Jan 16 2012

Not too late to register to vote in the Piedmont Election on Tuesday, Feb. 7

If you registered to vote by Jan. 23, 2012, you can vote in the February 7 election for Piedmont City Council Members, Board of Education Members, and Measure A – Municipal Sewer Surtax.

If you have recently moved or have not registered to vote, applications must be received at Registrar’s office by 5 pm, Jan. 23 to be eligible to vote in Piedmont’s General Election on Tuesday, February 7.

Voter registration forms are available at Piedmont City Hall, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, the Department of Motor Vehicles, public libraries and U.S. Post Offices. Forms are also available at the Registrar of Voters Office in the Alameda County Courthouse at 1225 Fallon Street, Room G-1, Oakland. You may also call the Registrar of Voters at 510-267-8683 or the Secretary of State at 1-800-345-VOTE and a registration form will be mailed to you.

Voters not registered by January 6 may not receive the Sample Ballot with information about candidates and measures before the election. In addition, their names will not be on the roster at the polls. However, voters who register after January 6 will receive a postcard letting them know the location of their polling place and that they may vote by provisional ballot at the polls. Any questions, call the registrar of voters at (510) 272-6973.

To see if you are already registered to vote, go to http://www.acgov.org/rov/voter_reg_lookup.htm.  The last day to apply for a vote by mail ballot is January 31.  PLEASE NOTE: The location of your polling place may have changed. Beach Elementary School is NOT a polling place this election. Please be sure to read your registration card for your assigned polling place location.

One Response to “Not too late to register to vote in the Piedmont Election on Tuesday, Feb. 7”

  1. Unfortunately, the deadline information on this website is incorrect. I went to turn in my registration form and was told the deadline was January 23rd. Which is consistent with the information from http://www.acgov.org/rov/registration.htm which states that the deadline is 15 days before the election. For our specific circumstance (registered to vote in Oakland, moved to Piedmont Aug 2011), the clerk at the registrars of Voters informed me we still will be able to vote provisionally as the provisional envelope will re-register us and qualify for us to be able to vote. You may want to update your website since the deadline is incorrect.

    Marisa Strong

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