May 9 2013

School District announces new Principal – 

On Wednesday, May 9, 2013, the Piedmont Unified School District Board of Education unanimously approved the appointment of Mr. Ryan Fletcher as the new Principal for Piedmont Middle School, effective July 1, 2013.

The selection process included input from the Piedmont Middle School staff and parent and community members, a large interview of representative stakeholders, and additional interviews and reference checks with Cabinet, the Superintendent, Ms. Constance Hubbard, and the PUSD Board of Education.

Mr. Fletcher’s professional experiences as a middle school teacher, instructional supervisor, and assistant principal embody the necessary qualities of a principal in Piedmont schools.

In the area of academic preparation, Mr. Fletcher holds a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and a Professional Administrative Services Credential. Additionally, Mr. Fletcher is a graduate of the University of Vermont, with a B.S. in Elementary Education.  He also holds an M.S. in Education, from Santa Clara University.

Mr. Fletcher’s professional background includes 4 years as an Assistant Principal at J.L. Stanford Middle School and 2 years as the summer school principal at both Palo Alto High and Henry M. Gunn High School in the Palo Alto Unified School District. He also served as a classroom teacher for 7 years, teaching math and science at the middle school level and grades 3, 4, and 5 at the elementary level.

While his position officially begins on July 1st, this early appointment will allow for a smooth transitional period with students, staff, and parents.

PUSD is delighted to welcome Mr. Ryan Fletcher to our community of learners.

Piedmont Middle School

The Piedmont Middle School community is located in Piedmont, a city of about 10,000 residents nestled in the hills above the San Francisco Bay Area. With approximately 590 students and 42 teachers, PMS has a high academic performance record. The outstanding staff provides a remarkable education and learning environment for all students.  The 2012 API was 966, meeting all of its growth targets and APR criteria.

The residents of Piedmont demonstrate a strong sense of community and are committed to maintaining and enhancing educational programs, services and school facilities. Parent participation in school activities is extensive; parents and community members have developed a variety of support organizations that work collaboratively with staff to support the needs of the school system.

Piedmont Unified School District

May 9 2013

Use of the Piedmont Pool by the Piedmont Unified School District students for physical education and sports activities has been allowed since the pool was built.  This past week, due to pool conflicts, the following announcement was sent to all Piedmont Middle School seventh graders and parents:

I’m sorry to inform you that our swimming unit planned for next week has been canceled.  After a month of careful planning, I was notified today that the Piedmont Community Pool is unable to accommodate our physical education program this year.  Please come to the locker room for our normal PE classes.

Mr. Lane, PE Instructor

The Recreation Department was unable to accommodate the seventh grade PMS PE (Physical Education) Swimming Unit this year.  Pool costs are carefully monitored as the City attempts to reduce the burden of taking over the pool management from the Piedmont Swim Club, that had assumed all expenses of running and maintaining the pool. A concern expressed after the management change was that the School District might not be able to continue the long standing practice of periodic pool usage for District athletics and PE.

City Recreation Director Mark Delventhal offered an apology to the Middle School for informing the PE department at the last minute that they could not use the pool.  He noted, “A PE swim unit in March [rather than May] is much more realistic for us.” He said “a much more robust swim program (masters/swim aerobics/tiny tot lessons) [had] use of the pool from essentially 8am to 3pm for a full week.”

 Delventhal wrote to the Middle School, “No two organizations have had a better, more cooperative and supportive relationship over the years than has PRD [Piedmont Recreation Department] and PMS [Piedmont Middle School].  Please be assured we have no intention of allowing that to change.   Period.”

For decades Piedmont Middle School has been the beneficiary of the Piedmont Recreation Department’s provision of after school sports programs.  The School District has saved significant costs through this arrangement, yet the programs offered by the Recreation Department charge student athletes to participate.  This is an atypical arrangement for a school district, but has allowed the programs to continue at no cost to the School District.

May 6 2013

The Piedmont School Board will meet on Wednesday, May 8, starting at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.

A number of  important issues are on the agenda: consideration of repaying the District’s Bond Anticipation Notes and the District modernization programs, new world language text books, teacher contract negotiations, and awards.

For more information click on the following:

Staff reports for the meeting.


May 6 2013

Funding limits and recommendation to City Council.

The Council looks to the Budget Advisory and Financial Planning Committee and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Review Committee to advise them on financial issues and capital expenditure related to the proposed License Plate Readers.  The unique joint meeting of the two committees will take place in the Council Chambers starting at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 9. The public can participate in addressing the issues at the meeting.  Broadcasting of the meeting has not been announced.


1. Presentation on License Plate Reader proposal from Police Chief Rikki Goede
2. Joint discussion of License Plate Reader proposal by the Committees
3. Consideration of recommendation to City Council on License Plate Reader proposal by CIP Review Committee
4. Consideration of recommendation to City Council on License Plate Reader proposal by Budget Advisory and Financial Planning Committee

Budget Advisory and Financial Planning Committee Members:

Mary Geong, Steven Hollis, Bill Hosler, Tom Lehrkind, Tim Rood

Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Review Committee Members:

John Cooper, Ryan Gilbert, Nancy Lehrkind, Jeffrey St. Claire


Previous Comments on License Plate Readers have varied from support for the original Proposed installation at all City entrances:

 I am very much in favor of this idea. It is about time we start doing something to control the increasing crime rate and robberies in our community. How many home invasions should be tolerate before taking the next step! It is an appropriate response to an unfortunate situation.  Streets are public places and there should be no expectation to privacy when entering or exiting the City boundaries.

Ken Lewis

Some comments questioned / wondered how License Plate Reader Systems will reduce crime:

I want to know how license plate readers would solve the problem …

Kathleen Quenneville


Having moved to Oakland I have become acutely aware of the crime situation. Homeowner’s Associations are hiring private patrols, setting up cameras etc.

One issue you should look into regarding the installation of license plate reading cameras is the question of how many crimes involve an automobile that has either:
1. no plates (removed or covered or coated so that they cannot be read by a camera)
2. stolen plates
3. the automobile was stolen immediately before the crime for that purpose.

So plate readers may help, but are certainly NO PANACEA!
The rate of unuseful plate #’s in Oakland is high. And I have discovered that many of my well-educated neighbors here in Oakland aren’t even aware that Piedmont is a separate city, so how many criminals know that??

Susan R. Schroeder

Others questioned cost and methodology and ask for statistics:

There are three separate ideas here:

1) Camera
2) License plate recognition
3) Checking plates to a database

Can we do this one step at a time?  Item 1: Costs less than $1,000 for each self-contained multi-camera station sold at Costco.  Items 2 and 3 can be done manually after crimes are committed. This is similar to what they do when for photo-enforcement of traffic light violations, where a person’s image is manually matched to a license plate.

Garret Keating posted:
“Cameras that store data can provide video for post-crime analysis – that may require additional investigative resources … the Juvenile/School Resource Officer may be able to take on this responsibility. There were zero investigations in the minor offender program last year.”

As the “Pincher House” said on another post, cameras can be a “deterrent pre-crime and a potential aid post crime … [but] They will not PROTECT people. … No tech is flawless. No response time is guaranteed. No camera will be a silver bullet to our problem.”

Particularly if there are statistics that back up the effectiveness of automated license plate readers, they can be a good idea and I would be for it, but not if their elevated cost results in the whole camera project being scrapped.

We simply need cameras (currently we have nothing) so all suspects entering and leaving Piedmont either on foot or on the road can leave a visual footprint. Once one person is prosecuted using the technology, word will spread.

John Roberts

There was discussion of single source bidding of the project:

I want to know … why a single source contract is considered the best alternative. The reason competitive bidding is generally required for governments is to make sure need analysis is done by the public entity and there is competition in pricing.

Kathleen Quenneville

What is the City’s current Request for Proposal Policy? The last Council meeting brought forth a million dollar project – Automatic License Plate Readers – that had no RFP. The single vendor contacted conducted the assessment of what is needed and then produced a preliminary bid.

Rick Schiller

As I understand it, the single source contract is due to the fact that 3M is the ONLY company providing access to a server that contains the “NICRICS” data.The chief indicated that this was the most comprehensive data set for stolen/felony license plates used to check vehicles against. Such data is public domain and it may just be a matter of time before other companies upload data or develop software to provide access to this data. That said, competitive bidding is essential. I think in this case, we would be comparing the 3M system to another system of different capability.

Garret Keating

May 6 2013

Learn How the Money Comes and Goes-

The five-member Budget Advisory and Financial Planning Committee (BAFPC) will hold its third meeting on Wednesday, May 8, at 7:00 p.m. in the Police Department Emergency Operations Center to continue their analysis of City revenues, expenditures and five-year financial planning.

May 8, BAFPC meeting:

1. Presentations on refinancing the Side Fund
2. Update on the Sewer Fund

The BAFPC will then meet jointly with the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Committee on Thursday, May 9 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall to discuss the proposed installation of License Plate Readers at City access points.

On Saturday, May 11, at 9:00 a.m. the City Council will hold its annual budget work session in the Police Department Emergency Operations Center.

All of the meetings are open to the public. However, meetings held in the Police Emergency Room historically have not been broadcast on KCOM or recorded. Those interested may attend and participate.

May 6 2013

Piedmont Joins in East Bay Bicycle Coalition Bike to Work Day 

Mayor John Chiang has issued a proclamation declaring May 9, 2013  Bike to Work Day in Piedmont.  He invites Piedmonters to join him as he leads a pedal pool from Piedmont City Hall to downtown Oakland.  (see schedule below)

Morning and afternoon energizer stations will be set up to offer free coffee, snacks and other goodies. Cyclists also will be treated to special parties, discounts, free bike repairs and other happenings in neighborhoods across the Bay Area.  Piedmont bicyclists can meet and receive encouragement at the “Energizer Station” at Ace Hardware, 1221 Grand Avenue, where bikers will be offered refreshments and “goodie bags” by Scott Donahue and the Connect Green Transportation Group.

Between 6:00 am and 11:00 am bicyclists will ride free on the ferry from Jack London Square, Broadway and Embarcadero.

Piedmont recreational and commuter bicyclists have  options for riding with City elected officials:

7:30 a.m. Mayor John Chiang will leave from City Hall (120 Vista) heading to the Energizer Station at Ace Hardware (1221 Grand)

7:45 a.m. Mayor Chiang, Tim Rood, and others from Piedmont Connect’s Green Transportation group will leave  Ace Hardware, heading to the Grand Lake Theater (3200 Grand), where they will join a “pedal pool” of Oakland elected officials and other bikers.

7:55 a.m. Pedal pool leaves Grand Lake Theater, heading to Frank Ogawa Plaza in downtown Oakland.

8:15 a.m. Arrive at Ogawa Plaza to fanfare, pancakes!

7: 00 a.m.  Councilmember Garrett Keating will depart from the corner of Highland Avenue and Moraga Avenue, riding east to meet the Montclair pedal group at Wheels of Justice Cyclery, 2042 Mountain Blvd.  The Montclair group will bike down Park Boulevard, Lakeshore Avenue and meet at Grand Lake Theater.  Park Boulevard, which borders several blocks of Piedmont, is a designated Oakland bike route and is proposed as an element of Piedmont’s bicycle/pedestrian master plan, as is Moraga Avenue, a busy street through Piedmont.   Questions about the Montclair route can be addressed to (510-566-1481) or .

5:00 – 8:30 p.m. Old Oakland, 9th and Broadway, DJ Olga T spinning tunes, Dance Party with Planet Booty, raise a glass to your fellow bicyclists and games: Berlin Style Ping-Pong; Four Square; Pinball Parlour; bike games Slow Roll and Bike Sumo

The first celebration of Bike to Work Day was organized by the East Bay Bicycle Coalition at Oakland City Hall in 1994. This year many East Bay schools are participating in Bike to School Day.The San Francisco, East Bay and Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalitions encourage commuters to leave their cars at home and join tens of thousands of their fellow Bay Area residents in biking to work.


May 5 2013

Three topical issues will be taken up by the City Council on Monday, May 6, 2013: proposed installation of License Plate Readers (LPR) at 15 Piedmont access points; a public hearing on the use of the east wing of the city-owned building at 801 Magnolia Ave.; and an initial presentation of the City budget for fiscal year 2013-14.  The public meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at Piedmont City Hall.  The meeting will be televised and made available through the internet.

License Plate Readers

Police Chief Ricki Goode is recommending that License Plate Readers be installed by 3M Company at 15 intersections around the City for a cost of $673,274. Acknowledging that “cost may still be a prohibitive factor,” Chief Goode ranked the 15 intersections (without naming them) in order of her priority, and has asked the Council for direction on future steps to take.

It is unlikely the Council will take any action Monday night, as a joint meeting of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Review Committee and the Budget Advisory and Financial Planning Committee has been set for Thursday, May 9, in the Council Chambers to consider potential funding of the License Plate Readers. The committees will make a recommendation to the City Council.

Staff report and letters to the Council.

801 Magnolia Avenue – East Wing – Former Sunday School Section – Public Hearing

A lengthy staff report explains the tug of war that has emerged over use of the currently empty wing of 801 Magnolia Avenue, adjacent to the popular Piedmont Center for the Arts.   In January, Recreation Director Mark Delventhal proposed creating a child-care center for youngsters in the space.  After Piedmont senior citizens spoke up regarding the lack of meeting and social activity space for their age group, Delventhal modified his plan to the extent that his current staff report states that proposed design improvements will allow the room “to be as flexible as possible. Child care today, a community meeting tonight, adult exercise, reading room, seniors area, or whatever in the future.”

At the same time, the Arts Center has come forth with its own proposal for the space, including paying in full for all renovation, operation costs and insurance.  Other plans for the room have also been submitted.

If licensing and other requirements are met, home child care is legal in Piedmont.

Staff Proposal

Piedmont Center for the Arts Proposal

Makers Proposal

Salzer Proposal

Residents Comments

The final agenda item, the Fy 2013-14 Piedmont Budget, will be presented at the meeting, and an online link to the document will be activated after the meeting.  There is no information available on the budget at this point.
