Jan 16 2021

From the City of Piedmont – 

I am writing today to inform you that Piedmont City Council will receive an informational update on public engagement efforts related to the proposed amendments –Reach Codes– to the state’s Building Standards Code on TUESDAY, January 19th. This will include a presentation of the results of a random-sample survey conducted in November and December 2020, which evaluated residents’ opinions about the draft Reach Codes.


Unless otherwise directed by the Council, staff intends to bring forward the second reading of the Reach Codes at the February 1st City Council meeting.

To learn more about the proposed Reach Codes, see the “background” section below, or follow the link in the “more information” section. The goal of these amendments is to reduce building natural gas use in accordance with Climate Action Plan goals and to create opportunities for residents to save energy and money.

The TUESDAY, January 19, 2021 City Council meeting agenda is posted on the City website at www.piedmont.ca.gov. Members of the public are encouraged to participate by submitting comments and attending the Council meeting. Comments regarding the proposed code amendments may be sent to the City Council via email to: citycouncil@piedmont.ca.gov.

To send comments via U.S. Mail, please use the following address: Piedmont City Council c/o City Clerk, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611. The City Council meeting, including this issue, will be televised on KCOM-TV, Channel 27, and the City’s government access TV station.

If you have questions about the proposed ordinances and policy, please contact Planning & Building Director Kevin Jackson by email at kjackson@piedmont.ca.gov. Any correspondence sent to the City will be considered a public record.

Best regards,

Alyssa Dykman

Sustainability Program Manager

Reach Codes Background:

Piedmont’s Climate Action Plan 2.0 calls for the community to reduce its in-territory emissions 80% between 2005 and 2050; much of this reduction must come from reduced natural gas use in buildings – by insulating homes better, and by switching out gas appliances for electric appliances powered by renewable energy.

Over the past year, City staff has been developing proposed local amendments to the California Building Standards Code—Reach Codes—that will help the community make progress towards these goals, while creating opportunities for residents to save energy and money. City staff has done extensive public outreach, including public outreach meetings, public opinion surveys, and the development of a frequently asked question (FAQ) page, to ensure the developed proposals are best tailored to Piedmont’s needs. The resulting recommended amendments are as follows:

  • Newly constructed low-rise residential buildings, including new detached accessory dwelling units (ADUs), must use all electric building appliances.
  • Projects proposing an entire new upper level on a low-rise residential building, or that increase a low-rise residential building’s total roof area by 30% or more, are required to install solar panels on their roof.
  • A renovation project on a low-rise residential building that costs $25,000 or more, will require the applicant to choose one item from a list of energy efficient insulation or heating system electrification improvements to include in the renovation. A renovation project on a low-rise residential building that costs $100,000 or more will require the applicant to choose two items.
  • An application for an electrical panel upgrade must include capacity in the panel to accommodate future electrification of all appliances in the residence.
  • An application for a kitchen or laundry area renovation must include electrical outlets for future appliance installation.
  • At point of listing for sale of a property, a report from a Home Energy Audit or Home Energy Score (homeowner’s choice) must be provided to potential buyers and submitted to the City – unless the residential building was constructed in the past 10 years.

For more information, see:

Jan 13 2021

The City has received questions regarding COVID-19 vaccines and their availability. The Alameda County Public Health Department has information about how and when vaccines will be made available, and we encourage you to take a look at their website at https://covid-19.acgov.org/vaccines. There you will find information regarding local and state planning, including the phases of implementation. You may also signup to get notified when it’s your turn for vaccination.

Remember, the Alameda County Public Health Department’s COVID-19 webpage is dedicated to Alameda County specific information regarding the coronavirus. The State of California also has statewide information at https://covid19.ca.gov/. 

City of Piedmont

Editor’s Note: the Alameda County Resident Vaccine Notification Form will provide the County with information and is available at the following site:


Jan 11 2021

The proposed lease for 801 Magnolia – West Wing creates a totally exclusive use of a public building by a private group.

As now President Sue Malick of the Center for the Arts, said to the City Council in March, 2011, “public buildings should be used by the public.”  And such use should never exclude citizens of our Piedmont community.

The proposed new lease contains absolutely no obligations for the Center to share the space with the community or even to spend funds on further capital improvements there.

The original, 2011 lease worked because the original Board of Directors of the Arts Center obligated themselves in that lease with the City to do specified work with private money to make this wasting asset a habitable, useful building and a gathering place for community arts & performances.

Only three of the original Board Members are still serving on the Arts Center Board; the majority of the Board members have a different vision. Since 2018, they have worked to eliminate all community events and to simply operate “an affordable venue rental.”

No-one is saying the Arts Center cannot be in this public building or that they cannot continue to rent it out for talented musical performances enjoyed by all. This is NOT about art; it is about control of a public asset—in this case a big public building!

The Arts Center proposed lease gives the Board the right to exclude anyone they want. There have been many verbal and written representations of what the Board intends to do; however, the actual proposed lease frees them from any and all inclusive community use or, in fact, any obligations whatsoever.

Once the lease is signed, the Center can do what they have been doing for the past two years, i.e. excluding all community use and just operating a rental venue for a profit.

I have struggled to find any reason for a City to completely outsource the running of a public building to a private group.

During the 8 years I was responsible for running this public building, the City of Piedmont conducted zero oversight of the building or our operations. They never checked the operation of the handicap lift installed for the City’s benefit, whether there was, in fact, acceptable handicap access, the smoke and fire alarms (which do not exist) or even if this 1905 building was safe in the event of an earthquake.  The City has attended to earthquake concerns and retrofitting with all of the other City buildings.

It was just as if the City was so happy someone else was running this “tear-down” for them, and “Hey, it’s art!,” so the City doesn’t need to be responsible. Is this negligence and considerable potential liability, now going to be continued for another 10 years?  Is that what this is really about? 

The City does not seem willing to take responsibility for the proper management and care of one of its largest public buildings, especially one they acquired to tear down. The City Council action in December 2020 revealed their intent to outsource control and liability for 801 Magnolia Avenue—and do it under the guise of supporting “the arts.”

Council members perhaps realized that the citizens would not know about the City’s negligence – people love going to arts programming there and the City Council will look great for supporting the arts! However, there is just no justifiable reason to create such exclusive control of a public building in a small town with few publicly-accessible spaces.

Giving the Arts Center Board 450 hours a year of free rental usage in the building at 801 Magnolia under Recreation Department control would certainly be a huge “support for the arts” by the City.

I sincerely hope the 2021 City Council will take time to investigate and publicly report on the safety and soundness of the 801 Magnolia building for public use, and consider alternative proposals for its use which would be inclusive rather than the currently proposed exclusive use.

The same musical performances would all continue for the town to attend and there would still be a “Piedmont Center For The Arts”.

Nancy Lehrkind, Piedmont Resident and Founder of the Piedmont Center for the Arts

Editors’ Note: Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Jan 11 2021

Dear Council members,

We understand that the City Council will discuss renewal of the lease for the Piedmont Center for the Arts in the next few weeks. I’m writing to support renewal of the lease, preserving this important treasure for the City and its neighbors.

We live on a split lot, paying property taxes to both Oakland and Piedmont. Over the past few years we have enjoyed musical concerts, plays and art exhibits at the Center and sincerely hope that, once the Covid crisis has abated, we can return for future programs.

We have enjoyed many enriching performances in the short time the prestigious Piedmont Center for the Arts has been part of this small community.

I’m writing to add our voices strongly urging the Council to renew the PCA lease so it can continue to bring high quality art and culture to Piedmont. We have a treasure right here in our backyard which we must protect.

Mary and Andrew Moyce


My name is Valerie Corvin and I am a co-founder of the Piedmont Center for the Arts. I recently stepped down from the PCA Board to pursue other endeavors, but I served 9 years as program director, visual art program director, and juried art show administrator.

As a board member and with no paid staff, I have put in countless hours at all hours of the day and night to help PCA grow into the City of Piedmont treasure that it is. The people of Piedmont love PCA. I have been thanked probably a thousand times by people who have attended events at the Center. Resident truly appreciate having an arts center as part the offerings of City of the Piedmont. It ranks up there along with the school system and our well-run town.

PCA is a selling point used by many realtors why one should choose to live in our town. I have been told it is one of the top 5 selling points of Piedmont cited by realtors. PCA is now part of the fabric of this town.

Now is the time to have civil dialogue and find ways for the City and the Center to work together for the benefit for all citizens of Piedmont.

I believe that members of the PCA Board are more than ready to work with the City to create policy and accessibility to the building to support the needs of interested groups. PCA has been a good tenant and is willing to continue to be a good team player with the City. The arts are important part of our society and add an important dimension to our lives. Please renew the PCA lease.

Thank you.

Valerie Corvin, Piedmont Resident and Co-Founder of Arts Center


Good afternoon!

It has come to my attention that the Piedmont Center for the Arts (PCA) is about to go before the City Council for the second reading of their lease renewal.  And I need to let you know how much my family and I value PCA.  Upon moving here three years ago, we stumbled upon PCA and were thrilled to learn of their chamber music series.  We have subscribed ever since, and pray that their lease will be renewed.  It’s one of the very bright spots in the area, and something we’re very much looking forward to coming out of COVID.

All the best to each of you this year.  And thanks for listening.

GaryHurd, Piedmont Resident


My husband and I have attended many concerts at the Piedmont Center for the Arts and have thoroughly enjoyed each event.
I have also enjoyed the art exhibitions.
The Center has become an integral part of the community and has brought enjoyment to the citizens of Piedmont and their guests and at our doorsteps.
It is my recommendation that you renew their funding so that they can continue their excellent mission.
Suzy Locke Cohen, Piedmont Resident
Dear Council members,
 I urge you to approve the lease renewal for the Piedmont Center for the Arts.
I’m a local artist who has used the facility for a book release party and art show and found it to be a delightful venue for both. It’s also a top notch space for concerts and recitals.
It is in fact a one of a kind resource for the local art community that would be sorely missed.
 Your vote to extend the Center’s lease would be greatly appreciated.
    Michael Manente – Oakland Artist and Business owner
Editors’ Note: Opinions expressed are those of the authors.
Jan 11 2021

Monday, January 18, 2021 – Virtual MLK Celebration 11:00 am to 12:30 pm.  Click on announcement and see  letter below to engage.  Zoom meetings are listed below:

24th Annual 2021 Piedmont MLK Celebration – January 18, 2021 @ 11 am-12:30 pm

Martin Luther King’s “Where Do We Go from Here” speech challenges us to look at the big picture when it comes to racial and economic justice. To see beyond what is immediately within view and identify root causes. “We are called upon to help the discouraged beggars in life’s marketplace,” King said. “But one day we must come to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.” 

Reimagining a society shaped at the intersection of power, love and justice is the focus of Piedmont’s 24th annual MLK Day Celebration. More than 50 years later, King’s exhaustive list of challenges to be dissatisfied with in America—insular wealth and desperate poverty, inadequate housing, segregated schools, to name a few—still exist today. Each of us has the power to step up and take action to create change. “[T]here is a creative force in this universe working to pull down the gigantic mountains of evil, a power that is able to make a way out of no way and transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows.” We are the power. 

This year’s program, co-sponsored by PADC and the City of Piedmont, will feature stirring performances by traditional Native American flutist Vince Redhouse and Destiny Arts Youth Performance Company. Speakers will include Congresswoman Barbara Lee; Stanford Professor and King Institute Director Clayborne Carson; and filmmaker and World Trust Founder Shakti Butler. Visit www.padc.info to register for this free event. 

And new to the celebration this year are community education workshops! In partnership with local organizations, and PHS/MHS students and alums, PADC is co-sponsoring a series of engaging and participatory workshops. You are invited to attend any or all of these discussions. Zoom or registration links are located on www.padc.info

Piedmont Racial Equity Campaign presents: 

“Nice White Parents: A Podcast Community Discussion”

Join us for a book club-type discussion based on the NYT podcast to glean lessons learned and spark insights that we can apply to Piedmont Schools. We recommend you listen to at least one episode in the five-part series ahead of time to maximize your engagement and experience in our discussion. We will think together about these big-idea questions from the podcast creators, with an eye toward our Piedmont Schools: What should be the goal of public education, and why? What does it mean for schools to be truly integrated? Who benefits from integration, and in what ways? Why do you think every child in the United States does not have access to a quality education? What can we do to change that inequality?

1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

To RSVP, click here.

Join Zoom Meeting:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83180755288#success


Piedmont for Oakland Public Schools (POPS) presents: 

“Is Segregation Still Alive in Schools?”

During the event, we will break down the story told during the podcast to discuss racial segregation in U.S. education. We will supplement the discussion with excerpts from Coretta Scott King to honor her work and pose further questions about educational equity. To prepare the event, we are asking everyone to listen to part one of a podcast from “This American Life.”

2 pm to 3 pm

Join Zoom Meeting: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/98013263305


PHS / MHS Black Student Union (BSU) presents:

“Black Youth: Reflections on the Legacy of Dr. King”

A brief video in which members of the BSU address current events and MLK Day will be followed by a conversation on the way forward.

3 pm to 4 pm

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6318924240


Podcast Host Aksumawi Turner (PHS 2009) presents: 

“Perspectives on Power and  Love: An MLK Roundtable”

In his speech “Where Do We Go From Here,” Dr. King notes that “power without love is reckless and abusive and love without power is sentimental and anemic.” Measured balance between the two are the foundation for meaningful change. Our panel talks about what this means today. 

5 pm to 6 pm

Join Zoom Meeting: https://procore.zoom.us/j.99311564624

Jan 10 2021

Run by one group or a fully utilized community center?

Madam Mayor and Council Members

My comment on 801 Magnolia Avenue is that it is seems premature to sign a long-term renewal lease.  There seems to be a false choice being discussed – it is not an art center or no art center, but a choice between only a very much part-time art center run by one group and a more fully utilized community center with more options and activities.

The PCA may be the right option. However,  there are quite possibly other opportunities to also utilize the facility.  I walk past the center on a regular basis, and it seems to be very under utilized (yes, pre-Covid) – it does not seem to quite be the viable and thriving arts venue some describe, nor a diverse program and artist venue, as indicated in the staff report.

In summary it has not been a thriving community or art center, thus I think we could possibly have an art center as well as a broader community center with more diverse uses.  I hope  that some options and broad community input can be solicited before the building is locked up with one user for another seven or ten years.

I looked over the staff report and noticed a couple things:  the list of something like 280 activities seems like a lot but that is actually less than one activity per day (some it seems at an hour or two);d looking over their calendar from 2019 it seems like there are many, many hours when the center is not used.  And, the audience for many of activities at the Center seem to be focused primarily on one particular demographic of interests.  Next the lease terms for non PCA activities, such as City activities seems very constrained and not conducive to any regular scheduled activities – and third it seems that the City staff did not discuss any alternatives in the report – the ‘as compared to what’ question is not addressed.

As an aside, most of you know me for something different, but I am also actually an artist and active in parts of the East Bay art community. There are many many artists in our broader community  – and thus, there are plenty of artists, with diverse backgrounds and art, out there that could be utilizing the space for more than an event or two every few days.

I also raise my points because I have felt for a long time that there is a significant need in the City for indoor community space activities – particularly for seniors and youth – such as via a youth and./or senior center, e.g. similar to the senior centers in Berkeley. I also always thought that 801 Magnolia would be a good option for those uses. Perhaps our highly capable Rec Dept can run 801 and likely way more fully utilize it – including allowing PCA to have its activities via a long-term agreement.   This is just one option that can be explored.

In summary, please consider both an art center with alternatives that include much fuller use of the building, before signing a long-term lease, with a constrained termination clause, that seems to limit the building’s use and basically puts control in the hands of just one group, as altruistic as they may be.

Thank you.

Steven Schiller, Piedmont Resident

Editors’ Note:  Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Jan 10 2021

The City has received the following letters urging renewal of the $1 a year lease of 801 Magnolia Avenue for both commercial and Arts Center use.

Dear Ms. Mayor and City Council Members:

I have been so proud of our town for using a piece of property long neglected for such a constructive use as the Piedmont Center for the arts. It has been amazing how beautifully it has grown into a class theater, music performance  and artist venue.

I was surprised to learn that there is some question about its continuing in the current use. I do hope it will continue so that we may enjoy more of the art, music  and theater in the future.

Thank you.  It’s a good life!
Beth DeAtley, Piedmont Resident


Dear City Council,

Music, drama, art, right in the center of Piedmont.  How lucky we are that we, and our children, can see the Piedmont Chamber Music Festival, plays performed and directed by local residents, and art by Michael Stehr and others.  The Piedmont Center for the Arts has become a beloved and necessary addition to our vibrant community.

After this dark time in our country’s history we need the joy and hope that the arts can bring.  May the Piedmont Center for the Arts continue to be a bright light in our community.

Sincerely yours,

Mary Ann Benson, Oakland Resident


Dear Council members,
As a longtime Piedmont resident, I  was totally thrilled to finally see the building at 801 Magnolia Avenue used for something good!  The PCA is one of the truly great success stories for our city!  Not only has it given me many evenings of delight and joy but has opened my eyes to the vast artist’s living in our city for so many years! It is an institution which must stay alive just as every other historic institution in Piedmont. (I cite Mulberry`s, Ellen Driscal theatre, Japanese Teahouse, etc.) Especially in these dark times of covid, when so many of us have and are being exposed to hatred, bigotry and dis-ease, we NEED PCA  more than ever!  Please vote to continue the lease for this extremely valuable institution in February!
Concerned citizen and art lover,
Sherry Jacobs, Piedmont Resident

Please renew the lease for this treasured asset.

It is unique, and one of the Crown Jewels of the town. The board of directors of this non-profit offers diverse programming and community support.  The Center serves the residents with programs supporting local artists, lectures and performances which support local actors and musicians, and programs for children – truly a wonderful asset for Piedmont.


John Callahan


Dear Councilmembers,

As a Piedmont resident for over forty years, I think the Piedmont Center for the Arts has been one of the best additions to the local cultural scene in my lifetime. I find the offerings to be consistently high quality and highly varied, the venue to be intimate and  extremely appropriate to both the performances and the audience, and above all, I am proud to live in a community that can support such an endeavor at the truly local level.

I appreciate that the venue itself is well appointed and cared for, that it is accessible to all, and lends itself so well to the variety of cultural arts events that I have attended which include music, drama, and exhibits.

I surely hope the city council will renew the lease of this enriching institution with a resounding vote of applause to its devoted volunteers.


Elaine Horwitz Bachrach, Piedmont Resident


My name is Jonathan Ring and I have been a Piedmont resident for 22 years.  My wife and I have raised our 2 children here.

I also am a professional musician beginning my 30th season with the San Francisco Symphony.

Having an arts center here in Piedmont has been vital to our quality of life and to the cultural enrichment of our city and its citizens.  With such a huge emphasis being put these days on technology and its accompanying short attention spans, it is a welcome respite to have a place in our city where one can come and experience music unfolding over a longer period of time than 3 1/2 minutes, take the time to sit and ponder a piece of visual art, or reflect on a theatre performance which confronts important issues of the human condition and of society.  This exercise of looking inward and reflecting is one we don’t wish to be lost with our children’s generation.  It is the meaning of truly being human, and our arts center is a vital provider of this most important commodity to our city.

Life does not come down to money, power or opportunity.  Fully living life is fully being human, and the art of human expression is what the Piedmont Center for the Arts provides for the city of Piedmont.

Please ensure that it remains the important resource that it has been and that it has the full, unending support of the city government so that Piedmont residents can continue to take advantage of what the arts here have to offer.  Tax revenue, property values, etc. are all important things to consider, however I would argue that human revenue and human values are more important.  We all wish our city to be populated with caring, intelligent, sensitive and enlightened citizens – this is what the Piedmont Center for the Arts provides and must continue to provide to the residents of Piedmont.

Jonathan Ring, Piedmont Resident


We are losing so much with this pandemic.  It would be a shame to lose the Arts Center as well.  Our family very much appreciates having this resource.  Please do what you can to make sure that our town continues to support the Center for the Arts.
Matt O’Connell, Piedmont Resident
I have lived in Piedmont for over 30 years & am so appreciative of our beautiful parks, tennis courts, children’s playgrounds as well as our exceptional services.
The Piedmont Center for the Arts is such a gift to our city & part of the reason that our city is such a special place to live. As a lover of the arts, I was thrilled when the center opened.
From art shows, to concerts, to the numerous special events, the center truly enhances our sense of community & importantly supports our local artists.
I am so hopeful that whatever issues have arisen can be quickly resolved.
Please join with supporters of the center to insure that the lease is approved and the Center can continue as an important community resource.
Thank you for your consideration.
Dana Corvin, Piedmont Resident

Dear Members of the Piedmont City Council:

I am writing to urge you to renew the lease for the Piedmont Center for the Arts at your February meeting.

I have enjoyed performances and exhibits at the PCA, both as a member of the audience and as a performer, and I assure you it is a rare and treasured venue for the small and intimate types of performances that both artists and audiences love.

Although I am a resident of Oakland, I admire the fact that Piedmont is able to have such a wonderful arts program, and I appreciate the efforts of the volunteers who make it possible.  This beautiful facility provides the perfect place for their dedicated work and for many artists’ talents to find expression.

I hope you will recognize what an amazing gift the PCA provides to your community and those in the surrounding area.  Piedmont is lucky to have the PCA, and I hope you will allow it to continue by renewing its lease.

My sincere thanks for your consideration.

James A. Haverkamp, Oakland Resident

Editors’ Note: Opinions expressed are those of the authors.
Jan 5 2021

Back by popular demand! Please join the League of Women Voters Piedmont (LWVP) on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. on Zoom or on our YouTube channel to hear the latest on Covid-19 from one of our favorite speakers: internationally renowned epidemiologist and Piedmont resident, Dr. George Rutherford. As we are all aware, Dr. Rutherford has been instrumental in helping the Bay Area contend with Covid and is quoted in the media almost daily.

Dr. George Rutherford

Dr. Rutherford leads the Global Strategic Information group within UCSF’s Institute for Global Health Sciences. He is the Salvatore Pablo Lucia Professor of Epidemiology, Preventive Medicine, Pediatrics and History; Head of the Division of Infectious Disease and Global Epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in School of Medicine at UCSF and Professor of Epidemiology and Health Administration in the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley.

Educated at Stanford University and Duke University School of Medicine, he is board certified in pediatrics and in general preventive medicine and public health. He has worked extensively in public health, with an emphasis on the epidemiology and control of communicable diseases, both domestically and internationally and has held a number of positions in public health agencies, including having served as State Health Officer and State Epidemiologist for California, Director of the AIDS Office for the San Francisco Department of Public Health, Director of Immunizations for the New York City Department of Health and an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer at CDC.

Since last speaking with LWVP in May, many of Dr. Rutherford’s predictions came true about the value of mask wearing and the timing of vaccines becoming available. What are Dr. Rutherford’s predictions for the course of the Covid-19 virus in 2021?  And when will life return to normal?  During the Q&A portion of this event, viewers can submit their own questions to Dr. Rutherford.
Jan 5 2021

Fire Chief, City of Piedmont, California


Piedmont is a city of approximately 11,000 nestled in the beautiful East Bay Hills, overlooking San Francisco.  Within Piedmont’s 1.8 square-mile area that is almost entirely zoned for single-family residential use, you will find five city parks and numerous landscaped areas which offer wooded paths, tennis courts, children’s playgrounds and picnic facilities.  Piedmont is known for its urban forests of redwood groves and small town charm where it’s citizens treat city employees as valued members of the community.

Piedmont residents hold the all risk ALS Fire Department in high regard, and firefighters go the extra mile by providing concierge service to the residents.  The Department has provided ambulance services for nearly 90 years and is one of only four cities in Alameda County that provide paramedic transport services.

The Fire Chief oversees one part-time finance assistant and 24 line staff.  The projected fiscal year 2020/21 departmental budget is $6.9 million.

This position requires the equivalent to graduation from a four-year college or university with major course work in fire science, fire administration, or a related field and three years of command or supervisory experience in the fire service.  A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree is desired.

The current salary is $204,936 with excellent benefits ((CalPERS 2% @ 50, three-year average benefit calculation (Classic) with only a 9% employee contribution rate; and 2.7% @ 57) and for new employees)) and an annual uniform allowance of $1,200.

Also, children of full-time employees are eligible to attend the Skipping Stones program (toddler age) and Schoolmates (K-5) program at no charge as well as the Piedmont Unified School District where 95% of high school graduates move on to College.

To apply for this exciting career opportunity, please visit our website at:

Peckham & McKenney


Salary Top: $204,936

Negotiable/DOQ: Yes

Phone: 866-912-1919

Apply By: Jan 19, 2021

Please do not hesitate to contact Phil McKenney toll-free at (866) 912-1919 if you have any questions regarding this position or recruitment process.  Resumes will be acknowledged within 2 business days.

Jan 5 2021
Watch the Sundance Audience Award winner
CRIP CAMP: A Disability Revolution,
on Netflix or (FREE) on YouTube before joining
ADFS* for a lively discussion with the film’s co-directors on Thursday, January 7, 5:00-6:00 pm.Please join us. Register here:(Registration will provide YOUR link to the speaker and Q & A event.)

View this email in your browser

Down the road from Woodstock, a revolution blossomed at a ramshackle summer camp for teenagers with disabilities, transforming their lives and igniting a landmark movement.

Barack and Michelle Obama are executive producers of this multi-award winning documentary with an Academy Award buzz. Directors Nicole Newnham and Jim LeBrecht deliver a rousing film about a group of campers turned activists who shaped the future of the disability rights movement and changed accessibility legislation for everyone.

Filled with the spirit, music and humor of the era, this feel-good documentary recounts the ties of a summer camp to the disability rights activism in the Bay Area in the 1970’s that led to the Americans with Disabilities Act. 
Crip Camp Directors Nicole Newnham and James Lebrecht
Please plan to view this 1 hour 48 minute film when convenient for you and your family (suitable for middle schoolers and up) on your Netflix account or FREE on YouTube. You will want to join the Appreciating Diversity Film Series and the community at large on Thursday, January 7, from 5:00 to 6:00 PM for a lively talk and Q&A with co-directors Nicole Newnham and James Lebrecht, who was a camp attendee. 

Please register to receive your link to this interactive speaker event and a bit of East Bay activist history.

“The wild thing is that this camp changed the world
and nobody knows this story.” 

— Jim LeBrecht, co-director, camper, activist
FREE screening of Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution’, 
on YouTube or through your Netflix account, watch at your convenience.
Followed by a lively talk and Q & A with co-directors
Nicole Newnham and Jim LeBrecht.
Thursday, January 7, 5:00-6:00 PM (PDT).

Just register here. 

You’ll be sent a confirmation email containing a link for joining the speaker event through Zoom! (no need to download zoom)

For more information, see www.diversityfilmseries.org
or contact: christy@diversityfilmseries.org 
*The Appreciating Diversity Film Series is sponsored by Piedmont Appreciating Diversity Committee, Piedmont Adult School, the City of Piedmont and both the Oakland and Piedmont League of Women Voters, and our community audience members.