Non-resident Grandchildren of Piedmont Residents to be Prioritized for Admission to Piedmont Schools
A Search for Students to Fill Piedmont Schools
A reduction in school populations, the potential loss of State per student revenue, and State Open Enrollment laws have induced the Piedmont School District to widen student acceptance to Piedmont schools on a priority basis. The children of Piedmont City employees and Piedmont School District employees have previously been admitted to Piedmont schools. Newly added for priority acceptance are the non-resident grandchildren of Piedmont residents along with children residing in certain neighboring Piedmont properties.
The matter will be undertaken at 7:25 p.m., Wednesday, June 12, 2019, School Board Meeting, City Hall, 120 Vista Avenue.
Specific qualifications and applications are required for each potential interdistrict transfer student into the Piedmont schools. Once a student is accepted into the Piedmont School District, they are allowed to remain during their school years. See the proposed requirements linked below.
VI.B. Review and Approve Changes to Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5117 – Interdistrict Attendance – 2nd Reading
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If, as is often claimed, Piedmonters are truly interested in diversity, there are many students in Oakland Unified who would thrive in Piedmont. When I worked in a private school, I worked to get funding for some amazing kids from Oakland and various economically depressed areas. Piedmont students could use the academic challenge from the many bright kids who don’t live in Piedmont. Since PUSD is trying to put fannies in seats, why not go for economic diversity?
The headcount in one or more Piedmont schools is declining and will continue to do so. Why? Every school day, in addition to private cars, the AC Transit 606 bus takes large numbers of students from the area, including Piedmont, to their classes at Head Royce School. Just look at the full 606 bus going through Piedmont. Why would Piedmont parents pay dearly for private school tuition, whether at Head Royce or other private schools, when Piedmont schools are free? These parents are voting with their “feet”. Do they believe that Piedmont schools are of lesser quality? Are they?