- 4. In-Kind Contributions: A contribution of an item or object other than cash or real
property, which would serve a useful purpose in the provision of City services. Examples
may include equipment, materials, or services. - 5. Restricted Donation: A donation made to the City where the donor has restricted its use
to a specified purpose. Any proposed restrictions must be made in writing. - 6. Sponsor: A company, organization, or individual who provides the City with funding
support for a program, activity, or facility in the form of a sponsorship, and who expects more than nominal recognition in return. - 7. Sponsorship: A sponsorship typically means a person or entity that provides the City with financial support for an activity, City program, or City facility, typically in exchange for the City providing more than nominal recognition of its financial support, which distinguishes a sponsorship from a donation. Financial assistance provided by a sponsor may consist of cash and/or in-kind contributions
- 8. Sponsorship Agreement: A negotiated agreement between the City and a company,
organization, or individual who provides a sponsorship whereby the City agrees to
provide a sponsorship opportunity to a company, organization, or individual in exchange
for recognition rights related to certain identified City-owned commercial or marketable
assets. A Sponsorship Agreement may permit a limited form of advertising opportunity for a company, organization, or individual in exchange for the fee paid to the City. - 9. Unrestricted Donation: A donation made to the City where the donor has placed no
limitation on its use. - 10. Works of Art: Includes, without limitation, physical art that may be an integral part of a public site or building, or that may be integrated with the work of other design professionals. Examples of public works of art include: sculptures; murals and paintings; earthworks; neon; glass; organic materials; mosaics; photographs; prints; film; and any combination of media forms or hybrids of any media.