Piedmont’s New Climate Action Plan: Presentation and Community Workshop November 7
City of Piedmont’s Climate Action Plan Presentation and Community Workshop – Agenda is below.
On November 7th, the City of Piedmont Planning Department and the Climate Action Plan Task Force will host a community workshop. The workshop will include a presentation of Piedmont’s draft Climate Action Plan (CAP) update, presentations on Piedmont’s carbon footprint, focus group discussions, and information on how Piedmont residents can act as agents of local climate change prevention and mitigation.
The meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, from 7:30 – 9:00 pm, at the Piedmont Community Hall, 711 Highland Avenue.
The Climate Action Plan Taskforce has met monthly since March to advise staff regarding updates and improvements to Piedmont’s CAP, which was completed in 2010 with goals through 2020. The revised and updated CAP consists of measures that Piedmont residents, business owners, the municipal government and the public and private schools can take to bring Piedmont’s greenhouse gas emissions in
line with State emissions reduction targets. The updated plan incorporates current best practices, includes a new section dedicated to climate adaptation and an increased focus on community engagement, since the majority of Piedmont’s greenhouse gas emissions are generated by residential buildings and private vehicles.Minutes and other materials for previous Climate Action Plan Taskforce meetings are posted on the City website at http://www.ci.piedmont.ca.us/committees/captf.shtml
The final draft of the Plan is expected to be provided to City Council in December of 2017 as an initial step towards the Plan’s adoption in early 2018.
“All community members are encouraged to attend Piedmont’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) Workshop. As a primarily residential community, we will only reach California greenhouse gas emission reduction targets if residents take action to reduce their transportation, home energy and other carbon emissions. Since March, a Taskforce of residents and City staff has been drafting a new CAP for Piedmont. The workshop will highlight new consumption-based measures and the potential for Piedmonters to be getting up 100% of their electricity from renewable sources through the newly-formed East Bay Community Energy. Together, we can be agents of local climate change prevention and mitigation.” Margaret Ovenden, Member of Piedmont Climate Action Plan Taskforce
Come learn about Piedmont’s new Climate Action Plan and the central role that residents must play if Piedmont is going to reach California’s greenhouse gas reduction goals.*
Speakers & Agenda:
Overview of Piedmont’s New Climate Action Plan — Taskforce Members and Staff
A Consumption-Based Model of Piedmont’s Carbon Footprint: Comparison with Other East Bay Cities — Chris Jones, Program Director, CoolClimate Network, UC Berkeley
Introducing East Bay Community Energy: Options for Up to 100% of Our Electricity to Come from Renewable Sources, Starting in 2018 — Tim Rood, Piedmont City Council
Putting the ACTION into Climate Action: Lessons from Other Communities — Sarah Moe, Senior Consultant, DNV-GL
Small Group Discussion: What are the most challenging greenhouse gas reduction measures for your family to implement? How can Piedmonters support each other as we take action together?
Hosted by: City of Piedmont Climate Action Plan Taskforce
For more info: Mira Hahn, Assistant Planner, mhahn@piedmont.ca.gov or Cody Ericksen, CivicSpark Climate Fellow, cericksen@piedmont.ca.gov or Margaret Ovenden, Task Force’s Outreach Sub-committee movenden452@gmail.com
* The large majority of emissions in Piedmont come from residences and residents’ transportation activities. Businesses, the City and the School District play a smaller role.
For more information about the CAP or to be added to the project’s email list, please contact Assistant Planner Mira Hahn at mhahn@piedmont.ca.gov or (510) 420-3054.
Cody Ericksen, CivicSpark Climate Fellow, City of Piedmont, CA (510) 420-3085 – cericksen@piedmont.ca.gov