March 2 is the deadline for public comment on draft Climate Action Plan 2.0 – Survey is > HERE.
Open House is scheduled for February 26, 2018
Read the Agenda for the Open House HERE.
Piedmont’s Draft Climate Action Plan 2.0 is Ready for Review A CAP 2.0
The OPEN HOUSE will take place on Monday, February 26, 2018, from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., at the Piedmont Community Hall, 711 Highland Avenue.
In addition to the CAP 2.0 being available on the City’s website, the City of Piedmont Planning Department and the Climate Action Plan Task Force will host a community open house on February 26th in order to provide the public another forum in which to learn about the Climate Action Plan 2.0. In addition to providing a presentation on the plan, staff and Task Force members will be available to answer questions from attendees.
The CAP 2.0 is available for review at: For more information about the Climate Action Planning process, please visit
The City of Piedmont is asking its residents, families, business owners and people who work in Piedmont to review the City’s draft Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2.0 and provide comments on the Plan.
The CAP is available on the City’s website during a 45-day comment period from January 16, 2018 through March 2, 2018. Written comments can be submitted during this period. In addition, and in order to facilitate public comment, an electronic survey will be made available online at the end of January.
Climate change poses a real and significant threat to human health and the environment both globally and locally.
The Task Force is an advisory body composed of Piedmont residents appointed by the City Council.
While under the advisement of the Piedmont Climate Action Plan Task Force during the past 10 months, City staff has developed an updated proposed Climate Action Plan (CAP) for Piedmont.
The CAP 2.0 includes and expands on the measures and goals introduced in the current 2010 Climate Action Plan, defines climate change and its potential effects, outlines the actions the State and City are taking to address climate change, describes how residents, business owners, and the City can participate in greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction efforts, and presents new GHG reduction targets of 40% below 2005 levels by 2030 and 80% below 2005 levels by 2050.
During the plan’s development, the public was able to provide comment on the plan during a Community Forum held in November 7, 2017, at hearings of the Climate Action Plan Task Force, and by writing staff. Now that the final draft has been completed and the Task Force has recommended its approval, it is being made available for a 45-day public review period prior to its consideration for adoption by the City Council, which is expected to occur during their regularly scheduled hearing on March 19, 2018.
“From the preliminary analysis to the measures and concrete actions proposed, this new version of the CAP is unique to all sectors of Piedmont, and has been developed in collaboration between City Staff and residents of Piedmont, making it a true community plan,” said Tracey Woodruff, Chair of the Piedmont’s Climate Action Task Force. “In order to continue working with the same spirit of heightened community engagement to address the very real threats of climate change, it is crucial that all members of our community get involved by familiarizing themselves with the Climate Action Plan, sending their comments, and working together to keep reducing our individual and collective environmental footprint on the region and the planet.”
Please submit your comments in writing to Assistant Planner Mira Hahn at or at 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont CA 94611.
For those without a computer, a limited number of paper copies of the CAP 2.0 are available for review at the Public Works counter in City Hall, 120 Vista Avenue.
The development of Piedmont’s Climate Action Plan is funded in part by grants received by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and StopWaste.Org, as well as by CivicSpark which in turn gets funds from both the Corporation for National and Community Service, East Bay Energy Watch, and the City of Piedmont.
Contact: Mira Hahn, Assistant Planner, (510) 420-3054