Jan 13 2012

Chatting With Candidates: Events

Upcoming Events with City Council Candidates –

  • January 18 – City Council Candidate Tim Rood:  Meet the Candidate event, Wednesday, Jan. 18th,  7 p.m. to 8:30 pm at a Central Piedmont home. Email contact@timrood2012.com for an invitation.

Upcoming Events with School Board Candidates –

  • January 13 – School Board Candidate Sarah Pearson Coffee at Mulberry’s at 8:15 a.m. for further discussion of issues raised at Candidate’s Forum
  • January 13 – School Board Candidate Jon Elliott:    In front of City Hall at 120 Vista Avenue, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. will be meeting with people to discuss Piedmont School Board issues.
  • January 14 – School Board Candidate Rick Raushenbush:   At Beach Playfield (on Linda between Grand and Lake Aves) on Saturday, January 14  from 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.  meeting to talk with people interested in school issues. In the event of rain, the venue will be moved to 650 Blair Ave.
  • January 14 – School Board Candidate Jon Elliott:   At Piedmont High School next to the Alan Harvey Theater will be answering questions on school issues. 


LINK:  Candidates Discussion of Issues Facing Piedmont

Editors’ Note: Candidates running  for Piedmont elected offices may submit future events to editors@piedmontcivic.org.

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