Jun 19 2018

Linda Beach Park Scope Reduced: Non-regulation Tennis Courts to Remain, No Pickleball, No Skate Park, and More

City staff together with Groundworks Office, outside consultants for the Linda Beach Plan, have developed a framework to guide the next iteration of the Linda Beach Plan.

Based on robust feedback from the community, Park Commission, Recreation Commission and City Council on the 35% Linda Beach Master Plan Concept, City staff together with Groundworks Office has developed the following framework to guide the next iteration of the plan.

1. The Skate Spot will be removed from the master plan and a subcommittee of the Recreation Commission will study other spaces in Piedmont to potentially serve this need.

2. The Tot Lot will:
a. be designed to primarily serve children under the age of 5
b. be similar in size to the existing facility
c. keep kids contained in a safe area
d. have natural shade
e. be readily accessible by stroller with adequate stroller parking
f. have access to restrooms and changing tables

3. How and where to best serve the emerging desire for Pickleball in Piedmont will be studied by a Recreation Commission Subcommittee. In the meantime, Pickleball will be removed from the master plan.

4. Two Tennis Courts will remain in the plan but not at full regulation size. North-South orientation is preferred but not necessary.

5. Multi-age recreation opportunities (eg. bocce ball) will be explored for incorporation in the park.

6. Design will emphasize Linda Avenue as the main entry to the park including moving ADA access from Howard Avenue to Linda Avenue.

7. We will continue to examine opportunities for indoor recreation program space.

8. The park will include picnic tables and an area suitable for small gatherings like birthday parties.

9. Significant landscape buffers will be included along Howard Avenue.

10. A stormwater plan will be refined and clarified.

11. The park will be designed such that it can be closed and secured at night.

12. The Master Plan will acknowledge sensitivity to existing trees clearly identifying trees that will remain as well as conceptually noting replacement trees.

The City staff and Groundworks staff are currently working on adjustments to the Linda Beach Park project schedule, but tentatively, the next iteration of this plan is scheduled to be presented at a joint meeting of the Park and Recreation Commissions on September 5, 2018.

2 Responses to “Linda Beach Park Scope Reduced: Non-regulation Tennis Courts to Remain, No Pickleball, No Skate Park, and More”

  1. Linda Beach playground neighbors are concerned about noise as significant noise already exists, as it will at any playground. Groups of children playing various sports and some using very loud metal bats, the pickup out-of-town soccer players, existing tennis courts, the dog park nearby . . . the list goes on. Allowing Pickleball is a minor noise addition well below the existing noise level of an inherently noisy setting. Pickleball at Linda Beach deserves a good-faith try and if the neighbors find it to be an excessive noise element, the fix is simple as adding Pickleball only requires extra striping on the tennis courts. Paint the lines over and no more Pickleball. Let’s have a common sense approach and at least give Pickleball a try at Linda.

  2. We would appreciate consideration of the addition of Pickleball courts. Many older residents have discovered the sport of Pickleball, such as ourselves, and would appreciate an opportunity to play this sport in Piedmont. The Middle School courts are a start, that seem to run out in the school term, but with many of our older citizens looking for a sport, this is a small footprint court and play area that can bring real benefit to the community.
    Thanks for the consideration.
    Jim Wulfsberg
    57 Bellevue Avenue
    Piedmont, CA

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