Teddy King, Tim Rood, and Jeff Wieler have been elected to the Piedmont City Council; Doug Ireland and Amal Smith have been elected to the Board of Education; and Measure A received the required number of votes for approval.
On Tuesday, February, 18, at 6:30 p.m. in the Piedmont Community Hall, 711 Highland Avenue, the newly elected members of the City Council will be sworn into office. The meeting agenda includes the certification of the final election results and an opportunity to acknowledge the outgoing members of the council, John Chiang and Garrett Keating.
Following the seating of the new council, the election of a new mayor and vice mayor will be determined by council vote. The positions have had two year terms.
“SECTION 2.08 MAYOR [City Charter]
Following each general municipal election, the City Council shall elect from among its member officers of the City who shall have the titles of mayor and vice-mayor, each of whom shall serve at the pleasure of the Council. The mayor shall preside at meetings of the Council, shall be recognized as head of the City government for all ceremonial purposes and by the Governor for the purposes of military law, but shall have no administrative duties. The vice-mayor shall act as mayor during the absence or disability of the mayor. In case of the temporary absence or disability of both the mayor and vice-mayor, the Council shall select one of its members to serve as mayor pro tempore.”
More than one third (3,030) of Piedmonts’ 8,268 registered voters cast ballots in the February 4 election. The election results are noteworthy for selective voting in the category of City Council. Although voters were given the opportunity to cast a vote three times (for a total of 9,090 votes) in the uncontested council race, most chose only one or two of the three candidates, amounting to 3,356 undervotes. The contested school board ballot had 1,088 undervotes.
Measure A, the bond measure to pay down the CalPERS side fund with a lower interest rate, passed readily with approximately 83% approval. Two hundred forty voters omitted the measure voting neither yes or no. Tax measure approval is based on the number of voters voting on each specific measure rather than the number of voters submitting a ballot.
View the election results in detail.
Board of Education members will be separately sworn in on at a future date and a different location.