Apr 15 2018

Employee Benefits, Dogs, Short Term Rentals, Oakland Ave Bridge, New Land Use Regulations: Monday, April 16 Council Meeting

The  April 16, 2018, Council meeting will be held in City Hall starting at 7:30 p.m. There will be live broadcasts on Channel 27 and on the City website listed under videos.

Read the full agenda HERE.



04/16/18 – Approval of Resolutions Allocating Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 Funds for the Oakland Avenue Bridge Railing Pedestrian Safety Project and Allocating SB 1 Funds to Magnolia Avenue Paving

04/16/18 -Approval of a Resolution Establishing the Pension Rate Stabilization Fund with Public Agency Retirement Services  Council will allocate $2 million to the Fund. 

04/16/18 -Approval of Resolutions Taking Positions on State Legislative Items and Propositions

a. Endorsing Proposition 69 & Supporting SB 1 – Transportation Funding

b. Endorsing Senate Bill 3 –Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond

c. Endorsing SB 5 – Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, & Outdoor Access Bond

d. Opposing Senate Bill 827 – Planning and Zoning: Transit-Rich Housing Bonus

04/16/18 -Appointment of Yildiz Duransoy as the Planning Commission Alternate for a Term Ending March 31, 2019   City Administrator Recommendation on individual to be appointed by the Council 

04/16/18 -Consideration of Employment Resolutions for the Following Unrepresented Labor Groups for the Period of 07/01/17 through 06/30/2020:  

Compensation packages for employee groups listed:

a. Confidential Employees

b. Professional, Technical & Supervisory Employees

c. Recreation/Childcare Employees

d. Mid-Management Employees (Parks & Project Manager; Building Official, Police Captain; and Police Support Services Commander)

e. Management Employees (City Clerk, Finance Director, Fire Chief, Planning Director, Police Chief, Public Works Director, and Recreation Director)

04/16/18 -Consideration of an Updated Investment Policy

04/16/18 -Presentation from Piedmont Council, Boy Scouts of America

04/16/18 -Consideration of Dracena Park Signage & Upper Lawn Improvements and Establishment of a Budget for the Project

04/16/18 -Introduction and 1st Reading of Ord. 741 N.S. Updating Leash Law Provisions, Clarifying Off Leash Areas, and Updating Outdated Provisions

04/16/18 -Introduction and 1st Reading of Ord. 742 N.S. Amending Chapter 17 – Planning and Land Use of the City Code Regarding Short Term Rentals

04/16/18 -Consideration of an Amendment to the Policy Allowing for Residents with Certain Physical Limitations to Receive “On-Premisis” (Backyard) Service at Curbside Rates

04/16/18 -Introduction and 1st Reading of Ord. 743 N.S. Making Technical Corrections to Chapter 17 – Planning and Land Use

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