Aug 25 2017

Special Council Meeting Monday to Consider Removal from Office of Mayor Jeff Wieler

UPDATE: The Special Council meeting of August 28, 2017  has been cancelled based on the August 27, 2017 resignation of Jeff Wieler as Mayor of Piedmont.  Wieler intends to remain on the Council as one of the 5 Piedmont City Councilmembers. Updated 8/28/2017


On Monday, August 28, 2017, at 7:00 p.m., a Special Meeting of the Piedmont City Council will be held to consider the removal of Mayor Jeffrey Wieler from the Office of Mayor by Rescinding Resolution 105-16.

Mayor Wieler has come under considerable criticism based on his interaction with the general public and Piedmont citizens at meetings and on his Facebook site.  Wieler has been apologetic for his actions and remarks.

In Piedmont, the City Council elects the Mayor and Vice Mayor from the council members.  The Council can also remove the Mayor and Vice Mayor from these positions for they serve at the pleasure of the Council. It takes three Council members to elect or remove the Mayor or Vice Mayor.

The voter enacted Piedmont City Charter states:


Following each general municipal election, the City Council shall elect from among its members officers of the City who shall have the titles of Mayor and Vice-Mayor, each of whom shall serve at the pleasure of the Council. The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the Council, shall be recognized as head of the City government for all ceremonial purposes and by the Governor for the purposes of military law, but shall have no administrative duties. The Vice-Mayor shall act as mayor during the absence or disability of the Mayor. In case of the temporary absence or disability of both the Mayor and Vice-Mayor, the Council shall select one of its members to serve as Mayor Pro Tempore. Emphasis added.

The Special Meeting is being called by at least 3 council members or by the Mayor per the City Charter, as follows:

SECTION 2.07 COUNCIL MEETINGS (A) MEETINGS. The City Council shall meet regularly at least twice in every month at such times and places as the Council may prescribe by ordinance or resolution. Special meetings may be held on the call of the Mayor or of three (3) or more members and, whenever practicable, upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours notice to each member. All meetings shall be public except as otherwise provided by law. Emphasis added.

As a Special Meeting only the item listed on the agenda can be considered during the meeting.  The agenda states:

 Consideration of the Removal of Jeffrey Wieler from the Office of Mayor by Rescinding Resolution 105-16 


Resolution 105-16 RESOLVED, that the City Council elects Jeffrey Wieler to serve as Mayor of the City of Piedmont.

Moved by King, Seconded by Rood

Ayes: Cavenaugh, King, McBain, Rood, Wieler Noes: None         Absent: None

Under the rules, should Mayor Wieler be removed, Vice Mayor Bob McBain would assume the responsibilities of the Mayor. The City Charter states:

Vice-Mayor shall act as mayor during the absence or disability of the Mayor.

If the Council decides to remove and cause Mayor Wieler to vacate his position as Mayor, there is no place on this agenda to elect another Council member to the position of Mayor.

Recently, there was a vacancy, not an absence or disability, in the Mayor position when Mayor Margaret Fujioka resigned and vacated the City Council.  The Council did not follow the City Charter to elect a replacement, thereby allowing Jeff Wieler, the Vice Mayor, to be the Acting Mayor for months. There is no position in the City Charter known as the “Acting Mayor” for a vacated position. 

The Monday, August 28, 2017, Special Meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the  City Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont.  The public can speak to the agenda item.

There is no indication from the City if the meeting will be broadcast on Channel 27 or via the City website.

For further information, contact the City Clerk at 420-3040.

4 Responses to “Special Council Meeting Monday to Consider Removal from Office of Mayor Jeff Wieler”

  1. There is no room in this City Council for tolerating such remarks as were recently made by Jeffrey Wieler. He should be removed from office immediately as such commentary is the stuff of conflict within our country today. To be represented by him is an anathema to all the citizens of this town who I personally know, and most certainly in direct opposition to our Constitution, the ideas of our Founding Fathers, and reflective of Donald Trump. If Mr. Wieler said these shocking things, he adheres to them, and we as citizens of Piedmont must remove him from office or we will be thought to believe them too.

  2. Fellow citizens, please attend the special meeting and file a public comment to before the meeting. Here’s what I just submitted: I am writing to thank the City Council for calling the 8/28 special meeting. I urge them to vote in favor of the resolution. Mayor Weiler has been unapologetic for his inappropriate behavior. He has demonstrated on repeated occasions that he is temperamentally unfit to serve on the City Council, much less as our mayor. He does not represent the values of inclusivity that we hold dear. Please remove him from office. Sincerely, Kathleen Quenneville

  3. The agenda for the meeting suggests that the resolution council will vote on will be to rescind wieler’s appointment as mayor. That could be a very simple pro forma resolution. Hopefully council members will add some “whereas”‘s that will reflect the disgust that many members of the community have expressed about the mayor’s conduct and comments. Not sure that council has the authority to remove Wieler from council, hopefully the city attorney will answer that question Monday night.

  4. Mr. Wieler’s fitness for Piedmont Mayor should be judged ONLY on his educational and work qualifications and performance in office, NOT on his perceived opinions on national and international events. This attempt to divide our town is unproductive.

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