Nov 10 2013

Bike and Pedestrian Plan on November 12 Planning Commission Agenda

On Tuesday, November 12, the Planning Commission will hold a hearing on conditions for pedestrians and cyclists in Piedmont. Citizens are encouraged to attend and express their needs and concerns about walking and biking in our City. The meeting starts at 5 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers (120 Vista Avenue).

Piedmont’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (PBMP) consultant, Niko Letunic, has prepared a draft “existing conditions” paper, identifying and assessing most of Piedmont walking, public transit and bicycle routes.  The Piedmont Planning Commission will review the consultant’s work, provide direction and take additional input from the public.   Existing Conditions Draft Paper. Existing Conditions Draft Map.


The City’s consultant for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (PBMB) will provide a summary of the needs assessment comments from the October 30, 2013 Community Workshop, a summary of the results to date of the on-line survey, and a report on the walk/bike audits at Piedmont schools as part of the Safe Routes to School component of the plan.  Additional comments from the public are welcome.

Take Piedmont’s online pedestrians and bicycles survey here for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate at Mulberry’s Market. 

The next phase of the PBMP will be the assessment of Piedmont’s walking and biking needs, challenges and opportunities.

The full November 12 Planning Commission agenda can be viewed here.

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