Jul 22 2019
Public Safety Committee Agenda Thursday, July 25, 2019 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA
The meeting will not be broadcast, however the meeting is open to the public. Minutes are kept of the meeting.
AGENDA: 7-25-19 PSC Agenda
Public Forum This is an opportunity for members of the audience to speak on an item not on the agenda. The 10 minute period will be divided evenly between those wishing to address the Committee.
1. Election of Chair Pro Tempore for July 25, 2019 Public Safety Committee Meeting
2. Approval of Public Safety Committee Meeting Minutes for 3/5/19, 3/28/19, & 5/30/19Public Safety 2019-03-05 DRAFT Public Safety 2019-03-28 DRAFT Public Safety 2019-05-30 DRAFT
3. Update on ALPR & Public Safety Cameras
4. Update on PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)PG&E Public-Safety-Power-Shutoff-Fact-Sheet
5. Update on Police Department Social Media
6. Update on National Night Out – Tuesday, August 6 – For more information contact Sergeant Bolden at nbolden@piedmont.ca.gov
7. Update on Get Ready, Piedmont Guide http://www.ci.piedmont.ca.us/fire/docs/get-ready-piedmont.pdf
8. Update on Map Your Neighborhood Announcements, old business and consideration of future agenda items
Jul 21 2019
The Piedmont Budget Advisory & Financial Planning Committee will meet in the Emergency Operations Center, Police Department, 403 Highland Avenue at 6 pm on Tuesday, July 23.
The meeting is open to the public. The meeting will not be broadcast or recorded. Minutes of the Committee meetings are not kept.
Public Forum : This is an opportunity for members of the audience to speak on an item not on the agenda. The 10 minute period will be divided evenly between those wishing to address the Committee.
Regular Agenda
- Update on the Committee’s Review of the Parcel Tax Pursuant to Resolution 120-14 (No staff report was released for this item.)
- Consideration of Scheduling Future Meetings
Contact numbers:
Jul 21 2019
12 Remaining Beneficiaries –
The Piedmont Police & Fire Pension Board will meet Wednesday, July 24 at 4:00 PM in the City Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue. The meeting will not be broadcast, however it is open to the public. Minutes are kept of the meetings.
This board will continue as long as there are retirees or dependents who are covered by the old plan established prior to Piedmont entering CalPERS.
Board membership of five individuals includes representatives from both the Police and Fire Departments and one appointed position, typically Piedmont’s mayor. The Board meets quarterly and will continue as long as there are retirees or dependents who are covered by the discontinued plan.
For the last quarter, there were only 12 remaining beneficiaries of the Piedmont Police and Fire Pension fund. See Finance Director’s Memo 719.
“The representatives of Osterweis Capital Management reported April 24, 2019 on the Police Trust Fund Report and Fire Pension Fund which was valued at $12,773,842, which is up 9.65% for the quarter. They reported that the Other Post Employment Benefits Trust was valued at $8,576,719, which is up 10.32% for the quarter.”
1. Approval of minutes for 4/24/2019 Pension Board minutes 2019-04-24 DRAFT 719
2. Acceptance of Participant Report, summarizing benefits paid in the 4th Quarter of FY 18/19 and current number of beneficiaries Finance Director’s Memo 719
3. Acceptance of the 2nd Quarter 2019 Report of Pension Fund Investments by Osterweis Capital Management
4. Acceptance of the 2nd Quarter 2019 Report of Other Post Employment Benefits Investments by Osterweis Capital Management
For further information, contact:
Jul 16 2019
PG&E Warns EBMUD and Piedmont Customers of Planned Power Outages of 2 to 5 days –
PG&E may turn off electricity in designated areas when extreme fire danger conditions are forecasted (such as Red Flag Warnings, low humidity, high winds, and dry conditions). The specific areas and number of affected customers will depend on weather conditions and which circuits PG&E turns off for public safety. These precautions are called Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS).
EBMUD has an action plan should we lose power. While PSPS is focused on high fire-threat areas, outages may affect any of our water facilities. Outages are expected to last up to two days; depending on weather conditions and power restoration efforts, however, some outages may last longer.
A PSPS event could force EBMUD to switch to backup generators and pumps to power pumping plants, water treatment plants and other key facilities to keep water flowing, maintain storage and fire flow, and keep water distribution lines pressurized.
What can you do?
Before a PSPS event:
- Make sure your contact information is updated with EBMUD a1nd your local energy company.
- Store a minimum of two gallons of water per person per day, enough to last three to seven days, and don’t forget your pets. The more water you can store, the better.
- Identify your unique/critical water needs and plan ahead.
- Clear property of excess, dead and highly flammable vegetation. Trim grass and vegetation at least 30 feet around your home.
- If you have a backup generator, test it and ensure it’s ready to operate safely.
If you are affected by a PSPS event:
- Minimize water use during an event to leave as much water in the reservoirs as possible for firefighting.
- Shut off irrigation.
- Reduce indoor water use.
- Stay tuned; there will be ongoing updates available through social media, news media and on EBMUD’s website.After a PSPS event:
- Restock your water supplies
- Prepare for the next PSPS event
- Reset your irrigation controller while resetting other electronics to prevent overwatering
- Check regularly for updates from EBMUD and PG&E
Jul 7 2019

Community Band comes into view

Strike up the Band!
Piedmont celebrated Independence Day with its traditional parade on Highland Avenue ending at Piedmont Park for a community picnic with musical entertainment. The community participated with the Community Band, various community organizations, and a bagpipe band echoing the city’s Scottish traditions. Many, many, many, many antique and classic cars participated in the parade.
Parade viewers were entertained by their elected officials, parading dogs, UC Aggies’ large alumnae marching band, the balloon platoon, local musical groups, a steam engine, AC Transit’s miniature bus, scouts, candy throwers, Uncle Sam, and others.
The weather was pleasant – not too hot or cold – just right. The parade and park activities were another successful July 4th celebration for Piedmont and the community at large.
Jul 7 2019
City Commissions Will Not Meet in July
There will be a lull in City Commission meetings throughout the month of July with no meetings of the Park, Planning or Recreation Commissions. In addition, the standard July 15, 2019, City Council meeting will not be held.
Scheduled July meetings of the Budget Advisory and Financial Planning Committee and the Police and Fire Pension Board have not been cancelled.
The City Charter revision (Charter Amendment Measure BB) approved by Piedmont voters at the November 2018 election eliminated the requirement that the City Council meet twice a month.