Mar 13 2015

Three Candidates Remain in the Running For Superintendent

School Board Member Rick Rausenbush informed PCA that the School Board is currently interviewing three candidates for School Superintendent.  The three candidates will  have met individually with the Board at evening meetings.

There was a partial notice of a Special Meeting on March 12 held over the dinner hour at 131 La Salle Avenue, a Board member’s residence. The same time and location was announced for the following evening, March 13, for interviewing “the candidate.”  On March 14 a third meeting will be held at the same time and location to interview “the candidate.”

Special Meeting Agenda <

Saturday, March 14, 2015 

5:55 p.m.- 9:01 p.m.

131 LaSalle Avenue, Piedmont

(private residence of Board member)


Special Meeting Agenda <

Sunday, March 15, 2015

9 a.m. to 12 noon

Piedmont School District Offices

760 Magnolia Avenue, Piedmont

Under California’s Brown Act, Special Meetings require only 24 hour notice of the agenda, time, and location of the meeting. The Piedmont Unified School District has typically made Special Meeting announcements 24 hours in advance of the meetings.

In general, all public entity meetings, including those of the Piedmont Unified School District Board, are to be held within the boundaries of the juridiction.  Under specific conditions, meetings may be held outside of the jurisdiction.

The Piedmont Unified School District has recently held two interviewing sessions with candidates outside of the District’s jurisdictional boundaries.  These meetings were held in Oakland and publicly noticed.

All of the interview sessions are closed to the public, however the public has a right at the beginning of each meeting, as noted on the agendas, to speak to the Superintendent recruitment.  The public’s right to speak to the Board at the meetings includes those held in private residences and those outside of the District. It is unknown at this time if any members of the public have addressed the Board at the recent meetings.

The Brown Act affords candidates the right to privacy, protecting their current and future positions.

Each recent Special Meeting agenda of the Board has included the wording “no action anticipated.” When action has been finalized by the Board in Closed Session, public reporting of the action is required by California law.

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