? For or Against Measure H1: Piedmont School Facilities Master Plan Bond Measure
Measure H1 School Parcel Tax:
Piedmont’s School Facilities Master Plan Bond Measure is on the November 8 ballot.
For: ——————–
Supporters of Measure H1 ask Piedmont residents to support H1 to permit critical repairs, renovations, and upgrades to all of Piedmont’s schools.
The supporters of Measure H1 have provided information here, which includes potential parcel tax rates. Facilities Plan here.
The final tour of H1 needs is Thursday, October 27 at the Piedmont High School Student Center, 800 Magnolia Ave. A 4:00 pm informative presentation with Q&A will be followed at 5:00 pm by a Campus Tour.
Against: —————-
Opponents of Measure H1 note Piedmont has the highest school taxes in California and Measure H1 would significantly increase school taxes potentially deterring home buyers. The opponents also claim that the measure is in violation of Article XIII- A of the California Constitution because it does not identify the specific projects to be funded.
A requirement that the proceeds from the sale of the bonds be used only for the purposes specified in Article XIII A, Section 1(b)(3), and not for any other purpose, including teacher and administrator salaries and other school operating expenses.
(B) A list of the specific school facilities projects to be funded and certification that the school district board, community college board, or county office of education has evaluated safety, class size reduction, and information technology needs in developing that list.
The opponents of Measure H1 have provided information here.
To gain further information, Piedmont residents can read the voter pamphlet, go on a school tour (see above), read the background on the Facilities Master Plan here, read about opposition to the bond measure, and consult websites.
The “Opponents of Measure H1” do not appear to have any connection to Piedmont. The link takes you to a website for “BigBadBonds,” identified as a “Clearinghouse Opposing the Coming Deluge in School and Community College Bonds.” It is really shocking that any group would oppose local funding to improve school facilities without undertaking a careful assessment of the current state of school facilities and considering whether they support the educational needs of our children.
Piedmont Unified School District engaged in a year-long study of educational needs and our schools’ current conditions as part of an open, transparent, and diligent master planning process. Our more than 40-year old high school buildings, in particular, are deteriorating and no longer meet current standards. Rather than rely on boilerplate denunciations from “BigBadBonds,” go see for yourself this evening at Piedmont High School, starting in the Student Center at 4 pm with a tour of the facilities at 5 pm.