Apr 30 2021
Re: May 3 Council Agenda Item : Grand – Lower Grand
Piedmont City Council
Dear Mayor King and Council,
          Spending funds on a Grand Ave – lower Grand bicycle improvement is a curious option for public funds as only beautification and limited bike safety will be addressed. In contrast improving the Fairview – Grand intersection accomplishes many concerns: bicycle safety, pedestrian Safety, significant traffic calming and significant Green Infrastructure (“GI”) compliance as this intersection is at the bottom of the hill and a bio-swale can be installed. The GI element is essentially very limited or not possible at Grand – lower Grand. Importantly, more beautification then the small project proposed at Grand and lower Grand is possible at Fairview – Grand as the multitude of traffic turning up Fairview off Grand is indicative of this intersection as a significant City Gateway and there will be  beautification of one of the two small commercial zones in Piedmont. Lastly the unsightly “gateway” of white plastic bollards will be eliminated.
          The 2014 Piedmont Bike Pedestrian Master Plan (“PBMP”) at p. 77 listed Grand/Fairview as a priority project and the report states “many requests from the public, creates sense of gateway into the city.”  The current Staff Report notes the PBMP as to Grand/Lower Grand intersection as “one needing additional traffic calming measures.” The PBMP places the Fairview Grand intersection as a higher safety priority; a permanent solution at this important intersection addresses multiple issues unlike the limited possibilities at Grand – Lower Grand.
          I urge Council to reconsider and use taxpayer funds in a more efficient manner that serves many more in town and accomplishes multiple needs by improving the Grand – Fairview intersection. Minimally, I ask Council to direct Staff to place a higher priority on the Fairview – Grand intersection.
Rick Schiller, Piedmont Resident
April 30, 2021
Editors’ Note: Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Apr 28 2021
This year, the City of Piedmont’s Arbor Day Celebration will be held VIRTUALLY on Friday, April 30th.
Arbor Day Video:
The City has a link on their website of the Arbor Day video, which highlights the City’s 19 heritage trees, as well as, a presentation by Zach Parisa speaking about Piedmont’s own urban forest.

WATCH the Video > https://youtu.be/0sHHQ_AXflY

Arbor Day Tree Planting:
The City will be planting three Yulan Magnolia in Dracena Park, in memory of Ralston Louie.
Chalk Art Contest:
Public Works is also hosting a Chalk Art Contest for our youngest residents. Participants can pick their favorite street or park tree next to a sidewalk, write the tree’s name in chalk along with any inspired artwork honoring the tree! Please send your photo of the artist and tree to Nancy Kent. If you need assistance identifying your tree, contact Parks & Project Manager, Nancy Kent!
Prizes will be awarded for the most creative tree art!
For additional information contact Nancy Kent at nkent@piedmont.ca.gov
or (510) 420-3064 
Apr 28 2021

Virtual Town Hall featuring District 15

Assemblymember Buffy Wicks

League of Women Voters

Wednesday, May 5, 2021 5:00 – 6:30 pm

Click below for flyer and details

Final flyer- LWV Virtual Town Hall featuring Assemblymember Buffy Wicks[19714]


Nancy O’Malley event

Thursday, May 6th, 4:00-5:00 p.m. – online media

“Perspectives on Women’s Issues”

with Nancy O’Malley, Alameda County District Attorney

On Thursday, May 6th, at 4:00 p.m., the Piedmont League of Women Voters will welcome Alameda County District Attorney, Nancy O’Malley.  She will discuss her important work with abused and homeless women, helping them move beyond trauma into a positive future.

DA O’Malley will address the many challenges COVID-19 has posed. She will also explain the ways in which the current lack of civility in politics is impeding the pace and scale of progress for women who suffer from violence. For example, passage of the Violence Against Women Act was held up due to politics, and funding for the Victims Crime Act, which provides resources to states for victims of crime, was also reduced.

Nancy O’Malley is a nationally recognized expert in issues involving violence against women, violence against persons with disabilities, and interpersonal violence including sexual assault, domestic violence, elder abuse, child abuse, stalking, and human exploitation and trafficking. She serves in an office with a national reputation for excellence dating back to former District Attorney and United States Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren. DA O’Malley carries out this proud legacy as the first woman to serve as Alameda County’s elected District Attorney, and as a leader known throughout California and the country for her innovation and vision.

The event is free and open to all community members. To register, please go to


You can watch DA O’Malley’s presentation live on Zoom or on our YouTube channel. The event is free and open to all community members. It will be recorded and posted on the League of Women Voters of Piedmont website for those who cannot join live.

Apr 28 2021
April 28, 2021
The City of Piedmont is working to keep residents informed on the evolving COVID-19 situation and other City happenings. This email update will be sent out weekly as news warrants. We want to make sure as many people as possible get this important information so, please share this with others and encourage them to subscribe to the update. The City is also updating the City’s website and social media channels. Stay connected and informed!
Yesterday, the CDC issued updated guidance on Choosing Safer Activities during the pandemic
The new guidance places indoor and outdoor activities into three categories for both unvaccinated and fully vaccinated people: Safest, Less Safe, and, Least Safe. Please see the graphic below for a visual representation of the guidance. Discussing masks, the Alameda County Public Health Department says, “Masks continue to be an important and proven intervention to protect residents from COVID-19. Vaccinated residents and families are strongly advised to continue to wear masks in public places, especially in crowded settings, including indoors.”
Apr 28 2021

2020 Census Alerts California to Senior Needs

The CA Fertility Rate declined by twice the US Rate, while Seniors are a fast-increasing age group in the State.

Birth rates have steadily fallen in California since the aftermath of World War II, when the baby boom first sent the state’s population soaring. According to state data, births have declined by more than 15 percent in the past decade.

But California’s baby bust since the last census has also been more acute than in the rest of the country. Take the fertility rate, which demographers typically define as births per 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44.

Nationally, that rate fell from 64.1 in 2010 to 58.3 in 2019 — a loss of 5.8 births per 1,000 women of childbearing age. In California, however, the decline was 11.7 births. By comparison, the fertility rate in Florida dropped by fewer than four births.

Older adults have outpaced growth in children or working-age adults to become the state’s fastest-growing age group. The state projects that by 2030, more than nine million Californians will be over 65.  New York Times

Read April 26, 2021 NYT article here

Apr 27 2021

Unique Opportunity to Observe Your City Council Members During the Workshop

Special City Council Meeting

Thursday, April 29, 2021 9:00 a.m. Via Teleconference

Computer or smart phone: https://piedmont-ca-gov.zoom.us/j/83121532252

Telephone: Dial (669) 900-9128 and enter webinar/meeting number 831-2153-2252

Piedmonters will be able to view and participate in the Council virtual “Team Building Workshop” from home or elsewhere.

Click below for instructions on how to observe and participate.

Council Team Building Agenda 2021-04-29


Apr 27 2021

Police & Fire Pension Board & City Investment Subcommittee 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021 4:00 p.m.

Click links below to participate, read reports and view the meeting –

Pension Board Agenda 2021-04-28

PARS PRSP Review 42021

Apr 23 2021

The City of Piedmont is collaborating with East Bay Community Energy (EBCE), Piedmont’s local power provider to offer an induction cooktop lending program for Piedmont residents. The program started in April 2021.

Any resident can try out induction cooktops for free.

Here’s how it works:

  • Sign up for this program using this google form. Signing up is free and all you need is some basic contact information. If you cannot access the google form, you can also call a City staff member at (510) 420-3058 and leave your name, address, and phone number to be added to our loaning list. This is on a first-come, first-serve basis, so sign-up early!
  • A City staff member will contact you to confirm your reservation. Once contacted for your pickup, you can come to City Hall to retrieve the cooktop unit. For individuals with physical limitations, you can arrange a socially distant pickup and/or drop-off.
  • Use your induction cooktop! The cooktop can plug into any standard electrical socket. The cooktop will come with additional usage instructions, and there are some handy resources linked below. If you haven’t used one before, don’t worry–the induction experience is new for a lot of people. The City encourages you to try using it for different things, such as boiling water, sautéing, or frying your favorite dishes.
  • After 3 weeks, you must return your cooktop unit to the City. Please be respectful of the loan timeframe.
  • The City wants as many Piedmonters to have the chance to use the cooktop as possible.
Apr 21 2021

Get Involved in the Community Pool Complex Planning!

The deadline to be a member of the Pool Advisory Committee is May 5th at 5 pm. 

The City Council will hold a special evening meeting on Monday, May 10th  to interview applicants. Go to the links below for detailed information.

2021-04-20 Pool Advisory Committee Recruitment

Notice of Appointive Vacancies 2021 – Pool Advisory Committee

Commission Application 2021 – Pool Advisory Committee

For questions, contact the City Clerk at 510/420-3040.

Apr 21 2021

The next meeting of the Piedmont Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee (PBAC) is this Thursday, April 22, at 5:30 pm.

The PBAC is helping to guide the development of the Piedmont Safer Streets Plan.

The meeting agenda and ways to participate are > here.

For questions about the PBAC, contact Gopika Nair (City staff liaison), at SaferStreets@Piedmont.ca.gov or at (510) 420-3054.