Aug 10 2021

SENIORS: Interest Groups to Be Formed by Recreation Department



The Piedmont Recreation Department (PRD) is creating community through our new Senior Meet-up Groups!

A meet-up is simply that—a group people that meet up to enjoy a common interest. Do you want to practice speaking French? Are you an avid bird watcher? Meet new people while playing, exploring, creating and doing the things you love. PRD will help promote and even supply your group with a meeting room.

Various ideas for Meet-up Groups!

Art Enthusiasts: Meet at different museums

Chess Club: Check mate!

Dog Lovers: Meet at various dog-friendly hikes

Documentary Scholars: Watch a documentary and discuss

Pickballers: Schedule a weekly pick-up game

Poker Night: Just don’t let it get ‘out of hand’

These are just a few of the ideas PRD came up with…e-mail > Eva Phalen and let PRD  know what activities you enjoy!

 To phone the Piedmont Recreation Department – call 510/420-3070 

3 Responses to “SENIORS: Interest Groups to Be Formed by Recreation Department”

  1. Plus put on a mail list for Seniors

  2. I would be interested in a reading group.

  3. Great ideas but where to “meet up”? Even more ideas would generate if there was a dedicated center for seniors. Open up the 801 reading room and associated office space for seniors. No supervision required.

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