Oct 14 2012
Many Contribute Time, Effort, and Expertise –
Many Piedmont residents are dedicated volunteers who contribute their time and talents to help make our community a better place to live. Attention has recently focused on Michael Rancer, Chair of the 2011 Municipal Tax Review Committee (MTRC), who for the past two years, has applied his expertise and knowledge of budgets and public financing to help shine a bright light on Piedmont’s financial issues.
In 2011, Rancer was selected by the City Council to serve on the MTRC, and was then elected Chair of the Committee by his fellow Committee members. The 9-member Committee met for months in Spring 2011 and, under Rancer’s leadership, produced an extensive analysis of the City’s budget and financial projections. The report was praised unanimously by the City Council.
In the March 2012 local election, Rancer publicly supported Measure A, the sewer service surcharge, and signed the “pro” argument in the Voters Handbook.
Rancer’s education and professional background make him well qualified to assess Piedmont’s financial and budget issues. Consider his resume:

At the Piedmont League of Women Voters Forum on Thursday, Oct.11, Rancer represented the “No on Measure Y” portion of the presentations. During his presentation, he commented that he thought the personal attacks against opponents of Measure Y should cease. Rancer had good reason for his comment, since he is the subject of a verbal attack by Councilman Jeff Weiler posted on Weiler’s Facebook page. Letter to City Council requesting an apology from Council Member Wieler; Letter to Council Member Wieler.
As Chair of the MTRC, Rancer carefully considered various aspects of Piedmont financial matters. Despite originally supporting the proposed Piedmont parcel tax renewal (Measure Y), he reversed his position when, in his opinion, City actions recommended by the MTRC were not taken.
Piedmont is fortunate to have generous citizens, such as Michael Rancer, who donate long hours to serve on City commissions, special committees, the School Board, City Council and numerous other public service positions. PCA applauds all Piedmonters who contribute their time and talents to making our community a better place to live and believe that, regardless of their personal viewpoints, these dedicated individuals deserve our recognition and respect.