Feb 10 2014

School Parcel Tax Increase Recommended

Discussion of School Parcel Tax Levy for 2014- 15 – 

The School Support Tax Advisory Subcommittee of the Budget Advisory Committee is recommending that the School Board levy the full property tax approved by voters in March 2013 of $2,406 plus the allowed 2% increase per parcel for the 2014-15 tax year. The School Board will consider the report and recommendations at the February 12 Board meeting. There will be public hearings on the matter prior to final Board action.

The required Measure A Subcommittee of the Budget Advisory Committee is composed of Jon Elliott, Peter Freeman, and School Board member elect Amal Smith.

“(1) levy Measure A taxes at their maximum level in 2014-2015, including the maximum permissible increase of 2%;

(2) deposit the $188,160 increase in a parcel tax reserve account. ”

“ Actual revenues may rise or fall compared to projections. The terms of the LCFF are still being debated, and changes in formulae may change Piedmont’s allocations. The Governor’s latest proposals may yield additional revenues, although leaders in the Legislature seem to have different priorities. And, of course, the School Board may decide to change the Measure A levy.

 Actual expenses may rise or fall. Ongoing contract negotiations are private, so this Subcommittee has no ability to predict changes in personnel costs that may result from the new contracts. However, employee representatives have been clear about their desire for increases in compensation.”

The report explains the Subcommittee’s after the fact confirmation* of the 2013-14 parcel tax levy:

Review of 2013-14 Parcel Tax Levy

In order to levy Measure A taxes in 2013-14, the School Board was required to approve the levy before July 1, 2013.  Although this Subcommittee was not formed until October 2013, we reviewed 2013-14 budgeting, revenue and expenditure documentation from the District.  The District adopted a budget assuming $31,733,656 in revenue from all sources (including $9,408,025 from Measure A and $$1,550,000 in community contributions), and expenditures of $32,630,183, for a deficit of $896,527.  This budget continues to include cost-containment and program preservation priorities.  As of the First Interim report in December 2013, actual revenues and expenditures are close to these adopted amounts.  After this review, the Subcommittee confirms the appropriateness of the Measure A levy for 2013-14.”

The full report is available. See School Board packet for the February 12 meeting :*Review Report and Recommendations of the School Support Tax Advisory Subcommittee for Levying for Fiscal Year 2014-15 and Review of Fiscal Year 2013-14 .

The February 12 Board meeting begins at 7 pm in City Hall and will be broadcast live on KCOM Channel 27 with live streaming from the city website.

The full agenda of the meeting. 

*Updated 2/24/14

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