School Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Today
The Piedmont School District’s Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC), led by Chair Ken Jensen, will finalize its comparative charts and recommendation on the school parcel tax levy for FY 2012-13 at its meeting on Friday, February 10 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. See CAC Agenda 2-10-12.
An initial CAC presentation was made to the School Board on February 8, in time for the data and recommendation to inform the School Board in its direction to staff on March financial reports. A final report will be presented on at the March 14 School Board meeting. The Citizens’ Advisory Committee was established as part of Measure B, the school parcel tax, to provide advice and recommendations to the School Board.
Just a quick correction: Ken Jensen is the present chair. I stepped aside when I announced I was running for School Board. But I’ll be there!
Jon Elliott