May 2 2022

 City Proposal for Housing Element Includes: Zoning Changes, Transitional Housing, ADU Heights to 24 feet, City Charter Amendments, Converting City Hall and Veterans Buildings to Low-Income Housing, Coaches Field, Blair Park, etc.

There’s more than just numbers (587 new housing units to be exact) to the Housing Element.  There are several programs and policies in the draft that have not gotten much attention in the city workshops or outreach program, some are noted below:

Require large home remodels include an ADU in the expansion. 

• Establish a transitional home for 6 homeless individuals in a residential neighborhood. Collaborate with a nonprofit affordable housing organization to convert a home or homes to transitional housing for six persons.  This would require changing current residential zone restrictions to allow transitional housing throughout the city. (page 74),

• Create additional local housing opportunities for persons employed within Piedmont in order to reduce commuting and associated greenhouse gas emissions. A particular emphasis should be placed on transportation and on housing for municipal and school district employees, since these are the largest employers in the City. (page 75).

• Allow ADUs to be built to a height of 24 feet if the ADU is deed restricted for 10 years. (page 55).

• Amend the City Charter to eliminate the requirement that the reclassification of zones and/or reduction or enlargement of size or area of zones be subject to a majority vote at a general or special election. (page 57).

• Rezone the Corporation Yard and areas around Coaches Field to accommodate 130 housing units.  Fifty high density units would be built in the Coaches Filed overflow parking lot and 50 units on the slope below the third base line of the field.  If this plan is infeasible, develop 200 high density units in Blair Park. (Appendix B-14)

• Convert Veterans and City Halls into low-income housing (Appendix B-15).

Public comment on the Housing Element started April 6, 2022, and will run for 3 months with Council adoption expected in June 2022. Once approved by Council, the Housing Element needs to be approved by state authorities.  By statute, the deadline for state approval was recently extended to May 2023.  

City Council should take advantage of the state time extension and extend public comment on the Housing Element through November 2022. There are a number of reasons for doing so. 

  •  The plan needs work and a June hearing should still be held to address deficiencies of the current draft so that revisions can be made. 
  • The plan currently does not achieve the equitable distribution of affordable housing throughout Piedmont.
  • The plan for Coaches Field is really half-baked. 
  • There are many new programs and policies called for in the Housing Element that need better vetting with the community. 
  • By extending public comment through November, Piedmont voters can express their opinion on the draft Housing Element by seating a majority of Council (3 seats will be on the ballot).  This timeline offers residents an excellent opportunity to have their voices heard and two of the Councilmembers will likely serve for 8 years, the lifespan of the 6th Cycle Piedmont Housing Element, ensuring some continuity. 
  • Postponing consideration of the Housing Element until after the November election would engage the entire community in setting Piedmont’s affordable housing future, a legacy everyone could be proud of.  

Public comments on the Housing Element will be sent to the Planning Commission if received by May 5.  Send comments to  The public can also comment on the Housing Element at the Special Planning Commission meeting, a virtual meeting on Zoom on May 12.  Read the draft Housing Element at:

Garrett Keating, Former member of the Piedmont City Council and Piedmont Resident

Editors’ Note: Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Contact information:

510/420-3050 – Planning Staff

510/420-3040 – City Clerk – City Council
Ask for the email address where you can send comments.  Sending an email to the City Council is a good place to send a comment.  Written comments become part of the public record, phone calls do not. 
Go to the City of Piedmont web page for more information.
May 2 2022

“City Staff is asking Park Commissioners to provide feedback on the Draft 6th Cycle Piedmont Housing Element as community members and key stakeholders. The Park Commission meeting on May 4 gives the public further opportunities to learn about the Housing Element update process and to give their input and feedback.”

Numerous proposals are in the Draft Housing Element many occurring throughout Piedmont.  Density increases, removal of parking requirements, raised height limits of buildings, end to neighbor input on proposals, zoning changes, Charter change, etc.

 All proposals in the 374 page Draft Housing Element document can be read online for public comment.  See link at the end of this article.

6. Proposed Specific Plan: Page B-12, Appendix B, of the Draft Housing Element proposes to prepare a specific plan (Government Code §65450 et. seq) for the area of the Public Works Corporation Yard to accommodate new housing development, incorporate existing amenities, and modernize current city functions. The portion of the site utilized for park Page 2 of 62 and recreational uses, are intended to remain as an amenity for the proposed specific plan area, with the existing vehicle parking reconfigured, as needed.  See map on linked attachment below.

7. Blair Park: The Draft Housing Element identifies Blair Park, which is located on the south side of Moraga Avenue, as a potential alternate site for housing if the proposed specific plan for the Public Works Corporation Yard fails to yield 122 housing units (page B-13). Blair Park is 3.55 acres, with the potential for 210 units if developed at 60 units per acre.

8. Zoning Amendments: In order to meet the 6th Cycle RHNA target with Piedmont’s limited available land, the Draft Housing Element’s Goal 1, New Housing Construction, proposes to increase the allowed residential density for housing affiliated with religious institutions in Zone A (program 1.D, page (37) and increase allowed residential density in Zone B (program 1.F), Zone C (program 1.G), and Zone D (1.H).

READ the Draft Housing Element May 4 presentation to the Park Commission and Agenda, including participation information below:

> 2022-05-04 Park Agenda

May 2 2022

The list of streets, species of trees, and quantity of trees to be pruned are linked below.

The annual assessment of street trees to verify the next cycle of pruning was performed by the City’s certified arborist Nick Millosovich. Based on previous cycles of pruning, observations since the last street tree pruning project, input from residents, and professional judgement, this year’s list of trees was developed. The Base Bid is for the pruning of a total of 811 street trees and the removal of 3 street trees.

The contract for the FY2021-2022 Street Tree Pruning Project is to Arborworks LLC in the amount of $145,370 based on their submitted bid dated April 20, 2022.

See the list of trees to be trimmed by clicking below:

Street Tree Pruning 522020

May 1 2022

Selling desirable naming opportunities has been an important fund-raising tool prior to the current stampede to remove donor’s names.

The current incentive to investigate the individual donor and ancestors to uncover impurity has led to a rash of donors’ un-naming.  Do people really want their lives examined in such punitive ways today?  Giving anonymously has a new appeal for some who don’t want to be publicly shamed for the unknown misdeeds of great-grandparents.

The usual practice was to produce a price list of the donation required to brand a building, plaza, walkway, or other feature with the donor’s name or company.

In light of the substantial costs of the Piedmont Community pools complex, the City Council is eager to encourage donations.  To this end a policy on donations and naming for the pools or other local improvements.  On April 4, 2022, the Council directed staff to develop a policy.  See the policy prepared by the City Attorney’s office here.

Among other points, it authorizes the City Administrator to accept
donations valued (in the case of in-kind donations) of up to $75,000 with the authority for larger donations reserved to the City Council.  The naming requests for facility or capital project must be reviewed by the City Council.

  • 1. Amenity: An improvement located on City property, including, but not limited to a wall,
    a plaza in front of a City building, a trail located along City property, room or rooms in a
    City building, gazebos, archways, paths, decks, patios, athletic facilities, playing fields,
    aquatic facilities, picnic areas, play structures, hard courts, and trail segments.
  •  2. Donation: A person or entity providing the City with financial support or property of a
    value exceeding the City’s payment for such item. Furthermore, a donor typically does
    not expect to receive a substantial return or recognition from the City in return for the
    donation. A donation may consist of an amenity, cash, real property (land), in-kind
    donation, or work of art. Donations may be unrestricted or restricted by the donor.
  • 3. Donor: A company, organization, or individual, who provides the City a donation without expectation of significant return or recognition.
  • 4. In-Kind Contributions: A contribution of an item or object other than cash or real
    property, which would serve a useful purpose in the provision of City services. Examples
    may include equipment, materials, or services.
  • 5. Restricted Donation: A donation made to the City where the donor has restricted its use
    to a specified purpose. Any proposed restrictions must be made in writing.
  • 6. Sponsor: A company, organization, or individual who provides the City with funding
    support for a program, activity, or facility in the form of a sponsorship, and who expects more than nominal recognition in return.
  • 7. Sponsorship: A sponsorship typically means a person or entity that provides the City with financial support for an activity, City program, or City facility, typically in exchange for the City providing more than nominal recognition of its financial support, which distinguishes a sponsorship from a donation. Financial assistance provided by a sponsor may consist of cash and/or in-kind contributions
  • 8. Sponsorship Agreement: A negotiated agreement between the City and a company,
    organization, or individual who provides a sponsorship whereby the City agrees to
    provide a sponsorship opportunity to a company, organization, or individual in exchange
    for recognition rights related to certain identified City-owned commercial or marketable
    assets. A Sponsorship Agreement may permit a limited form of advertising opportunity for a company, organization, or individual in exchange for the fee paid to the City.
  • 9. Unrestricted Donation: A donation made to the City where the donor has placed no
    limitation on its use.
  • 10. Works of Art: Includes, without limitation, physical art that may be an integral part of a public site or building, or that may be integrated with the work of other design professionals. Examples of public works of art include: sculptures; murals and paintings; earthworks; neon; glass; organic materials; mosaics; photographs; prints; film; and any combination of media forms or hybrids of any media.

Donation Policy & Naming Policy 522020

council- 522020 agenda

May 1 2022

Receipt of the Piedmont Community Pool Design Development Package and Consideration of: 

1) Approval of Design Modifications to the Recreation Pool; and

2) Authorization for Staff and ELS to Advance to Construction Documents Phase

RECOMMENDATION: Receive the 100% Design Development Package and Cost Estimate for the Piedmont Community Pool Project and by a single motion, take the following actions with regard to the project:

1) Approve design modifications to the shallow water recreation pool as recommended by the Community Pool Advisory Committee (PAC):

a) Lap Lanes: increased length of the three lap lanes from 20 to 25 yards with a depth profile that moves side to side from approximately 3.5 feet in the middle of the pool to approximately 5 feet at the western edge of the pool

b) Rotate the stairs 90 degrees such that the stairs enter the open free water area rather than the rectangular lap lane area

2) Approve expansion of the zero-beach entry area in the recreation pool by approximately 300 square feet

3) Authorize Staff and ELS to advance to Construction Documents Phase

FULL STAFF REPORT >Pool Acceptance 522022

council- 522020 agenda

May 1 2022

Public Hearing, Introduction, and 1st Reading of Ordinance 764 N.S., Adopting Piedmont Police Department Policy 710 Pertaining to Military Equipment Use

RECOMMENDATION Conduct a public hearing and approve the 1st Reading of Ordinance 764 N.S., adopting Piedmont Police Department Policy 710 pertaining to Military Equipment Use.

READ the STAFF REPORT > Military Equipment Policy 522022

council- 522020 agenda