ELECTION: Cory Smegal Seeks Seat on School Board
Cory Smegal — Candidate for Piedmont Board of Education
I am happy to announce my candidacy for the Piedmont Board of Education. Like many of you, we moved to Piedmont so our children could attend the public schools. My husband grew up here and we wanted our two children to have the same high-quality education and opportunities fostered by generations of hard-working teachers, parents and community members.
For the last 11 years, I have supported our schools as an involved parent and tireless volunteer. I served as president of the Wildwood Parent Club the year that we need to plan for the school relocation to Emeryville. The next year, I was a member of the Seismic Oversight Committee to monitor and review the seismic work for Wildwood.
I worked on the Giving Campaign Committee for six years, two as co-chair. During my tenure as co-chair, we raised over $3.4 million for our schools. As a member of the Math Task Force, I worked with administrators, teachers and other parents on recommendations for implementation of the new math curriculum. I recently finished a two year term on the PMS Site Council and currently serve as co-treasurer for the Piedmont Education Foundation.
I’ve had a breadth of volunteer opportunities that have allowed me to see how things work in the District and what areas can be improved. As a School Board member, I will focus on communication, fiscal responsibility, and decision-making transparency in our District. I have an MBA from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley and 16 years of experience as a business consultant with KPMG and a marketing executive with AT&T. My education and experience in business and volunteering for Piedmont schools allows me to ask the right questions, understand the financial issues facing the district and scrutinize the district’s economic priorities.
I support Measure H1 to invest in the physical infrastructure of our aging schools. If it is passed, I will be a leader in ensuring the district makes effective use of our tax dollars to create lasting improvements for students and teachers.
On a more personal note, my daughter is a sophomore at PHS and my son is an 8th grader at PMS. I am committed to making sure that the District provides the highest quality education not only for them, but for all of its current and future students. On November 8th, I would be honored to have your support for Piedmont Board of Education.
Cory Smegal
If you’d like to learn more about me, please visit my website,www.voteforcorysmegal.com.
If you’d like to watch the recent League of Women Voters Election Forum, you can stream it at: http://www.ci.piedmont.ca.us/video/index.shtml (Select “Other Public Meetings”)