May 19 2014

OPINION: Measure H is Critically Important

The following opinion was sent to PCA:

Dear Editor:

Measure H is a critically important local measure to repair and renovate our 40 year old Piedmont High School theater.

I am deeply dismayed by the recent advertisements and flyers from certain opponents of Measure H. While people may have differing opinions regarding the measure, deliberate dissemination of false information is unacceptable.

School Board Vice President Andrea Swenson is being quoted in the opponent’s political campaign communications and made to appear an opponent of the measure. She is not. She has asked for her quote and name to be removed from the opposition material.  As of May 15th, this has not been done.

Whenever any one has asked to use my name for any reason, they have asked my permission. Any citizen of Piedmont would expect the same.

As a former elected official and long-standing member of our community, I find it sad that the opposition is playing politics to defeat Measure H. We don’t need mean spirited campaigns in Piedmont.

As a community, we deserve better.


Sue Smegal, Former School Board Member and Middle School Teacher

Editors’ Note:  The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Piedmont Civic Association.  The Piedmont Civic Association does not support or oppose ballot measures or candidates for public office.  Comments are welcomed below. 

One Response to “OPINION: Measure H is Critically Important”

  1. 1- As a public official, Vice President Swenson can be quoted without her permission.
    2- Are we making Vice President Swenson appear to be an opponent to the Measure? Please judge for yourself by taking a look at our web site page: The postcard being distributed by our volunteers reflects the content of that page. We never claimed she was opposing the Measure.

    Bernard Pech

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