Mar 5 2015

School Board February 11Meeting – PHS Bathrooms, Superintendent Search and Common Core

Report of School Board Meeting of 2/11/15 by High School Student Gelly Miller:

On February 11, 2015, the Piedmont Unified School District Board of Education met to discuss the future of Piedmont schools. The Board generally meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Major issues addressed and/or discussed while I was at the meeting were the new Superintendent, refunding bonds from 2006, PHS bathrooms and the common core.

Barbara Young and Bill Levinson presented the superintendent leadership profile. Doug Ireland (Board member) responded with some issues, saying that the profile was contradicting at times.

Blake Boehm spoke about the bonds from 2006, summing his presentation up by saying “short term pain made for long term gain.”

Students Ami Felson and Frances Putnam spoke about the issues in Piedmont High School (PHS) bathrooms, mainly the locks on individual stalls, bad soap and often no paper towels.

Randall Booker, Assistant Superintendent explained the many common core pathways toward Calculus AB and BC.

The issue that I am the most familiar with out of all that were discussed is the PHS bathrooms. I agree with both Ami and Frances that the bathrooms are not up to par. What is most frustrating is that the school just spent money adding new water bottle “fillers” onto existing water fountains when the money could’ve been used to get working locks on the bathroom stalls.

My interviewee, Barbara Young, attended the Board meeting to present the superintendent leadership profile with Bill Levinson. They were there to get edits for the profile and to eventually find our new superintendent. Their next step is to do preliminary interviews to weed out the superintendent candidates that do not fit the approved leadership profile.

Gelly Miller, Piedmont High School Student

Editors’ Note: The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Piedmont Civic Association.

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