The City of Piedmont has released new information on Moraga/Blair Project cost estimates. The detailed estimated costs were provided by the proponents, Piedmont Recreational Facilities Organization (PRFO).
The City of Piedmont has released new information on Moraga/Blair Project cost estimates. The detailed estimated costs were provided by the proponents, Piedmont Recreational Facilities Organization (PRFO).
The following letter was submitted to the City Council by a Piedmont resident –
I. The Federal Highway Administration’s Roundabout: An Information Guide FHWA-RD-00-067 (FHA) states at page 179: “Mini-roundabouts are not traffic calming devices but rather are a form of roundabout intersection.” The EIR states the Moraga Avenue 85th percentile speed is 35 mph, the 2011 City survey found 38 mph on Moraga Avenue at Red Rock. > Click to read more…