Nov 2 2015

School District Facilities Master Plan: Site Visits and Meetings

Announcement of site visits and meetings open to the public for School District Facilities Master Planning:

The Piedmont Unified School District is in the process of developing a Facilities Master Plan.  The facilities master planning process takes into account all of the information on the District’s facilities, the needs and desires of faculty, staff and the community and projections about future District needs and creates a comprehensive plan for each campus that addresses these issues.

We invite you to participate in our upcoming Site Planning Meetings.  Site Planning Meetings are hosted at individual school sites to facilitate discussions about the facility needs of each respective school.  Participants include educators, students, families, and community members.  The Site Planning Meetings have recently been scheduled on the following dates/times:

Piedmont High School:                 October 26th              3:45pm-5:15pm  Completed
Piedmont Middle School:              November 2nd           3:30pm-5:00pm     Completed
Millennium High School:               November 5th            3:30pm-5:00pm
Havens Elementary School:         November 12th         3:30pm-5:00pm
Wildwood Elementary School:     November 19th         3:30pm-5:00pm
Beach Elementary School:           November 30th         3:30pm-5:00pm
Piedmont High/Millennium High:  December 1st           3:30pm-5:00pm

The facilities master planning process takes into account all of the information on the District’s facilities, the needs and desires of faculty, staff and the community and projections about future District needs and creates a comprehensive plan for each campus that addresses these issues. The plan looks at issues holistically and creatively to find unique and inventive solutions that fit the specific needs of each campus and community. The final Facilities Master Plan document provides a clear narrative and graphic summary of the proposed facilities improvements for each campus and also provides the detailed information necessary to successfully plan and implement the improvements.

Our goals for the Facilities Master Plan document are as follows:
– Support the District’s Educational Specifications for expanding and enhancing 21st century learning environments.
– Create a long-term vision for the facilities of each school campus that aligns with the Educational Program.
– Provide a detailed, prioritized list of facilities needs for each site with cost information.
– Provide a clear Implementation Plan that prioritizes and identifies how the improvements could be funded and constructed.
– Provide clear documentation of the Master Plan and the process of developing it.
– Clearly document and illustrate facilities needs to support and guide a bond measure.
Additional Community Outreach
In order to provide context to the many conversations regarding the adequacy of PUSD Secondary facilities to support current and future educational programs, the District is hosting public tours of various buildings at Piedmont High School, Millennium High School, and Piedmont Middle School.  All members of the public are welcome to attend.

The PUSD Site Tours – Secondary Campuses:
(Meet at the Piedmont High School flagpole in front of campus)
Tuesday, November 3, 2015               3:30pm – 4:30pm
Wednesday, November 18, 2015       3:30pm – 4:30pm

While the community can participate in the facilities master planning process via the Site Planning Meetings, PUSD will also host two Community Outreach Meetings for to solicit additional input.  These meetings will occur on:

January 12th – 7:00pm – 8:30pm, and
January 19th  – 7:00pm – 8:30pm

A location has yet to be determined for our Community Outreach Meetings.

The final PUSD Facilities Master Plan is scheduled to be presented at the February 10, 2016 Board of Education Meeting.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either Pete Palmer, Director of Facilities at  or me at


Randall Booker

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