587 New Housing Units Proposed: Council Mon. Feb. 1
- Information on regional housing allocation (587 units proposed for Piedmont raising requirements approximately 10 times above the current allocation of 60 units): https://piedmont.ca.gov/common/pages/DisplayFile.aspx?itemId=17393147
Current Piedmont total allocation is 60 by 2023.
The draft proposed 2023 – 2031 Allocations (Piedmont = 587) are “illustrative only” at this point according to the ABAG report:
“These are shown for illustrative purposes only.The ABAG Executive Board and MTC Commission adopted changes to the strategies for the Plan Bay Area 2050 Final Blueprint in September 2020. The changes adopted at that time will affect information about total households in Year 2050 from the Final Blueprint; updated data will be available in December 2020. As this information from the Blueprint is used as the baseline allocation for the proposed RHNA methodology, updates in the Final Blueprint could lead to changes in the ultimate allocations. Data from the Final Blueprint will be integrated into the Draft RHNA Methodology slated for January 2021.ABAG will approve a Final Methodology and issue Draft Allocations in Spring 2021 which will be followed by an appeal period before ABAG issues Final Allocations by the end of 2021. Jurisdiction Housing Elements will be due to HCD by January 2023.”
- Piedmont applied for and received Grant funding for assistance with adding new housing units in Piedmont. Grant compliance is required. Consideration of County program for new housing units. https://piedmont.ca.gov/common/pages/DisplayFile.aspx?itemId=17393149
- Formation of an Advisory Committee and an Ad Hoc Committee of the Planning Commission to advise on housing implementation processes. The committees will work with Planning Director Kevin Jackson, Senior Planner Pierce MacDonald-Powell, and consultant Barry Miller. below:https://piedmont.ca.gov/common/pages/DisplayFile.aspx?itemId=17393141
AGENDA – Monday, February 1, 2021 – Participation information below:
Comments may be sent to the City Council at: council@piedmont.ca.gov.