May 15 2016

Aquatics, Recreation Building, Veterans Hall, Hampton Park and Summer Plans

The Recreation Commission will consider Summer activities update, Hampton Park Master Plan, Recreation Department/Veteran’s Hall Master Plan, and Aquatics Master Plan at the Wednesday, May 18, 2016, Recreation Commission meeting starting at 7:30 p.m.  in the City Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont.

The meeting is open for public participation.  The meeting can be observed live on Cable Channel 27 and from the City website under on-line videos.

Read the > Recreation Commission Agenda for May 18 and the > Draft April 20 minutes

Comments or questions on Summer activities, the Hampton Park Master Plan, Recreation Department/Veteran’s Hall Master Plan, and Aquatics Master Plan or other Recreation Commission issues may be sent to the Commission via the Recreation Director Sara Lillevand at

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