Mar 13 2020

Piedmont CIP Review Committee Behind-the-Scenes Tours of City Facilities Postponed –


Nancy Kent, Parks & Project Manager, via email at or phone at (510) 420-3064.

The CIP Review Committee tours scheduled for Saturday, March 21, to discuss Piedmont’s Essential Services buildings, and Saturday, April 4, to discuss the state of recreation related infrastructure, are postponed.

The City will offer the CIP Review Committee and members of the public rescheduled tours of the current facilities to better understand the challenges and limitations of the City’s aging infrastructure.

The dates for the rescheduled tours have not been determined at this time.


Over the next six weeks, Piedmont’s Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Review Committee will host three Saturday meetings with behind-the-scenes tours of City facilities not often seen by members of the public (POSTPONED).  There will also be six discussion/decision meetings.  See schedule below.

Tours and meetings are not broadcast, however they are open to public participation.

*Resident proposals are due March 23, 2020. Forms and instructions can be found on the City website:

In addition to the customary tour of resident proposals on April 25 , the CIP Review Committee will hold two additional Saturday (POSTPONED) meetings with comprehensive tours to provide the community with a better and broader understanding of the City’s aging public infrastructure.

On Saturday, March 21, (POSTPONED) the CIP Review Committee will meet at 9:00 am in the Police Department Conference Room to discuss Piedmont’s Essential Services buildings which include the Fire Department, the Police Department, and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

After Police Chief Jeremy Bowers and Fire Chief Bret Black make presentations and answer questions from the CIP Review Committee, there will be group tours of both the Police and Fire Departments as well as the basement of City Hall.

Please note that the meetings and tours are geared toward residents age 16 and older, and are not to be confused with a Piedmont Fire Department Open House.

On Saturday, April 4, (POSTPONED) the CIP Review Committee will meet at the Recreation Department at 9:00 am to discuss the state of recreation related infrastructure including the Piedmont Community Pool, the Recreation Department building, Veterans Hall, Linda Beach Park and Coaches Field.

After a brief summary presentation, the CIP Review Committee and members of the public will have the opportunity to explore the current facilities to better understand the challenges and limitations of the City’s aging infrastructure.

The City of Piedmont and the CIP Review Committee encourage residents to participate in this rare opportunity and hope that the meetings and tours are well-attended by members of the public.

If you have questions regarding the CIP tours or meeting schedule, please contact Nancy Kent, Parks & Project Manager, via email at or phone at (510) 420-3064.

2020 CIP Review Committee Schedule

Tue 3/10 7:00 pm (COMPLETED) Regular Meeting PPD EOC 403 Highland Avenue Public Safety

Sat 3/21 9:00 am (POSTPONED) Regular Meeting PPD EOC 403 Highland Avenue and Essential Services Community Tours

Tue 3/24 7:00 pm (CANCELLED) Regular Meeting City Hall 120 Vista Avenue Recreation Facilities Conference Room

Tue 3/31 7:00 pm (CANCELLED) Regular Meeting City Hall 120 Vista Avenue Resident Proposals Conference Room

Sat 4/4 9:00 am (POSTPONED) Regular Meeting PRD 358 Hillside Avenue and Recreation Related Community Tours Schedule:

  • 9:15 am PRD Rec Dept. Attic to Basement – 358 Hillside Avenue
  • 9:45 am Piedmont Community Pool – 777 Magnolia Avenue
  • 10:30 am Veterans Hall – 401 Highland Avenue
  • 11:15 am Linda Beach Park – 400 Linda Avenue
  • 12 Noon Coaches Field – 898 Red Rock Road

Tue 4/7 7:00 pm (CONTINUING) Regular Meeting City Hall 120 Vista Avenue Resident Proposals Conference Room

Tue 4/21 7:00 pm (CONTINUING) Regular Meeting City Hall 120 Vista Avenue Conference Room

Sat 4/25 9:00 am (CONTINUING) Regular Meeting and Tour Details TBA

Members of the public can continue to remain informed regarding mass gatherings by reviewing California Department of Health’s Guidance on Mass Gatherings. The City is asking members of the public to considering these Steps to Prevent Illness when deciding whether to attend any City meeting.

Mar 13 2020

“Governor Gavin Newsom today issued an executive order ensuring California public school districts retain state funding even in the event of physical closure.”

MARCH 13, 2020: This afternoon, the Piedmont Unified School District Board of Education unanimously passed the following motion: “PUSD Board of Education moves to close school facilities for non-essential functions, suspend in-classroom instruction, and dismiss all PUSD students beginning March 16 through March 27, 2020 in order to:

  • 1. Slow the spread of COVID-19 across the state and in our community, reduce the number of people infected, and protect those who are most vulnerable to severe illness.
  • 2. Plan and prepare for continuity of educational services during a pandemic that may last for an extended period of time. With the expectation that teachers continue to provide a continuity of education through distance learning, actively engage in communications with administration, colleagues, families, and students; and that staff necessary for essential district-wide services/operations continue with their responsibilities either at a school site/district office or virtually (if applicable).

” With this decision, beginning March 16, 2020 all school site facilities are closed to students and the general public. All extra-curricular activities, including athletics, instrumental, vocal, dance, and dramatic productions are also cancelled. Additionally, all school site facilities rentals by the public are cancelled.

During this time, district leaders will coordinate with county health officials, the Alameda County Public Health Department, and California Department of Education to determine if returning on March 30th is advisable.

Continuity of Education School site educators are developing plans to deliver a continuity of education for students district-wide. Distance learning will be utilized, so we expect students and families to monitor email, Infinite Campus, and Schoology regularly for homework/learning activities, important updates, and messages from teachers and the administration.

Our goal is to begin communicating distance learning opportunities in the afternoon on Tuesday, March 17, 2020. These communications, including expectations and specific learning opportunities will arrive directly from site educators and the administration.


Press Release – SCHOOL FACILITY CLOSURE 03-16- TO 3-27-20

Randall Booker, School Superintendent

Mar 12 2020

School Update on COVID-19: March 10, 2020

Piedmont Unified School District (PUSD) leadership continues to closely monitor updates regarding the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19).  Additionally, the District is continuing to work with the Alameda County Public Health Department and the Alameda County Office of Education to ensure the District is providing accurate and timely information.

Over the past several weeks, District Staff have sent several communications to families and staff regarding proper health hygiene and etiquette and information on COVID-19.

January 31, 2020 – Letter to Families & Staff
February 7, 2020 – Letter to Families & Staff
February 24, 2020 – Letter to Families & Staff
February 28, 2020 – Letter to Families & Staff
March 6, 2020 – Letter to Families & Staff

The District is taking efforts to address student/staff and visitors’ hygiene and respiratory etiquette on our campuses, as well as planning for possible school closures.  This past week, I’ve been in informational and planning meetings with county, city, and district leadership, including the Director of Alameda County Public Health, the county superintendent, superintendents from across Alameda County, Piedmont school board members, and Piedmont’s mayor, vice-mayor, city administrator, and fire chief.

This afternoon, the Alameda County Public Health Department (ACPHD) released new information and guidance regarding gatherings. This guidance directly affects Piedmont Unified’s normal protocols regarding a number of events and activities.  ACPHD recommends that communities, governments, businesses, and schools postpone or cancel gatherings and large community events where large numbers of people are within arm’s length of one another. These recommendations are meant to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community and reduce the number of people infected, and especially protect those who are most vulnerable to severe illness.

Effective tomorrow, March 11, through April 10, the following conditions will be put into place in order to protect our students, staff, and community from the COVID-19 infection and reduce the possibility of community transmission:

Event Cancellations/Postponements

Following guidance from the ACPHD, all upcoming school and district related medium-sized gatherings (more than 100 people) where students, staff, parents, and outside community members come together in close proximity to one another will be cancelled and/or postponed.

Specific upcoming events between March 11 and April 10 that are now canceled/postponed include:

  • All field trips where students and staff will be assembled in groups greater than 100 people and/or when the District cannot ensure that students and staff are beyond arm’s length of one another due to the venue or planned activity;
  • All school dances;
  • Group assemblies greater than 100 people;
  • Professional learning events greater than 100 people and/or when the District cannot ensure that students and staff are beyond arm’s length of one another due to the venue or planned activity;
  • Parent education events greater than 100 people and/or when the District cannot ensure that students and staff are beyond arm’s length of one another due to the venue or planned activity;
  • All elementary, middle school, and high school performances, including vocal, instrumental, dramatic, and dance concerts.

Additional Restrictions

To the extent possible, and in an effort to limit the exposure in our community, the following restrictions are now in place:

  • Outside rentals of PUSD facilities where large numbers of people are within arm’s length of one another will be canceled
    • District staff will coordinate with individual organizations regarding communication and possible rescheduling.
  • High school athletic events will be limited to 100 people in attendance and must be held in the largest venues on campus to accommodate guidance on increased social distancing (arms-length distance in seating/spectating). Ticketing protocols will be determined by school administrators. (Venues to be used include Witter Field, Binks Gymnasium, and the Morrison Gymnasium).
    • High school sporting event restrictions may be changed if additional guidance and/or restrictions are provided by CIF/NCS or the health department.

Possible School Closures

At this time, the Alameda County Public Health Department currently is not recommending closing schools.

We will immediately implement the recommendations of the ACPHD and continue to monitor the actions of neighboring districts and counties.

If a staff member or student in a specific school is confirmed to have COVID-19, the Superintendent and local public health officials will consider, based on the specific facts and circumstances of that case, whether closure of that school is warranted.  Should the Public Health Department determine a school closure is warranted, the duration may be up to 14 days.

We will be suspending all instructional activities at the school site and extra-curricular activities in the event of a school closure.  We are continuing to develop distance learning opportunities and will have more information to share over the next several days.

Health Guidelines Remain the Same

The same simple steps that prevent the spread of ordinary flu viruses work against COVID-19 and other illnesses.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

  • Cough into a tissue or your elbow (not your hand). Then throw tissue away and wash hands.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Avoid contact with people who are sick.

  • Stay home when you are sick.

  • Keep students home if temperature is above 100.0 F (37.8 C) or they report not feeling well, appear weak or ill.

  • Consult your healthcare provider if you or your child has special health conditions that put you at increased risk.

Randall Booker, Superintendent PUSD, March 10, 2020


Mar 10 2020

Below is a letter sent to all Piedmont Unified School District Families:

March 6, 2020

Dear PUSD Families,

Everyday we continue to learn more about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and I am writing to share our efforts to address student/staff and visitors’ hygiene and respiratory etiquette on our campuses, as well as planning for possible school closures.  This past week, I’ve been in informational and planning meetings with county, city, and district leadership, including the Director of Alameda County Public Health, the county superintendent, superintendents from across Alameda County, Piedmont school board members, and Piedmont’s mayor, vice-mayor, city administrator, and fire chief.

Guidance from the Center of Disease Control (CDC)
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC)’s most recent  Interim Guidance for Administrators of US Childcare Programs and K-12 Schools to Plan, Prepare, and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), “schools should continue to collaborate, share information, and review plans with local health officials to help protect the whole school community, including those with special health needs.”

In our case, we have been coordinating with the Alameda County Public Health Department (ACDPH) and the Alameda County Office of Education.

Additionally, the CDC recommends that “school plans should be designed to minimize disruption to teaching and learning and protect students and staff from social stigma and discrimination. Plans can build on everyday practices (e.g., encouraging hand hygiene, monitoring absenteeism, communicating routinely) that include strategies for before, during, and after a possible outbreak.”

Health Etiquette

I want to continue to provide and emphasize common-sense preventive actions for students and staff. For example, all staff and students should stay home when sick; appropriately cover coughs and sneezes; clean frequently touched surfaces; and wash your hands often.

  • CDC has workplace resources such as posters with messages for staff about staying home when sick and how to avoid spreading germs at work.
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics provides information on germ prevention strategies and reducing the spread of illness in childcare settings.
  • Handwashing strategies are vital and include washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
  • Staff and students should remain at home if they show signs of fever or respiratory illness.  The Alameda County Public Health Department has developed an extremely informative flyer that provides families with guidance on when to keep children home from school.  Some of the highlights are the following:
    • A fever of 100.4 degrees (38 Celsius) or above. Keep your child home for 24 hours after a fever is below 100.4 without the aid of medication (such as Tylenol or Advil)
      • Nausea or vomiting (if your child has vomited within 24 hours of the start of school, DO NOT send your child to school)
      • Signs or symptoms of a new cough or cold and does not feel well enough to fully participate in school activities.
  • PUSD staff members do not screen students or other staff to identify cases of COVID-19. The majority of respiratory illnesses are not COVID-19. If we have cases of COVID-19, Alameda County Public Health Department (ACDPH) officials will help identify those individuals and will follow up on next steps.

School(s) Closure Planning
The CDC and the California Department of Education (CDE) are recommending that all Districts across the state of California consider educational planning for students if a mandatory 14-day quarantine is instituted (either partially for only those students who become infected) or more drastically if CDE, CA Department of Public Health, Alameda County Office of Education, or the Superintendent decides to close schools for an extended period of time.

The CDC has indicated that local health officials may recommend temporary school closures if a student or staff member attended school prior to being confirmed as a COVID-19 case. We would coordinate with the Alameda County Public Health Department (ACDPH) and the Alameda County Office of Education for the scope (e.g., a single school, a full district) and duration of school dismissals will be made on a case-by-case basis based on the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 and the specific cases in the impacted community.

Large event cancellations or school closures may be recommended for 14 days, or possibly longer if advised by the Alameda County Public Health Department (ACDPH). The nature of these actions (e.g., geographic scope, duration) may change as the local outbreak situation evolves.

The rationale for a school(s) closure is to limit the possibility of transmission among staff, students, and families, and to provide time for cleaning and the likelihood that the virus expires over several days throughout the site.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “it is not certain how long the virus that causes COVID-19 survives on surfaces, but it seems to behave like other coronaviruses. Studies suggest that coronaviruses (including preliminary information on the COVID-19 virus) may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days. This may vary under different conditions (e.g. type of surface, temperature or humidity of the environment).”

The CDC has also recommended that if schools are closed due to a student or staff member diagnosed with COVID-19, schools should consider the following steps:

  • Temporarily cancel extracurricular group activities and large events.
  • Cancel or postpone events such as after-school assemblies and pep rallies, field trips, and sporting events.
  • Discourage students and staff from gathering or socializing anywhere.
  • Discourage gatherings at places like a friend’s house, a favorite restaurant, or the local shopping mall.
  • Ensure continuity of education.
    • Review continuity plans, including plans for the continuity of teaching and learning. Implement e-learning plans, including digital and distance learning options as feasible and appropriate.

I’ve recently met with the administrative team and both Gabe Kessler, APT President and Terra Salazar, CSEA President regarding the development of continuity plans.  We have outlined draft protocols and structures to provide a continuity of education in the event of a school(s) closure. Principals will share these draft protocols and structures at upcoming staff/site leadership team meetings for input and discussion.

We are currently investigating options for distance-teaching/learning with the use of Independent Study models (e.g. lessons/activities delivered electronically via email and/or Schoology).

New developments (and guidance) arrive daily.  I will continue to provide staff, families, and students with regular updates as we learn more.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Randall Booker, Superintendent

Mar 10 2020

 The City of Piedmont is continuing to monitor the public health risk related to the Covid19 virus, sharing messaging and planning in conjunction with Alameda County.

Contact: Fire Chief Bret Black March 10, 2020 (510) 420-3030

For additional information click the link below:

2020-03-10 Covid-19 Mass Gatherings

Mar 10 2020

Open to the public.

The City of Piedmont will host a Design Awards Ceremony and Gala on Thursday, March 12, 2020 starting at 6:00 p.m. in the Piedmont Community Hall, 711 Highland Avenue.

Each year, the City of Piedmont Planning Commission hosts a Design Awards program to recognize design projects completed in the past year. Awards are given to the property owners of projects that not only meet Piedmont’s design and planning guidelines, but exemplify outstanding design excellence.

Design awards will be presented for the following categories:

  • Excellent Landscape & Outdoor Living Area Design – 17 Sotelo Avenue
  • Excellent Rear Deck & Outdoor Living Area Design – 65 Crocker Avenue
  • Excellent Upper Level Addition –  69 Oakmont Avenue
  • Excellent Comprehensive Stylistic Transformation – 74 Sea View Avenue
  • Outstanding Design for Ageing in Place – 147 Requa Road
  • Excellent Garage w/ Upper Level Accessory Dwelling Unit Design – 67 Sylvan Way
  • Outstanding Design for an Accessory Dwelling Unit within the Existing Building Envelope – 1056 Park Lane

Anyone interested in celebrating excellence in architectural design is welcome to attend. Beverages for the gala are provided by Debi Fitzgerrell and Anna Bahnson of Compass Real Estate. For more information about the Design Awards, please contact Assistant Planner Steven Lizzarago at 510-420-3094 or at

2020 Design Awards Press Release

Mar 8 2020

CIP (Capital Improvement Projects) Review Committee –

Tuesday, March 10, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.

Emergency Operations Center, 403 Highland Avenue, Piedmont

Open to public participation.

— Agenda for March 10 Meeting —

Public Forum: This is an opportunity for members of the audience to speak on an item not on the agenda. The 10 minute period will be divided evenly between those wishing to address the Committee.

Regular Agenda

1. Review of Work Schedule for the CIP Review Committee for Fiscal Year 2020-2021

2. Presentation on Public Safety Facilities by the Fire Chief and Police Chief

3. Tour of Police Department and Fire Department Facilities 

Announcements, old business and consideration of future agenda item


CIP Review Committee

The CIP Review Committee makes recommendations to the City Council regarding the expenditure of the capital budget (construction, repair, or rehabilitation of city facilities).


  • Michael Henn
  • Susan Herrick
  • John Lenahan
  • Bobbe Stehr
  • Patty Siskind | Piedmont Beautification Foundation Representative
  • Jim Horner | Park Commission Representative
  • Conna McCarthy | Recreation Commission Representative

Council Liaison: Robert McBain | | (510) 420-3048

Staff Liaisons:

Chester Nakahara | | (510) 420-3061
Nancy Kent | | (510) 420-3064

Mar 8 2020


The event will be rescheduled in the future!

Sunday, March 22, 2020 – 4:00 pm

Piedmont Veterans’ Memorial Building

401 Highland Avenue, Piedmont California 94611

Join the Piedmont League of Women Voters for the March Speaker Event, where the featured speaker will be:

Nancy O’Malley, Alameda County District Attorney.

  • 4 pm – 5:30 pm: Speaker Presentation and Q & A
  • 5:30 pm – 6 pm: Wine and Sweet & Savory Bites

DA O’Malley is a nationally recognized expert in issues involving violence against women, violence against persons with disabilities, and interpersonal violence including sexual assault, domestic violence, elder abuse, child abuse, stalking, and human exploitation and trafficking. She is the first woman to serve as Alameda County’s elected District Attorney, and is a leader known throughout California and the country for her innovation and vision.

Please RSVP below by March 19th. Tickets are $35.

RSVP now

Editors Note:  PCA and the League of Women Voters Piedmont are separate organizations.
Mar 5 2020

The City of Piedmont is monitoring the Public Health risk related to the Covid-19 virus.

Alameda County has declared a public health emergency and Piedmont is sharing in their messaging, planning and monitoring.

The City is also engaged with the Piedmont Unified School District in preparing safety messaging and contingency plans as needed.

For more information on Covid-19, please see:


Please take precautions as directed by Alameda County Public Health Department.

Mar 3 2020

At 9:50 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, the Alameda County Registrar of Voters reported the following early voting results:

YES  =   1,379     78.62 %       NO =   375     21.38 %

For approval 66.66 % of those voting on Measure T must vote Yes.

Measure T supports the cost of providing City of Piedmont services.