Housing Element: Council Action Tues. Nov. 15
Map, sites, numbers, locations
of the potential 587 new Piedmont housing units
to be considered by the Piedmont City Council
on Tues. Nov. 15, 6:00 p.m.
Recommendation from City Administrator: “Approve the attached Resolution authorizing staff to finalize and submit the City of Piedmont’s Sixth Cycle Draft Housing Element to the California Department Of Housing And Community Development For Review.”
“City staff and consultants recommend that the City Council authorize the City Administrator to finalize the revisions to the Draft Housing Element, including the sites inventory, prior to its submittal to California HCD for review and to make the Draft consistent with the revisions and updates described in this staff report and attachment A. The revised Draft Housing Element and any further changes in response to HCD comments will be presented for consideration to the City Council prior to final adoption by the City Council.”
Click HERE to read the full report to the Piedmont City Council from City Administrator Sara Lillevand.