Jun 17 2014

June 19 Capital Improvement Projects Review Committee Meeting

– Meeting of the Piedmont CIP Committee to learn about WW funds and elect a chair person. –

The City lists the meeting as a “regular meeting” of the Capital Improvement Project Review Committee on June 19, 2014, in the Council Conference Room, 120 Vista Avenue, at 5:30 p.m. The agenda was posted approximately 48 hours prior to the meeting time. The agenda may be viewed here.

“The CIP Review Committee makes recommendations to the city council regarding the expenditure of the capital budget (construction, repair or rehabilitation of city facilities).” City website

The Committee is to be informed by the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) on how Piedmont’s entitlement of over $500,000 from the voter approved Measure WW bond funds. The funds had been publicly mentioned as a source of funding for lights at Coaches’ Field and more recently as a way to supplement the costs associated with improving the drainage at Hampton Field’s grassy area regularly damaged during heavy rain. Members of  the community have made other suggestions for the Measure WW funds including improvements to: the Piedmont Pool, the former Sunday School room of the Arts Center for seniors, Coaches’ Field to accommodate another play field, etc.

“Measure WW was approved by 72% of the voters in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties in November 2008. The measure extended Measure AA, approved in 1988, to help the Park District meet the increasing demand to preserve open space for recreation and wildlife habitat. In addition, Measure WW made funding available directly to cities and special park districts for high priority community park projects. Locally, Piedmont voters overwhelmingly approved the measure. Piedmont’s allocation of funds totals $507,325. The spending deadline for all projects is December 31, 2018. This means that the project(s) must be completed, billed and paid by that date.”

City Administrator’s Report 

With the Blair Park and Moraga Avenue sports complex brewing for years and the hope by many promoters to use the WW funds to support the complex, no community meetings were held by the Council to discuss the use of WW funds. With  time beginning to run out on the use of the funds, the CIP committee members have been charged with familiarizing themselves with how the funds can be used and coming up with a priority list of projects. Jeff Rasmussen of the East Bay Regional Park District will present information on the Measure WW funds available to Piedmont at the CIP meeting.

The Committee will also elected a chair person.

“The members of the committee represent a cross-section of the community, and it includes members of the Park Commission, Recreation Commission, and the Piedmont Beautification Foundation.”

City Administrator’s Report 

The Committee is composed of three individuals who have been a part of the Piedmont Beautification Foundation and five individuals who have been or are on City Commissions.

PUBLIC MEMBERS APPOINTED BY THE COUNCIL (4):  John Cooper, Ryan Gilbert, Bobbe Stehr and Jamie Totsubo




COUNCIL LIAISON, as observer: Vice Mayor Jeff Wieler, alternate Councilmember Teddy King

STAFF LIAISONS: Chester Nakahara (W) 420-3061 & Mark Feldkamp (W) 420-3064

No broadcast from the conference room is expected.  Space and seating is limited in the meeting room. Those interested should attend the meeting. 

Updated 6/19/2014

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