Arthur Hecht Volunteer of the Year Award Nominations Invited
It’s Time to Nominate A Community Member Who Benefited Piedmont’s Youth.
Announcement from the Piedmont Unified School District:
Nominations are being accepted for the 2018 Arthur Hecht Volunteer of the Year Award. The Award was established eighteen years ago by the Piedmont Board of Education in honor of late Piedmont community member Arthur Hecht. This award is presented annually to individuals who have volunteered their efforts over a period of time and made a difference because of their involvement and commitment to Piedmont’s youth. Staff, students and community members are invited to submit a nomination.
The deadline for nominations is Monday, March 19th by 4:30 p.m.
Nomination forms can be: a) hand-delivered in a sealed envelope, marked “Hecht Award Nomination,” to the Superintendent’s Office, Piedmont Unified School District Administration Office, 760 Magnolia Avenue, Piedmont; or b) emailed to All forms must be received by the deadline of 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 19, 2018.
> 2018 Nomination Form
Past recipients have included: Hunter McCreary, Ann Chandler, Ruth Cuming, Lisa Lomenzo, Cynthia Gorman, Grier Graff, Julia Burke, Maude Pervere, Janiele Maffei Tovani, Andrea Swenson, June Monach
Several times there have been joint recipients, such as Cathie Glettner / Marion Souyoultzis, Fritz and Mary Wooster,
Elizabeth (Betsy) Gentry, Anne-Marie Lamarche / Mark Menke, Mary Ireland / Bill Drum.