Apr 16 2016
The entire Hampton Field project will move forward, if the Council approves Hampton Park Improvements Budget of $1,978,760.
City Administrator Paul Benoit in his April 18, 2016 staff report asks the City Council to approve a budget of $1,978,760 for Hampton Park Improvements and authorize him to sign a construction contract in the amount $1,573,435.50 with low bidder Suarez and Munoz to complete the plan for the park. (See plan of park facilities here.)
The City Council approved the Hampton Park Improvements Master Plan on June 2, 2008. The project was then sidelined due to budgetary constraints. On March 3, 2014, the Council awarded a $134,238 contract to William Harris, Harris Design for plans for phasing the project or, alternatively, completing the entire project at one time. Read the City Administrator’s Report here.
The focus has been on refurbishment of the hardscape surfaces for tennis, basketball and handball as well as drainage improvements (Phase I). Hazardous conditions on the tennis courts, significant maintenance of the play field during and following wet weather, soil wash out onto nearby roadways, and other issues have been a concern. Measure WW, East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) Local Grant Funds, in the amount $507,325 were previously approved for the project. To complete the entire project, Phase I and II, the estimated cost is $1,978,761. The City will add $1,471,435 using various pots of City money and donations.
Funding Sources for the $1,978,761 Hampton Park Project:
- EBRPD Measure WW Funds: $ 507,325
- Private Donations & Commitments $ 303,254
- City Athletic Facility Preservation Fund: $ 200,000
- Harris Engineers Settlement: $ 417,000 (undergrounding)
- City Facilities Maintenance Fund: $ 275,591
- City General Fund: $ 275,591
City Sources = $1,168,182
Private Donations & Commitments = $ 303,254
EBRPD Measure WW Funds = $ 507,325
Read the City Administrator’s April 18, 2016 Report here.
Read the City Administrator’s January 4, 2016 Report here.
Agreement with Harris Design [separate from Harris Associates] in the amount of $134,238 was previously approved and expended by the City.
Read about Piedmont’s Risk Management Policy & Procedures for Major Capital Improvement Projects
The Council meeting is open to the public and will be broadcast live via Cable Channel 27 and live streamed on the City website – “videos.” The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 120 Vista Avenue.