Piedmont Housing Unit Increases
“Piedmont is close to meeting and surpassing the annual rate of construction of new housing units..”
With the state-mandated relaxation of the rules for accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and junior accessory dwelling units (JADUs), the City of Piedmont is producing new housing at a rate not seen since the 1960s.
Since 2015, the City has issued building permits for approximately 73 new homes. In 2019, the Building Division issued 11 building permits for new homes. In 2020, the Building Division issued 24 building permits for new homes and expects to issue an increasing number of building permits in 2021. The vast majority of building permits are for the construction of small detached cottages or the conversion of space inside existing homes to be used as apartments. These small apartments are called ADUs [Accessory Dwelling Units] and JADUs [Junior Accessory Dwelling Units].
The City has finaled the construction of approximately 60 new homes since 2015. However, the City has produced only 12 of the 24 very-low-income affordable housing units required by state law.
The annual progress report can be an assessment tool for the effectiveness of the City’s fair housing policies and programs. In addition, the annual progress report informs the development of the City’s next Housing Element update, scheduled to begin later this month. The first meeting of the Piedmont Housing Advisory Committee is scheduled for April 20, 2021.
Currently, the state-mandated housing goal for Piedmont’s next Housing Element for the 2023 to 2031 time period is 587 housing units. City staff have questioned the accuracy of the state’s methodology for determining the new 587-unit goal. More information about the next Piedmont Housing Element update is at www.PiedmontIsHome.org < RESIDENTS CAN SHARE OPINIONS.
Report to be presented to the Piedmont Planning Commission on > Monday, 5:30 pm > April 12, 2021…….
The City of Piedmont finaled building permits for six new accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in 2020, bringing the total of housing units constructed to 55 new units out of a state-mandated allocation of 60 new units by the end of 2022. In addition, the City of Piedmont issued new building permits for 21 new ADUs and three new single-family houses, bringing the total number of building permits, issued since 2015, up to 73 permits.
The 2020 annual progress report shows that the City of Piedmont is close to meeting and surpassing the annual rate of construction of new housing units anticipated by the RHNA, having issued building permits for the construction of approximately 73 new units out of a state mandated allocation of 60 new units by the end of 2022. However, with the changes to state legislation, it will be challenging for the City of Piedmont to show that sufficient low and very low income housing is being produced under the 2015-2023 Housing Element’s programs and policies. The preparation of the next Housing Element will require innovative approaches to developing new housing with much higher goals. The next Housing Element will likely require the City to affirmatively plan for the development of approximately 587 new housing units on new sites not considered in the 2015-2023 Housing Element.
Consideration of innovative approaches to creating more and different types of housing is already underway. On April 20, 2021, the Piedmont Housing Advisory Committee (HAC) will hold its first meeting to consider housing and equity issues in Piedmont, including the draft RHNA and planning for the next Housing Element. Also, City staff members are in the process of leading community planning efforts, funded through the SB2 Planning Grant Program.
Through SB2, the City launched the Piedmont Is Home campaign on March 12, 2021 with the launch of a project website (piedmontishome.org) with interactive public engagement tools, such as the online Fair Housing survey and pinnable map, as well as a social media publicity campaign. These tools will be available to members of the Piedmont community, including people working in Piedmont, until April 15, 2021.
In addition, the ad hoc Subcommittee of the Planning Commission on Measure A-1 has been meeting with housing experts, including experts who are also Piedmont residents. The County of Alameda Measure A-1 program has made approximately $2.2 million available for the construction of affordable housing in Piedmont. The Alameda County Measure A-1 program recently granted Piedmont’s request to extend the deadline for the City’s application to use the $2.2 million in funding to a new deadline of December 31, 2022.
Through community engagement such as these early activities, the Piedmont Community will share ideas and problem-solve. Although there are many challenges ahead, Piedmont elected officials, staff and Community members are hard-working, intelligent, and creative. Piedmont will continue to be a leader in the Bay Area for innovation and housing equity and will find new ways to meet the state-mandated goals.
By: Pierce Macdonald-Powell, Senior Planner
Please find attached the City of Piedmont staff report for the Piedmont General Plan’s Housing Element annual progress report for 2020. This item is scheduled for a hearing before the Planning Commission on April 12, 2021. >AGENDA <
READ the full report with addresses and charts of new housing units below: