Mar 23 2021

Public Safety Committee Agenda –  Thursday, March 25, 2021 5:30 p.m. Via Teleconference

Because of COVID-19 protocols Piedmonters have an opportunity to view updates on Piedmont Public Safety issues from home.  Previously, the meetings of this Committee were not video recorded.  Interested individuals needed to actually attend a meeting to learn what transpired.

Regular Agenda

1. Approval of Public Safety Committee Meeting Minutes for 1/21/2021

2. Update on Police Department Strategic Plan

3. Update on Public Safety Cameras

4. Update on Juvenile Officer

5. Update on School Liaison Activities

6. Update on COVID 19 & Health Order

7. Update on Piedmont Fire Department Strategic Planning

Read instructions for meeting viewing and participation by clicking below

PSC Agenda 2021-03-25  

READ prior minutes Public Safety 2021-01-21 DRAFT

Mar 21 2021

Piedmonters will get a rare at home view of the all important Budget Advisory & Financial Planning Committee considerations.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021 3:00 p.m.  by Teleconference and Zoom

Taxes, tax measures, the budget and large expenditures are funneled through the Committee.  Historically minutes and video recording have NOT been made of the Committee’s meetings.  Typically, a report has been drafted by the Chair and reviewed by the Committee after a number of meetings.  

The March 23rd agenda includes the Municipal Pool, PERS pension project costs, and the annual budget actuals.

Stay up to date:

  • Call to Order Public Forum This is an opportunity for members of the audience to speak on an item not on the agenda. The 10 minute period will be divided evenly between those wishing to address the Committee.

Regular Agenda

  • 1. Update on FY 20-21 General Fund Revenue and Expenditures: Projected Actual vs Budget

  • 2. Presentation of Ten Year Projections of CalPERS Pension Costs

  • 3. Update on Piedmont Community Pool Project and Bond Oversight Committee

Read Agenda and Participation >2021-03-23 Budget Advisory & Financial Planning Committee

 To maximize public safety while still maintaining transparency and public access, members of the public can participate in the meeting in several ways:  Computer or smart phone: Click  Telephone: Dial (669) 900-9128 and enter webinar/meeting number 892-5123-1925 To participate in the meeting by providing public comment, members of the public may use the ZOOM platform to make live, verbal public comments. To speak to the Committee click the “Raise Your Hand” button when the item on which you would like to comment is called. If you are connected to the meeting by phone, please dial *9. When it is your turn to speak, the City Clerk will call your name and unmute your line, at which point you will have three minutes to address the Committee. After the allotted time, you will then be re-muted.

Instructions of how to “Raise Your Hand” is available at

Mar 16 2021

The following link is for the video of the Linda Beach Phase I Master Plan meeting held on Saturday March 6. Click below.

Linda Beach Phase I Master Plan Virtual  Neighborhood Meeting Recording

Rick Schiller writes: “Above is the link to the March 6, 2021 City webinar concerning Phase I of the Linda Beach Master Plan. Phase I is about obtaining grant funding for the bathrooms, play area behind the bathrooms and the area next to and under the Oakland Avenue Bridge.  At 39:30 in the tape there is reference to pickleball that goes to about 44:00. My sense is that City Staff are aware of the presence and growth of Pickelball; the consultant dismissed pickleball stating the decision had been made to incorporate Bocce instead. I believe Linda Beach is the only available space in town for dedicated pickleball courts and not just dual-use tennis courts which require daily pickleball net setup and breakdown.”

Linda Beach Park Item: #5 on Recreation Commission meeting March 17, 2021.  Click agenda link below:

March Recreation Commission Meeting  Agenda March 17, 2021

Mar 16 2021

AAPI Youth Rising Rally – A peaceful gathering in support of the AAPI community on Sunday, March 28th from 2 to 4 pm

At this time participation has been limited due to overwhelming interest.

Mina (Piedmont resident) and Anna (Oakland resident) – 7th graders
Ivana Lee Fedor, Piedmont Resident
Mar 14 2021

March 15, 2021 City Council Closed Session.

The property at 223 Linda Avenue consists of 4 apartments across from Beach Elementary School.  There is no known public discussion of City purchase of the property until the announcement of the Closed Session. 

Council: Adjourn to a Closed Session a. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS (Govt. Code §54956.8) 223 Linda Ave; Negotiating Parties: City and Linda Paramount Properties LLC Negotiators: City Admin. & Atty; Under Negotiation: Price & Terms of Payment


Mar 14 2021

$19.5 Million Bond Measure for building new community pools using an Advisory Committee to be considered on March 15, at the Piedmont City Council meeting.  Agenda HERE.

 SECTION 1. The Community Pool Advisory Committee is hereby established as a temporary advisory committee of the City of Piedmont.

SECTION 2. The efforts of the Community Pool Advisory Committee will be to offer advice throughout the design process and to serve as a conduit for the community’s voice in the design refinement and construction of the Piedmont Community Pool, specifically by:

1) Assisting the project team to ensure the project meets community expectations.

2) Communicating project progress to the community.

3) Making recommendations to staff and the Council on how to balance any conflicting priorities against budget resources and community expectations.

SECTION 3. The Community Pool Advisory Committee shall consist of five or seven residents at large, including one current or former member of the Recreation Commission.

SECTION 4. The City Council shall appoint one member to serve as Committee Chair.

SECTION 5. The Community Pool Advisory Committee shall meet on a quarterly basis or as needed.

SECTION 6. The term of the Community Pool Advisory Committee shall extend from the date of establishment to completion of construction of the Community Pool project.

SECTION 7. The Community Pool Advisory Committee shall comply with the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code §54950 et seq.) including, but not limited to notice, agenda posting, and public participation requirements.

SECTION 8. The Community Pool Advisory Committee is an advisory body to the City Council and is not an independent decision-making body. All of its recommendations are subject to approval of the City Council.

“Should the Council choose to establish the committee, the recruitment process will be similar to the one used for the City’s standing commissions and committees. First, staff announces the recruitment period via the web site and social media channels as well as via press release. After receiving applications, the Council would then conduct interviews of the candidates, and after deliberations, appoint the Chair of the committee and its members. Also, consistent with other commissions and committees, Council would appoint a liaison and alternate to the PAC. Recruitment for this committee will take place separately from the ongoing annual recruitment for commissions & committees. This would allow the PAC to begin its work shortly after the engagement of the project manager/owners representative and before selection of the design team.”

Read the full staff report below:

Consideration of the Establishment of the Community Pool Advisory Committee

Mar 9 2021

– Student transfers from other School Districts into the Piedmont School District are proposed on a priority basis.   Children of persons working 10 hours or more per week in Piedmont need no longer work for the City or School District and grandchildren of Piedmont residents will continue to be prioritized.

Expanded qualifications for enrollment in Piedmont Schools will be considered on March 10.

Three separate initiatives were discussed during a February 24th School Board meeting in order to help achieve the Board’s goal:

1. PUSD Athletic Coaches: Paid contracted athletic coaches [children] may be eligible for admittance to Piedmont schools based on verification of employment. Does not pertain to volunteer coaches. When a District Coach ceases employment with the District, he/she shall withdraw his/her child from the District no later than the end of the current semester or at the discretion of the Superintendent.

2. Persons Employed Within the City of Piedmont: Limits Children of Persons physically employed at least 10 hours a week within the City of Piedmont limits may be eligible for admittance to Piedmont schools. Proof of employment via a letter on employer’s stationary verifying schedule (hours and days) and location of employment and a copy of a current pay stub must accompany the application. When the person ceases employment within the City of Piedmont limits, he/she shall withdraw his/her child from the District no later than the end of the current semester or at the discretion of the Superintendent.

3. Children of the City of Piedmont Government Employees The District may admit children of City of Piedmont government employees employed at least 10 hours a week. A City government employee is defined as an employee who is on a regularly scheduled City of Piedmont government employee payroll on which appropriate deductions occur. It does not include consultants or contractors for the City of Piedmont.

Read the proposed priorities for admittance in the links below:



To participate in this Agenda item on March 10, 2021, at the 7 pm, Piedmont Unified School District meeting, click the Agenda below:

Mar 9 2021

The question of reopening the Piedmont Municipal Pool was brought up under Announcements by Councilmember Betsy Andersen at the March 1, 2021 Council meeting.  Andersen requested a report from the staff regarding the possible reopening of the closed pool.  No discussion was held on the matter. 

Mar 9 2021

The League of Women Voters of Piedmont is sponsoring its second annual essay contest open to all high school juniors and seniors who are residents of Piedmont or are currently enrolled in Piedmont High School or Millennium High School.

Prize: $500 for first place essay; prize may be split among the top two entries.

Contest Rules Content: Your essay should answer the question,

“Given the fragility of democracy as evidenced by the insurrection of January 6, 2021, how can your generation work to ensure that democracy in the United States is strengthened for future generations?”

You may, but are not required to, rely on outside sources that are properly cited within the text and in a bibliography. We do not require a specific format for your citations or bibliography, but please ensure you include enough information to allow us to readily verify your sources. Citations do not count toward your total number of words.

Please keep in mind that this essay is not solely a research paper, but should draw on your personal experiences and insights. Your essay will be judged on originality, clarity of expression, vocabulary and style, proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. Students are encouraged to have a teacher, parent or mentor review the essay prior to submission keeping in mind that all work must be the student’s own.

The essay must be 250-500 words excluding citations. Entries must be typed, double-spaced and in pdf format. Please include the following information at the top of your essay or on a separate cover page: : Your essay should answer the question, “Given the fragility of democracy as evidenced by the insurrection of January 6, 2021, how can your generation work to ensure that democracy in the United States is strengthened for future generations?”  See details below.

Format: The essay must be 250-500 words excluding citations. Entries must be typed, double-spaced and in pdf format. Please include the following information at the top of your essay or on a separate cover page:

• title of essay

• your first and last name

• your city of residence

• name of your school

• your current grade (junior or senior)

Submission: Please submit completed essays via email to

Deadline: April 17, 2021 at 11:59pm, Pacific Standard Time.

Winner will be notified by May 1st, 2021.

Read flyer below:


Mar 6 2021

Piedmont Anti-racism and Diversity Committee (PADC) condemns the latest incidents of anti-Asian hate in the San Francisco Bay Area and across the United States.

We call on the Piedmont Unified School District and the Piedmont community to acknowledge and support its Asian American and Pacific Islander students, teachers, staff and community members.

Language such as the “China virus” and “kung flu” is mean, harmful, inappropriate, and should not be tolerated at school or in our community. This kind of rhetoric has led to increased xenophobia, harassment and violence against Asian Americans. In addition to the recent attacks in Oakland and San Francisco, Stop AAPI Hate recorded more than 2,800 incidents of anti-Asian discrimination across the United States, including the bullying of children. 

PADC also applauds the recent show of solidarity among Asian, Black and Latinx communities. Please join us in a unified response to anti-Asian violence. PADC aims to work for an inclusive Piedmont community for all through activism and connection, grounded in the principles of anti-racism. Ways to get involved: Attend a meeting, join a working group, apply for a PADC grant.

Please see our website for links to recent relevant articles and resources, which were compiled by the Asian American Journalists Association’s San Francisco Bay Area Chapter. 

Piedmont Anti-racism and Diversity Committee