May 15 2018

Did You Feel the Earthquake Monday, May 14? REMINDER to Sign Up for AC Alert

Piedmonters were once more reminded of our closest earthquake fault, the Hayward Fault. On Monday, May 14, 2018, at 7:18 p.m.  a quake measuring 3.5 on the Richter Scale shook Piedmont. Click HERE for more information on the quake.

AC Alert Program for all Piedmonters.

In Alameda County, there is an AC Alert Emergency Notification System, available to all Piedmonters, providing information on emergencies and incidents as they happen. This system allows the City to contact thousands of Piedmont residents in seconds so you can find out about an emergency right away.

 Sign up – it only takes about a minute to enroll! <Click

How Does It Work?

The process begins when the City of Piedmont issues a message about a potential safety hazard or concern. Next, “AC Alert” sends a message through your primary contact path. If you don’t confirm receipt of the message, the system will try to reach your second contact path and continues trying to reach you until you confirm receipt.

The success of this service relies on YOUHaving your latest contact information is the only way to ensure that the City can contact you in an emergency. Sign up – it only takes about a minute to enroll! <click

Piedmont Respects Your Privacy!!

“The City of Piedmont will never share or distribute your personal information, unless required to do so by law. Additionally, we will never use your information for any purpose other than to send emergency notifications or information pertaining to Piedmont.”

If you are interested in organizing, hosting, or attending a neighborhood safety meeting, go the the Public Safety Committee’s page and enter your information. You will be contacted by a member of the committee who will give you information on setting up a meeting. You can also contact:

Chief of Police Jeremy Bowers – – (W) 420-3010
Fire Chief (W) 420-3030

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