Aug 20 2021

VOTE: By Tues. Sept. 14, 2021: Governor Recall Election:

Ballots for the Tuesday, September 14 recall election have arrived in Piedmont households for all eligible voters.

The September 14, 2021, California Gubernatorial Recall Election ballot will have two parts.

Every voter is asked to mark their  ballot YES or NO to the question, “Shall GAVIN NEWSOM be recalled (removed) from the office of Governor?”

On the opposite side of the ballot, each voter, whether for or against the recall, can select from the 40+ names for a replacement of the Governor, IF he is recalled. Voters are not required to vote on a replacement.

 The Certified List of Candidates can be found on the state website at:  Write-in replacement candidates for the office of governor can also run in the California Gubernatorial Recall Election.  The Certified List of Write-in Candidates will be available on September 3, 2021.

If a majority of the votes on the recall question are “Yes,” Governor Newsom shall be removed from office and the replacement candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected for the remainder of the governor’s term of office (ending January 2, 2023).  If one-half or more of the votes on the recall question are “No,” Governor Newsom shall remain in office.

(Cal. Const., art. II, § 15(c); Elec. Code, §§ 11320, 11322)

After marking, sealing, and signing your ballot …

BALLOT DROP BOX: Piedmont has a Ballot Drop Box in Central Piedmont next to the Wells Fargo Bank and mail boxes, where voters can place their ballots. Drop Boxes will be operational until 8 pm on Election Day.  


Mail your ballot.  No postage is needed.  Ballots must be postmarked no later than Election Day, so vote early.   

Make your vote count by remembering to sign the back of your return envelope!

One Response to “VOTE: By Tues. Sept. 14, 2021: Governor Recall Election:”

  1. Voters should know that they may vote NO on recalling Gov. Newsom and still vote for a replacement candidate. See

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