Jan 31 2021

OPINIONS: Support for Arts Center Lease

To the Editor: The following is a letter I sent to the Piedmont City Council
Dear Council Members:

I am writing to urge you to renew the lease for the Piedmont Center for the Arts. In a community that prides itself on promoting culture and the arts in our school curriculum, it seems inconceivable that the city council might not renew the Center’s lease.

Over the years and with countless numbers of tireless volunteers, the Piedmont Center for the Arts has become a venue for world class musical events.  It has enabled our residents to enjoy outstanding concerts without fighting the traffic and parking we face going into San Francisco and Berkeley.   Celebrated musicians from renowned companies have spoken of the venue’s lovely space, its stellar acoustics, and the magnificent Steinway piano.

The Center has become a jewel in the crown that is Piedmont, and it saddens me to think of this almost sacred space being used as a community center.  Do not let this cultural treasure slip away.  Please renew their lease.

Thank you,

Freddi Robertson, Piedmont Resident

 I am writing in support of your extending the lease and operation of the Piedmont Center for the Arts.

I am an Oakland resident.
My first time there was for the showing of a movie about a horrible situation on the 57 bus in Oakland. (The 57 Bus: A True Story of Two Teenagers and the Crime That Changed Their Lives )
Then I went to the center when they were part of the “Jazz in the neighborhood” program which introduced me to an intimate setting with great musicians. The volunteers had, on top of the music and nice setting, set up a very welcoming atmosphere.
Today, I received a video in commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz gas chamber camp and was blown away with emotions yet i don’t have a Jewish background.
So, for me, the Piedmont Center for the Arts is a place where i can safely see, hear, feel, a different, not commercial, art experience. It’s invaluable.
Elisabeth Heidorn, Oakland Resident
May I add my voice to the chorus of community members who are writing in support of the Piedmont Community Arts Center and the renewal of their lease! The Arts center is one of the most valuable of Piedmont’s many assets. It has become, as currently organized and managed, a wonderful place to hear music, view art and listen to lectures. The entire surrounding community benefits from this jewel of a site and its variety of offerings. Its popularity and ability to attract wonderful performers speaks to the incredible job being done by the current staff of devoted volunteers. As a former Art teacher at Piedmont High School, I only wish it had been available when I was there as it is providing all  students, not just those in a class, a place to pursue and display their art. I “second” Valerie Corvin’s fine letter, printed in the Post on Jan 20, and I implore you to please renew the current lease for the PAC and continue to support the hard working volunteers who take care of the Center and its programs.
Helen Brainerd
Editors Note: Opinions expressed are those of the authors.

One Response to “OPINIONS: Support for Arts Center Lease”

  1. What’s wrong with a community center? If you believe community survey data, it is what most residents want.

    I think the letter provides insight to why many have issues with the management of this space. It’s a well maintained space that provides an ambiance that attracts talented classical musicians – no trip to SF required (Zellerbach pretty close BTW). To preserve that, PCA has limited use of the building to arts-related activities only and mostly classical music at that. As a result, the building appears to go unoccupied more than occupied. Many in the community support the arts but see that the building can be put to greater utility for the community. It’s natural for supporters to want to preserve what they have but with the lease up for renewal the community deserves the right to discuss how this public building will be used. It could be the most wanted – a community center. It’s really up to city staff and Council to lead this conversation, but as it stands it seems like closed door negotiations are all the community is going to get.

    To the point about about student access, I would think the new STEAM building and Performing Arts Center will more than meet student art needs.

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