Apr 1 2018

Heritage Tree Selection, Linda Beach Park, April 4, Wed.

The Piedmont Park Commission will decide which tree or trees will be selected for 2018 Piedmont Heritage status on April 4, 2018, 5:30 p.m. City Hall. The meeting will also include introduction of new Park Commissioner Amber Brumfiel, election of Chair and Vice Chair of the Park Commission, Park Commission Minutes for March 7, 2018,  Report on the Preferred Option for the Linda Beach Master Plan, Update on Arbor Day 2018, Update on Spring Planting Projects, and Monthly Maintenance Report: Park, Open Space and Street Tree Update for the Month of March 2018. 

The meeting will be broadcast live. 

See photos below of the public property trees to be considered as Heritage Trees (scroll to p. 8) and also read the latest information on Linda Beach Park options  > Park Commission Agenda – April 4, 2018 – Final Complete

One Response to “Heritage Tree Selection, Linda Beach Park, April 4, Wed.”

  1. Too late for this year’s Heritage Tree consideration, I propose that the giant Bay Laurel in Blair Park be designated a Heritage Tree. My jaw dropped when I saw her, bigger than any Bay Laurel I’ve seen in our regional parks.

    These estimates of her I construct from photos taken three years ago ( I’m out of town). She’d been tagged with blue. She still looks healthy in Goggle Street View.

    Her main trunk may be 3′ in diameter, possibly 4′ in some directions.
    As is the nature of Bay Laurels, she shows where many of her trunks had fallen away as they would along creek banks to put down new roots…

    The tree may be 150 years to more likely 200 years old or more, having grown when the creek now under the park still ran freely toward the waterfall on which the road now sits.

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