Jan 3 2012

Chatting with Candidates: Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events with City Council and School Board Candidates –

City Council Candidate Tim Rood

  • January 8:  Kick-off of “Twenty for Tim” grassroots telephone campaign at  wine-and-cheese event, 2 p.m.,  Sunday, January 8.  Open to all residents. Rood will discuss his vision for a financially and environmentally sustainable Piedmont. Twenty for Tim participants will commit to making 20 phone calls to prospective voters on behalf of Rood’s candidacy. To attend, email  Diane Allen at dallen723@gmail.com. 

School Board Candidate Andrea Swenson

  • January 7:  Campaign  Kick-Off Saturday, January 7, from 10 – 10:30 a.m. in Piedmont Park
  • January 10:  Campaign Discussions: Tuesday, January 10:   7:00 pm at Wildwood School;  7:45 pm at Ellen Driscoll Theater; and  8:30 pm at 310 LaSalle Avenue.
  • January 12:  Ongoing Discussion at Fenton’s Ice Creamery, Piedmont Ave., following League of Women Voters Candidates Night, on Thursday, January 12.

All City Council and School Board Candidates

  •  January 12:  Candidates Forum at City Hall on Thursday, January 12 at 7 p.m.


Editors’ Note: Candidates running  for Piedmont elected offices may submit future events to editors@piedmontcivic.org. 

  LINK:  Go to  Election News to see Candidate Announcements



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