Oct 28 2019
Measure G, essentially a renewal of the existing parcel tax, is based on $2,763 annual tax per parcel that can be increased by 2% every year during its 8 year term by the Piedmont Board of Education.
Measure H is a new, additional annual fixed rate school parcel tax of 25 cents for each habitable square foot of building space on each parcel.
Piedmont voters can cast their absentee ballots free with the US Postal Service or drop their ballots in the ballot box on Highland Way next to the Wells Fargo Bank in central Piedmont OR follow the instructions on their Voter Information Guide for specific instructions on where to vote in person.
Questions have arisen regarding the cost of the Special Election for the Piedmont School Parcel Tax. The cost of running the election according to Superintendent of Schools Randall Booker is expected to be approximately $125,000.
Questions have also arisen regarding why the School District is seeking renewal of the existing parcel tax at special expense when the current tax does not expire until June 2021. It has been explained as an attempt to determine in a timely manner how much money the District will have to fund the education program.
The deductibility of the school parcel taxes from Federal Income Taxes is unlikely if other taxes combined will exceed $10,000. Seek advice from tax preparers.
Details of the School Board’s many reasons for asking Piedmonters to approve Measures G and H are in the Voter Information Guide provided to every Piedmont voter.
Don’t forget to vote – Tuesday, November 5, 2019!
READ Prior PCA article: >HERE
Editors Note: PCA does not support or oppose ballot measures.
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The cost of having these Measures in November will be about $125,000. If Measure G and H fail, the Board has indicated the Measures would be introduced again in March, 2020 at a cost, I assume, of ANOTHER $125,000, and if they fail then, it would be introduced again in November, 2020 at whatever cost. Was the Board aware of such costs and were they disclosed? On the other hand, I do appreciate the Board’s likely concern not to have its tax measures at the same time as the City might also be requesting new City taxes.
Also, does Measure H REQUIRE the funds to be used for teacher salaries?
Interestingly, for the Piedmont City Council, the sentiment was expressed that a 4 year duration of local taxes was prudent in order to review the then current situation, rather than 8 years of mostly non-tax deductible and escalating taxes.