Oct 16 2018

OPINION: Julie Caskey Parent for School Board

Julie Caskey and I met at a Girls Leadership parent-daughter workshop in Piedmont.  I have also worked alongside Julie as a volunteer and an advocate when she was the President of the Advanced Learners Program Support (ALPS) parent group, promoting diversity and differentiated learning.

I felt compelled to announce my endorsement of Julie when I found out only two of the existing five board members have children in Piedmont schools now, those being in high school.  As a 25-year government executive and business owner, it makes sense to me that our community would want balanced viewpoints on our school board.  What it lacks right now is a current parent of the elementary and middle schools.  Our social environment and digital landscape have changed greatly in the past decade, so it is only wise that we have someone who understands the needs of young children today.

Here is why I support Julie Caskey for Piedmont School Board:

  1. I have seen first hand how passionate she is about our children’s education.  Julie has volunteered at our schools full-time for the past seven years.  Her dedication is clearly unwavering.  She is also exceedingly capable.
  2. Julie will be the ONLY school board member who has children in elementary, middle, and high school.  She is a fellow parent in three different schools in Piedmont and can represent the interests of a wide spectrum of parents.  She can help PUSD stay relevant and make sound decisions while improving accountability and transparency.
  3. Julie’s qualifications speak for themselves.  After graduating from Columbia Law School, she dedicated herself to public service for 25 years when she could have worked anywhere else.  As a defense lawyer who advocated for children and minorities, she is simultaneously compassionate and tough.  When one of the school board’s main responsibilities is personnel management for the school district, it makes sense that we have someone who brings negotiation and legal skills to the table.

Join me in voting for Julie Caskey for Piedmont School Board on November 6th.

Michele Kwok,   Havens Parent

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